Forget Fukushima and the ecological and climatic damage caused by the Gulf Oil Explosion. These events are child’s play compared to what is coming from Yellowstone super volcano. The problem is that it is impossible to predict when the massive explosion will occur. This event will end life as we know it, but will it happen next week or in 10,000 years? Nobody knows, and for certain, nobody can do anything about it.
I have been ignoring the hysteria and hype surrounding the claims that Yellowstone is a massive super volcano ready to blow its enormous top. Sensationalist journalists have been claiming for years that if there is a volcanic explosion at Yellowstone, it could constitute an extinction level event (ELE). Yeah right! At least, that is what I believed until several months ago
Scientific Justification of the Yellowstone Threat
For years, I have followed the work of New York University theoretical physics professor, Michio Kaku, and his Superstring Theory related to the fact that we live in a multi-dimensional Universe. Since the passing of Carl Sagan, Dr. Kaku is wearing the hat of America’s most prominent scientist.It is safe to say that when Kaku speaks, scientists listen. And lately, he has been speaking about the threat that is the Yellowstone super volcano.
Much to my chagrin, Kaku is on the record of having stated that the super volcano event at Yellowstone would be an extinction level event (ELE).
In the following video, Kaku states that the volcano could erupt at anytime and the earth would no longer support life. Kaku went on to say that the United States would be covered in several feet of volcanic ash. The aerial debris would block out the sun, thus creating nuclear winter and all plant life would die. When all plant life dies, all mammals will soon die as well, mostly from starvation.
Yellowstone erupts every 600,000 years and we are 40,000 years overdue. Kaku goes on to say that the Yellowstone explosion will undoubtedly be an ELE and it is not a matter of if, but a matter of when. In the accompanying video, Kaku speaks to the fact that the ground at Yellowstone has risen dramatically in the past few years, thus increasing the danger of a massive explosion.
Others Are Beginning to Notice
My friend, Roger Landry, from The Liberty Beacon project, forwarded some very disturbing images that he obtained from the Turner Radio Network. As I discovered, the images are publicly available, and what they demonstrate are very concerning. These images clearly show that Dr. Kaku might want to take a more recent and closer look at the most recent data regarding seismic activity in and around the Caldera at Yellowstone. There is data which demonstrates decidedly more seismic activity in the past week. However, what we do not know, will this increase be enough to trigger a cataclysmic event? Nobody can be sure.
How – Here is the second image, with the follow up data which shows that the seismic activity is so great, that the instrument begins to run out of blue/green/red ink which indicates extreme seismic activity.
Click on image to enlarge
Please keep in mind that this data shift took place only this week. As Kaku said in his video, we should be watching this very carefully. As it turns out, some people are watching this event. The BBC ran a projection of disaster scenario in the following depiction. Warning: This is a very disturbing image.
Take a look at the initial projected ash cloud dispersion, immediately after the volcanic explosion.
Do We Really Think the Media Would Ever Tell Us the Truth?
The corporate media would never likely tell the public the truth and even if they did, I am not sure what good it would do. At present, there are some media outlets that are expressing concern, but with great uncertainty.
There are other events which might possibly correlate with these developments and may strongly indicate that some people, the global elite (e.g. Bill Gates), are actually making plans to survive this potential cataclysm.
Connecting the Dots
Because of the volatility of this event, there are going to be people who are going to seek out circumstantial evidence. It is a natural tendency to do so.
Perhaps, William Engdahl was on to something when he published the fact that the elite had buried a seed vault in the Arctic and that the elite are planning for some unidentified disaster. An underground seed vault is exactly what humans would need to survive the resulting nuclear winter arising from any potential Yellowstone massive explosion. Yet, the existence of a seed vault does not necessarily have any relationship to a super volcanic explosion.
Does this potential ELE explain the massive underground tunnels throughout Colorado (the new de facto capital)? We know about these tunnels under Denver International Airport which stretch to Cheyenne Mountain nearly 90 miles away from Denver International Airport. Again, this could be a spurious relationship at best.
FEMA was at one time advertising for contractors who are able to supply medical biohazard disposal capabilities, along with 40 yard dumpsters, to go with 1,000 tent hospitals across the United States. The resultant volcanic ash would fit this paradigm because the air would be unfit to breathe. The emergency rollout of these services must be able to be completed within 24-48 hours. Don’t be fooled by the rapid rollout of resources. As I have previously pointed out, before the authorities realized they had a potential disaster on their hands, it would be too late. FEMA has also obtained 200,000 doctors’ scrubs to be delivered to the 1,000 tent hospitals. That adds up to 20 extra hospitals per state. Aren’t these numbers a tantamount admission that whatever is coming will quickly overwhelm the existing medical services? An ELE would certainly fit into these parameters. However, I still think it is reach to actually come to the conclusion that the elite knows whats coming and that they are preparing for it..
There is no intent in this article to spread fear for an event which might not happen in our lifetime. However, given the gravity of this event, we should pay attention to the possibilities.
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