Another great Conservative Blog goes quiet …
Note from Roger Landry (TLB): Once again I make a trip to one of my favorite conservative blogs for a read, a read concerning issues you will never find in the mainstream media or any Progressive/Liberal blog, and are instead presented with the following message. It is always a sad day for TLB every time we lose a fellow patriot and their voice. Take the time to read this … parting shot!
PARTING WORDS: By Ray Greninger
Before this blog goes the way of the Dodo bird I have some parting words.
Everything you think you know about the world is not so.
You are not subject to any Man unless you make yourself so. Don’t. And if some ones claims you did, make them prove it.
You do not need to declare what you are, that is self evident. But you need to know what that is. You can’t convince those who would rule you of who you are if you aren’t sure yourself.
If you are someone who hires others to do work and you believe you have to force your hires to fill out any government paperwork you are not only committing crimes against your fellow Man you are an accomplice to slavery. Anyone who makes a claim on the labor of others is making a claim of partial, if not complete, ownership of that Man. Government is making that claim through you, as an agent of government. Government will claim it is all voluntary, that the claim is made against a “person” and not the Man, but you, by complying with “laws” that do not apply to Men and Women, only to offices of government and the creations of government, and refusing to discover for yourself what the statutes actually say, are guilty of enabling slavery to an imaginary entity, government. Shame, Shame, Shame on you. Not only that, you are a chickenshit.
Contrary to what some people are saying about the Birth Certificate and that it makes you “a security,” the Birth Certificate created a fictitious entity and that entity is known by its NAME and it is that NAME that is the security, not you. And all of that exists in an imaginary land I call cartoonland. It isn’t real. Don’t listen to these people, they are mistaken.
Everything has been brought into commerce. That is, trade between legal entities and their representatives. The Adversary has forced all Men and Women to act in the capacity of surety for, or some form of representative of, an imaginary legal entity in order to acquire the necessities of life. This is pure evil. It must stop. But it won’t until you get your head out of your ass and admit to yourself how wrong it is. Your ignorance of this arrangement or your outright refusal to learn about it is no excuse. In fact, by refusing to look into it, you are an accomplice to it.
The laws of Men must be in compliance to the law of the Creator. Government no longer believes this. The courts are under the control of the BAR association. The Judge is a member, the prosecutor is a member, the defense attorney is a member. All of the employees of the courts, clerks, bailiffs, etc, are in the employ of the BAR. The deck is stacked and we wonder why nothing we do to counter them works for very long. We file motions for this and writs for that and remonstrances and on and on and nothing penetrates the scales (as in crocodile) of “justice.” The courts are nothing more than a business with extortion as its business model. Clearly, a different approach is necessary.
The monetary system is smoke and vapors. It IS the system of control being used. Its workings are so arcane, so obtuse, so complicated that the ordinary Man is lost in its intricacy. If it were put to use for good, all of us would be wealthy beyond our dreams. But, it is in the hands of infinitely greedy beings who care nothing about the well being of Mankind, only their own desires.
Many good Men and Women who sought out government service as a way to serve their fellow Man are caught up in a web of deception and evil. If you are one these people and you know that what you are doing is wrong, quit. If you are in the employ government and you actually believe that what you are doing is necessary and right, you are a dupe and a fool and it’s high time you do your homework. If you are in the employ of government and you know what you are doing is wrong but, oh, the money is so good, you are evil to the core and, if there were any justice, would to be hung from the nearest lamp post.
You are slave by your own doing. That is the goal of the would be rulers, to enslave everyone and to enforce it through the technocracy by keeping track of everything you do and to have you provide the information. Their plan is nearly complete. It is inventory control and it is the way of corporations. This institution must be eliminated from our midst. If we can’t do that then we must limit it to its sphere of utility. If we don’t, we subject ourselves to it. By subjecting ourselves to the laws of commerce and to the laws of Men we reject the law of God. You cannot serve two masters.
Question everything you were told growing up. If it seems off or does not resonate with you or it feels wrong in your soul, it probably is and it is not the truth. Question EVERYTHING. Even those things we were told come from God. Go to him, not some book. If that offends you I sympathize as we are all looking for some kind of guidance through this maze of lies and deceit. Be a Jacob. Wrestle with God until he spills the beans. Those feelings you are having are there because you know something is amiss. If you do not question the things you were told and just accept them as truth because some book says so or because that’s what everyone else believes you will never rid yourself of them and they will haunt you forever. Wrestling with God is not for the timid, but, remember, Jacob did not ask for the duel, God started it. You can either back down or you can engage the stranger. It ain’t easy, it ain’t fun and it certainly isn’t what you’d rather be doing, but, for some damn reason that’s what God thinks is what needs doing. I disagree, but that just means I’m in the match whether I like it or not.
Always remember this, when you accept any benefit from government, including those you think you paid for, you accept the liability. In other words, you accept that you are subject to all the rules and regulations that govern the acceptance of receiving that benefit. You have made yourself subject to government and not its master. That is the trick of the deceiver. Don’t fall for it.
You don’t have to rescind what some have called adhesion contracts, like the driver license, they were never valid contracts to begin with. The Driver license is simply permission from government to operate in commerce if you need to. We gave them that authority. What we didn’t give them was the authority to presume we are always operating in commerce. Think about that one.
And lastly, don’t take my word for it, discover it for yourself. I can read all about how wonderful chocolate almond ice cream is but until I smear my face with it and gobble a spoonful or two, I don’t really know. For those who are trying to figure out how to be free from the chains government puts on us all we really need to know is we created it to serve us, not the other way ’round. If government claims otherwise or refuses to accept the arrangement, we have a problem, Houston.
Cheers! rogsblog
About the Author: Ray Greninger is a guy living in Montana. A big chunk of his life was spent as a professional musician making a third of a living. Tired of being broke he started a lawn care business which has kept the wolf at the door at bay. He has studied the machinations of the power structure in the world and come to the conclusion we have all been hoodwinked into believing that some people are more qualified to run our lives than we. He believes this must stop. By promoting self sufficiency and awareness of our political standing as American Nationals, not US citizens, as people not persons, as flesh and blood and not fictions, he believes we can overcome those whose only wish is to dominate us. By creating our own societies and making decisions for our selves instead of relying on those in power he believes Mankind can alter what appears to be a bleak future. By following God’s law, the Golden Rule and taking back our power as beings created in the image of God we can, as a species, throw off our shackles and once again live as we were meant to. IN PEACE.
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Everything he says is so.
I get that.
But … does the resistance he identifies as a valid motion in fact stem from a place of privilege? By this I mean: does he have access to clean water, sanitary living conditions, a learned society capable of knowledgable and considered (as in ‘controlled’) birth control measures?
I posit that he writes from a place of clean underwear every day, access to modern technology, likely a history of studied research, certainly a place from which he believes the individual he calls to resist government control is capable of seeing even an nth of what he proposes.
Because, really – how many people actually desire, never mind achieve, this depth of insight into our human plight? Contemplate how many would, in say, India’s 1.33 Billion souls. Or among the massive roil of economic migrants?
Rather, I think the only people who would resist are those who can afford to: financially secure, intelligent or at the least learned or educated, living in a ‘free’ society or locale, and people who can either rise to a challenge or challenge a rise against their person.
Not too many of those folks inhabit our glorious planet anymore …