Betrayal Complete: Mike Johnson Passes $61 Billion Ukraine Aid, Violates Hastert Rule Again

Betrayal Complete: Mike Johnson Passes $61 Billion Ukraine Aid, Violates Hastert Rule Again

Speaker Mike Johnson delivered President Joe Biden a $61 billion gift on Saturday


Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) delivered President Joe Biden a $61 billion gift on Saturday afternoon, reversing his months-long pledge to never advance foreign aid without first securing America’s border.

Mike Johnson and Joe BidenGetty Images

Multiple Democrats — and possibly a few Republicans — cheered; shouted, “Ukraine;” and waived Ukrainian flags as the Ukraine aid vote closed.

ImagePhoto via Rep. Mike Collins X account

“It is in violation of decorum to waive flags on the floor,” Johnson scored Democrats.

The Ukraine portion of the foreign aid passed 311 to 112. One representative, Republican Dan Mauser (R-PA), voted present.

Johnson, once again, violated the Hastert Rule. Only 101 Republicans voted with Johnson, while 112 — a clear majority — opposed.

Republican House members circulated a document outlining a timeline of Johnson’s repeated insistence that the House would not advance a foreign aid package before securing America’s southern border.

Johnson had begun publicly wavering in early March after a February 28 meeting at the White House.

His reversal follows months of grooming by both the White House and establishment Republicans.

“We’ve been working with him for months to try to get him there,” one anonymous lawmaker told Politico, which said Johnson’s Ukraine bill would “grant Biden a major foreign policy victory that has eluded him for a year.”



Header featured image (edited) credit: Johnson/Biden/SHAWN THEW/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

Emphasis and pictorial content added by (TLB)



Stay tuned tuned…


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1 Comment on Betrayal Complete: Mike Johnson Passes $61 Billion Ukraine Aid, Violates Hastert Rule Again

  1. This man{Johnson}, has been a total failure since becoming speaker. He’s right where the deepstate wants him now. What a shame. Did you ever see a man fall apart so fast? He is a disgrace and should be booted out of his poeition and any position he holds anywhere. I look at him now and I see a hollow shell, an empty suit, and a man of low character.

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