Activists-You Have the Power… The Rothschilds, Soros & Minions like Obama & Hillary HATE IT!
by Ralph Ely | TLB Editor-at-large
You have more power available at your finger tips than you realize.
It does not matter if you are an “activist”… “a news junkie”… or “a concerned citizen of the world”… YOU have the Power to make change for the Betterment of Humanity.
The One World Elites know this and they Hate and Fear It!
It is my intention in this article to underscore how others are using this power and make this power available to you. You are “awake” to reality or you would not be reading these words. Now it is time to take the next step and “wake up” those around you.
Here is an example (one of many in this case) of a Grandmother, turned Activist, and how she uses this Power…
Pam Jones is pictured here with her grandchildren in a featured image that was used to headline a TLB article.
The video you just watched was produced by Pam Jones who is no stranger to the world of activism. Before you say I don’t know anything about making videos… read on. Pam started out taking “baby steps” by just reading and commenting on social media. She then developed her own page and went on to putting up her own web site, Pam Jones for Liberty. As to her Video Skills… self-taught… as was much of her page and site development. As Pam puts it, “If this old Grandma can do it… anyone can!”
Allow me another example of someone that woke up one morning and said, “Things are not right!”… figured out what was happening and decided to do something about it. Enter Suzanne Maher.
I cannot let this young man go unmentioned, as he discovered “the power” of what one person can do to wake up the masses, and that would be Matt Landman.
TLB contributing Author Cathy Geibel and a good friend of Matt’s said this about him in a published article:
“Matt is a Washington DC native and University graduate, who not only holds an MBA but was firmly entrenched in the financial world when he decided to take a break and become a filmmaker. It was while pursuing this goal he worked on an organic farm in Humboldt County, California and close to nature.
This is when Matt noticed that anticipated weather patterns did not appear, rain fronts vanished in seeming correlation to the persistent white lines in the sky. Matt, like many of us, stumbled upon Geoengineering of the Weather while working on a farm in the Pacific Northwest. Observation led to research which led to awakening which led to devoted activism.
The more he became aware of what was happening in the skies and the toxins falling to earth, the GMO foods and their link to glyphosate and pesticides and the poisons contained in vaccines the more passionate he has become to put a stop to them. Matt’s passion and energy knows no bounds and he is known to “walk the streets” talking to people and handing out flyers to each “jam session” he hosts.”
Matt developed the FB group Actual Activists and his blog Actual Matt’s Documentary FrankenSkies can be viewed by Clicking Here.
Matt was recently on TLBTV where he displayed his passion for waking up the masses and facing head-on the forces of evil that would enslave Humanity. Matt is another dynamo that gets things done, funding available or not. Matt has his own show coming to TLBTV soon. GO MATT. His kind of activism is what the Elite HATE and FEAR.
Look, I could go on and on with names (which would include TLB Founder Roger Landry) of people that got up one day and said ……
Everyone on Facebook, the Web and the other communication platforms Have This POWER available to use.
Don’t just read an article and “like” it… Share it to Friends and Groups you belong to. It is like pushing over the first “domino” … there is no going back until the last one falls.
If you read/see a video on a Web site, go to that FB Home page and share it to your timeline, and then share it out far and wide. (Or share it from the particular page where it appears.)
My bottom line is this. Be it just sharing… Developing your own page… or building a Web site… You have The Power to make and break the likes of The Rothschilds, George Soros , Obama, Clinton, Big Pharma, Monsanto and the other Demonic forces that drive them to bring about our destruction… And Ultimately their Own.
Why are you setting there?.. Go Share This Article! (RE)
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