An In-depth Look at American Politics, Liberty and Tyranny

Thomas Jefferson

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What we present you now is an In-depth Look at American Politics, Liberty and Tyranny


American History

Thomas E. Woods, Jr., history professor at Suffolk Community College and a prolific specialist in American Colonial history, the Progressive Era, and modern political history–presents this seminar covering the material in his books, and details and defends the Jeffersonian-Rothbardian perspective. Here is the cutting edge of libertarian history that completely rethinks the meaning and impact of the welfare-warfare state. Recorded at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama; June 20-24, 2005.

Dr. Thomas E. Woods, Jr. is senior fellow in American history at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is the author of nine books, including the New York Times bestsellers Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse, and The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History. His latest, Nullification: How to Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century was released in July 2010.

Thomas Jefferson and the Principles of ’98,
[Lecture 1] by Thomas Woods

States’ Rights in Theory and Practice,
[Lecture 2] by Thomas Woods

The States’ Rights Tradition Nobody Knows,
[Lecture 3] by Thomas Woods

The Fourteenth Amendment,
[Lecture 4] by Thomas Woods

The Great Depression, World War II, & American Prosperity Part 1,
[Lecture 5] by Thomas Woods

The Great Depression, World War II, & American Prosperity – Part 2,
[Lecture 6] by Thomas Woods

Major Episodes in American, Labor History – Part 1,
[Lecture 7] by Thomas Woods

Major Episodes in American, Labor History – Part 2,
[Lecture 8] by Thomas Woods

The American Presidency:, Critical Episodes in Its Growth – Part 1,
[Lecture 9] by Thomas Woods

The American Presidency: Critical Episodes in Its Growth – Part 2,
[Lecture 10] by Thomas Woods

Why You’ve Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920,
by Thomas E. Woods

Economic Cycles Before the Fed,
by Thomas E Woods

Keynesian Predictions vs. American History,
by Thomas E. Woods

Nullification a Tool We All Have,
by Thomas Woods

The Free Market: Fallacies and Facts,
by Thomas E. Woods

Applying Economics to American History,
by Thomas E. Woods

Thought Controllers Call Ron Paul “Extreme”
by Thomas E. Woods


Thomas Woods’ official website:

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