Editors note: This article originally appeared as part of a radio show commentary that was broadcast on Thanksgiving Day of this year. (2015) Host and founder of The Liberty Beacon, Roger Landry, and Global Anti-GeoEngineering Activist Michael J. Murphy discussed a call to action to end GeoEngineering. TBL staff found Mr. Landry’s comments most engaging and worthy of a ‘stand alone’ post. ~ TBL Staff
Commentary by: Roger Landry (TLB)
This generation stands on the precipice of becoming the most failing gatekeepers for following generations, in all of human history … if we choose not to act, and quickly! ~ Roger Landry (TLB)
Geo-engineering or weather modification is not a myth, a lie or a conspiracy theory. It is in fact a painful and deadly reality. One need only look up on any given day to see large jets crisscrossing the sky from horizon to horizon, leaving chemical or particulate swaths across the brilliant blue heavens, that quickly transform to a putrid gray blanket, as the trails spread out and merge.
This phenomenon can be observed in just about any area of the globe we wish to look today … and there are consequences, serious, dangerous and deadly consequences!
Aluminum, Barium and other heavy metals (in lesser amounts) continue to rain down from our skies almost daily poisoning our soil and the food we eat.
The drought conditions in California (man made) continue to worsen at an almost exponential rate even though absolute proof can be afforded as to its causation.
All of this can be tied directly back to one catalyst … Geo-engineering or Weather Modification.
What are the visible results of the increasing levels of metals (emphasis on aluminum) saturating our air and soil … Increased incidences of Dementia, Alzheimer, Autism and other cognitive dysfunctions. Plants growing in a stunted and sickly fashion, or dying off. And this is only the fallout from one of many dangerous components we are exposed to on an ever increasing scale!
None of this is tin foil hat territory, and all that has just been said in what you have heard and seen above, is backed by solid and proven scientific data … Yet our health and the biosphere we depend on for our very survival is still being attacked and in many cases the attack escalates. WHY ???
The recorded discussion and great videos you where presented with above contain a virtual cornucopia of pertinent information and display the absolute need for a rising tide of citizens concerned for their health, the health of their children and the future health of this planet.
But again what is most apparent in all these presentations is the vital need for not only awakening and public outcry … but also for “action now” associated with this vital topic! That being said one must ask “What can be done”? And the answer is … We The People are finding and gathering our voice, and we shall need it to force the required action … action brought forth in this TLB Special !!!
It is well past time to speak up and act … Or leave a dying planet and humanity for our children to suffer.
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