Congressmen say that move to Impeach Biden is Gaining Momentum

Congressmen say that move to Impeach Biden is Gaining Momentum

“We’re actually working on our own impeachment resolution for President Biden on all this corruption, and all the laws and crimes that he violated,” ~Congressman Greg Steube

By Charlotte Hazard

Representatives Greg Steube (R-Fl.) and Ralph Norman (R-Sc.) say the idea of potentially impeaching President Biden is gaining momentum with some of their colleagues in Congress.

“We’re actually working on our own impeachment resolution for President Biden on all this corruption, and all the laws and crimes that he violated,” Steube said on the Wednesday edition of the “Just the News, No Noise” TV show.

He also hinted that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy seemed open to the idea of impeaching U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland as well.

“Based on the speaker’s comments, it sounds like he’s open to impeaching Merrick Garland on a number of different issues, one of those would be lying to Congress,” Steube continued. “That’s the top law enforcement officer in our country, and he’s using his power and position to defend and deflect for the president and the president’s family. That’s completely against the law.”

The Biden administration has come under a lot of scrutiny from House Republicans regarding the crisis at the southern border, the Biden family’s business dealings with China, and the politicization of federal agencies such as the FBI and DOJ.

This has prompted hearings led by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer. Whistleblowers have also come forward in recent months to discuss politicization of institutions such as the FBI.

When asked who Republicans would impeach first if that were to take place, Norman said it would likely be the president. 

“If we do, I think it’ll be Biden,” Norman said. “I think it’s gonna have to happen pretty quick, and I think the American people deserve this. If not now, then when?


(TLB) published  this article  with permission of John Solomon at Just the News.  Click Here to read about the staff at Just the News

Header featured image (edited) credit: Joe Biden/Getty Images

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