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Today, Friday, 02/05/2016 @ 7PM ET – Zika Virus Lies & Propaganda, Dementia & Vaccines, Rand Paul, Chemtrails & More!
By TLB Staff & Talk Show Host: Curt Linderman Sr.
This week on Linderman Unleashed I will again be discussing the Zika virus lies that are being perpetuated on North and South America. What is going on? Why is this such a big deal and why in the world is Zika virus being blamed for these birth defects? What are they covering up and what are they planning? I’ll answer some of these questions outright and some I will be speculating on.
I’ll also be discussing Alzheimer’s disease and dementia and what could be causing it using a world map of the frequency of these diseases being diagnosed by country.
Did Rand really give up that easy? I can’t believe it but I’ll discuss the very reason why he has and is failing in his campaign for president. If he listens to me, he could get this campaign back on track.
Chemtrails and a recent study are in the news and perhaps the tides are changing in our direction. Are some of the lower end facilitators in this lie finally starting to realize that they’re killing themselves and their families as well? Perhaps the self-preservation gene will kick in just in time.
I’ll also have our prepper/survival segment at the end of today’s show so tune in Friday evenings at 7PM EST for hard hitting news, facts and a reality check!
You can check out links to everything I discuss on the program by visiting lindermanunleashed.com and don’t forget to like our FB page! And Please … tell your friends and family to tune in as well!
Linderman Unleashed is on every Friday night at 7 PM EST (you will receive a “No Results Found” message if you click on the show link prior to air time) at the Liberty Beacon Radio Network and can be heard in full anytime after show publish time (pre-recorded).
Click on the TLB Logo to hear the show
Visit Curt’s Host Page on TLB’s Radio media website: The Liberty Beacon Town Crier for his current or archived shows.
TLB recommends you visit Curt’s website, Linderman Unleashed for more great/pertinent information, links to everything discussed on the programs and other articles and information of value
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