ER Editor: While there have been individual statements made by certain dissident French doctors over the government’s tyrannical and unscientific handling of the virus scare, including of course Dr. Didier Raoult, to our knowledge this is the first time a group has formed to make a unified statement of protest. A statement which hits many home runs, not least of which is the call to disband the government’s Scientific Council on Covid-19, some of whose members are linked to Big Pharma.
Readers may recognize the first signatory listed below, Prof. Jean-Francois Toussaint. See WATCH: French Professor of Medicine DESTROYS Masks, ‘2nd Wave’, Lockdown Narrative (subtitled).
COVID-19: ‘We don’t want to be governed by fear anymore’ – French doctors & scientists
In a forum for Le Parisien, 35 researchers, academics and doctors, including Jean-François Toussaint and Laurent Mucchielli, criticize the government’s communication on the Covid crisis, which they consider too anxiety-provoking.
In this collective forum, 35 scientists, academics and health professionals criticize government policy and communication. In their view, they are more a matter of displaying a “protective posture” than a specific health strategy.
“We, scientists and academics from all disciplines, and health professionals, exercising our free will and freedom of expression, say that we no longer want to be governed by, and in, fear. French society is currently under stress, many citizens are panicking or, on the contrary, do not care about instructions, and many decision-makers are panicking. There is an urgent need to change course.
We are not at war (ER: likely a deliberate reference to Macron, who gave a televised address early on in the ‘pandemic’ and kept repeating like a mantra ‘we are at war’), but we are facing an epidemic that caused 30 deaths on September 9, compared to 1,438 on April 14. The situation is therefore not at all the same as it was 5 months ago. Moreover, if war can sometimes justify a state of emergency and exceptional restrictions of the rule of law and public liberties that are the foundation of democracy and the Republic, this is not the case with an epidemic. Today, as in the past, this crisis must unite us and make us responsible, not divide us or subdue us.
This is why we call on the French political and health authorities to stop instilling fear through anxiety-provoking communication that systematically exaggerates the dangers without explaining their causes and mechanisms. Enlightened responsibility must not be confused with moralizing guilt, nor citizen education with infantilization. We also call on all journalists to stop relaying without distance a communication that has become counterproductive: the majority of our fellow citizens no longer trust official discourse, plots of all kinds abound on social networks and extremists take advantage of them.
General lockdown, a measure unprecedented in our history, has had individual, economic and social consequences, sometimes terrible, which are far from having been fully manifested and evaluated. Letting the threat of its renewal hang over us is not responsible.
We must obviously protect the weakest. But as with imposing the wearing of masks in the street, including in areas where the virus does not circulate, the effectiveness of lockdown is not scientifically proven. These general and uniform measures, imposed under police surveillance, are more a matter of a desire to display a protective posture than a specific health strategy. Hence their great volatility over the last six months. Many other countries are acting more coherently. European coordination would be necessary.
We also call on the government not to instrumentalize science. Transparency, pluralism, contradictory debate, accurate knowledge of data and the absence of conflicts of interest are a sine qua non for science. Since the Scientific Council of Covid-19 does not respect all these criteria, it should be re-founded or abolished.
We also remind you that the first to treat the patients are the general practitioners. To exclude them from the fight against Covid, by not providing them with tests or masks, and by suspending their freedom to prescribe the authorized drugs of their choice, was an error which must not be repeated. On the contrary, all the carers must be mobilized, equipped and united in order to improve our capacities of reaction and not to restrict them.
Finally, the imperatives of protection against contagion must not lead to betraying medical ethics and fundamental humanist principles. Isolating the sick and protecting those at risk does not mean depriving them of all rights and social life. Too many elderly people have died and are still deteriorating in a state of abandonment motivated by unjustified health reasons. Too many families suffer from not being able to provide them with the affection indispensable to their happiness and health.
It is urgent that we start thinking together again to democratically define our health strategies, to give back confidence to our fellow citizens and the future to our youth.”
The first signatories
- Jean-François Toussaint, professor of physiology at the University of Paris; (featured meme)
- Laurent Mucchielli, sociologist, director of research at the CNRS; (featured meme)
- Bernard Bégaud, professor of pharmacology at the University of Bordeaux;
- Gilles Bœuf, professor of biology at Paris-Sorbonne University;
- Pierre-Henri Gouyon, professor of biology at the National Museum of Natural History;
- Jean Roudier, professor of rheumatology at the University of Aix-Marseille;
- Louis Fouché, doctor, anesthesiologist at the Conception Hospital;
- Olivier de Soyres, doctor, resuscitator at the Cedars Clinic;
- Christophe Lançon, professor of psychiatry at the University of Aix-Marseille;
- Laurent Toubiana, epidemiologist at Inserm; (featured meme)
- Mylène Weill, biologist, research director at the CNRS;
- Anne Atlan, population geneticist and sociologist, research director at the CNRS;
- Bernard Swynghedauw, biologist, emeritus research director at Inserm;
- Marc-André Selosse, professor of microbiology at the National Museum of Natural History;
- Jean-Louis Thillier, physician, immunopathologist;
- Jean-François Lesgards, biochemist, researcher at the CNRS;
- Alexandra Menant, biologist, researcher at the CNRS;
- André Comte-Sponville, philosopher;
- François Gastaud, orthopedic surgeon in Strasbourg;
- Éric Desmons, professor of public law at the University Sorbonne Paris Nord;
- Dominique Andolfatto, professor of political science at the University of Burgundy Franche-Comté;
- Charalambos Apostolidis, professor of public law at the University of Burgundy Franche-Comté;
- Nicolas Sembel, professor of sociology at the University of Aix-Marseille;
- Dominique Crozat, Professor of Geography at the University of Montpellier;
- Marnix Dressen-Vagne, Professor of Sociology at the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines;
- Thomas Hippler, Professor of Contemporary History at the University of Caen-Normandy;
- Nicolas Leblond, Senior Lecturer in Law at the Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France;
- Dominique Labbé, politician, professor emeritus at the University of Grenoble-Alpes;
- Arnaud Rey, researcher in psychology at the CNRS;
- Mathias Delori, politician, researcher at the CNRS;
- Jacques Tassin, ecologist, researcher at the Centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD);
- Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury, ecologist, researcher at CIRAD;
- Emmanuelle Sultan, PhD in physical oceanography, research engineer at the National Museum of Natural History;
- Christophe Leroy, biologist, PhD in molecular and cellular biology;
- Bernard Dugué, PhD in pharmacology, PhD in philosophy.
Original article
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