An Obituary of the Western World – The Triumph of Lies Over Truth

An Obituary of the Western World

A World Based On Lies Is A False World


During the course of my life I have watched the Western World abandon all of the values that made it successful.

Despite all its crimes, and they are many, the Western World succeeded. Everyone wanted to be part of it, and it will be the demise of the Russians that they still do.

The Western World succeeded because it believed in objective truth and searched for it. This resulted in scientific and technological discoveries, in architectual and artistic beauty, and in brilliant literature that educated the educatable into the human condition.

But objective truth is no longer acceptable in the Western Woke World because it is contrary to the woke ideologies, such as there is no difference between men and women, that there are many genders and that men and women can be born into the wrong bodies, that hurt feelings are more important than empirical facts, that many subjects are not subject to examination or debate because they offend emotive beliefs of feminists, people of color, Jews, the new transgendered species, and whoever else can make a claim of victimhood.

Everyone can claim to be a victim except white male heterosexuals. They are branded “exploiters” of everyone else, and they are unable to get out of this trap. In the Western World white heterosexual males face the same fate as the bourgeoisie under Lenin. A white heterosexual male who defends himself or his fellows is immediately branded a misogynist or a white supremicist. Increasingly courts treat white heterosexual males as if they are members of a criminal class.

We now live in a world in which a self-declared “victim” can block truth because truth offends them. The offended are able to get the truth-teller fired and removed from employment. His crime is that he exercised free speech. Today free speech is the most sure path to self-destruction for a white heterosexual male.

We see this everyday everywhere. Throughout the Western World it is now more important to have the approved gender, sexual preference, and racial balance than merit in university appointments, corporate hiring and promotion, movies, and media. Any white male professor who fails to keep up with prohibitive words and thoughts is dead meat.

Today the Western World is based on race and gender quotas and on Woke Ideologies that have no corresponsence to reality.

Today, throughout the Western World, it is very difficult for a white heterosexual male to get a tenure track appointment in a university. In the UK and many European countries, announcements of university employment openings are restricted to women and to people of color. This is blatant discrimination against white heterosexual males, a group unprotected by anti-discrimination laws and thus subject to discrimination.

The justification offered for the discrimination against merit is that white heterosexual males have dominated for too long. But the real reason is to get rid of objective truth, which stands in the way of the false ideologies of the Woke Generation.

Some white males are part of the Woke Generation, and the insouciant race and gender traitors are sealing their own fate along with that of white men. They have to pander to the ruling ideologies in order to have an income. Consider the white males on CNN, MSNBC, BBC, NPR, Washington Post, NY Times, and the rest of the Western presstitute media. If they tell the truth, their career is ended. They have to lie and to demonize Russians, Trump, and white heterosexual males in order to have a pay check.

In the Western World today, the only people who suffer are those who tell the truth. Look at Julian Assange, Manning, Edward Snowden, and the other persecuted truth-tellers allegedly protected by whistleblower laws who were sent to prison and left without a lifelihood despite the law that protected them. What more evidence do you need that the Western World is lawless?

Today the Western World is based not on TRUTH but on LIES.

A world based on lies is a false world, and that is what the Western World is today. It is a LIE.

In the articles below, Lance Welton describes how the female takeover of academia is destroying rational thought and substituting emotive responses in its place. Stephen Adams describes how Lynsey McCarthy Calvert was hounded out of her job as spokesperson for Doula UK, the national organization of birth coaches, for saying on Facebook that only women can have babies. The organization concluded that her obviously true statement breached the organization’s equality and diversity guidelines. Delta airlines in its in-flight films elevated the preferences of the small minority of lesbian/homosexuals above that of the straight population and shows same-sex love scenes. The lesbian/homosexuals were offended by their absence. The straights offended by the scenes don’t matter. In Oklahoma City the police are investigating “It’s okay to be white” posters as a hate crime. Who can imagine “It’s okay to be black” posters being investigated as a hate crime? In Sweden truthfully attributing the 1,472% increase in rape to the immigrant-invaders gets a person investigated for a hate crime.

In the Western World, a handful of perverts are able to dominate the vast masses of the Western population because only “victim groups” can specify who the guilty parties are. The guilty parties are the social and intellectual mores of people who made Western Civilization great despite its many crimes.

This suffices as an obituary of the Western World.


Original article 

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