Demons in America (Part 3)
(Link to Parts 1 & 2 below article)
From the Mind of a Dumb ole Biker from Somewhere in the Backwoods of Southeast Texas
By: Chappy Gypsy
So how did it happen
In the 1940’s men were off fighting a war, to make up for the lack of men, women were taking over those jobs. As the war ended, men were coming back from fighting this war and the women were going back to their traditional roles as Mother and taking over the duties of the home. everything was fine until the Sex, Drugs and Rock in Roll era, when women decided they were much more than home bodies, and they could do anything a man can do. The spirit of Ashtar.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander
In the 60’s we saw a shift and women were becoming modernized. Now this sounds good on the surface, but it left the family unit in shambles. Both mom and dad working, kids were left to fend for themselves.
The gods of destruction were upon the nation
This allowed the government to step in and take over a lot of the rolls that were traditionally the roles of the parents. You may not see it that way, but by 1979, the government decided that they would take over the schools and dictate what the schools could and couldn’t teach. The Department of Education. They could now control what the kids learn in school and because mom and dad were too busy at work and tired at night, it gave the government a chance to step in. The gods of destruction were upon the nation.
Over the next few years, subjects like Health, became Sex Education, Government classes were omitted from the curriculum, reading, writing and arithmetic would soon be secondary in our educational system. We saw things happening in less than 20 years that we would never have thought possible. Remember, it’s your kids they’ve been after. The spirits of Baal and Molech.
The dumbing down of our society
Pretty soon the schools were teaching, everyone’s the same, everyone gets a trophy, everyone’s a winner and no one is a loser. Again, it all sounds good on the surface. The incentive to accel was removed, and our education system was reduced to the level of the lowest student. The dumbing down of our society. In the next 20 years we saw things change dramatically, many of us watched in horror at the things the schools started teaching. When our educational system starts declining, the nation starts declining. The destruction of our nation begins.
Baal is having a ball
Baal, is having a blast. Then it really kicked off into high gear, first it was women, the girls wanting to play boys sports, but that quickly turned when boys started wanting to play girls sports.
Ashtar has entered the building. Boys started believing they were women and demanded that they play in the sport that suited their make-believe gender. Boys wanted to use women’s restrooms and dress with the girls in their dressing rooms. Ashtar was already hard at work through the 80’s and 90’s confusing men into believing they were not born the right sex, but now, these demonic spirits were bringing it into the schools. They were after the children.
We saw libraries, hosting Drag Queen Story hours for kids, we watched men dressed flamboyantly in drag with satanic mask and makeup start targeting our kids.
It wasn’t long before that was being introduced into our schools. All in the name of tolerance. We saw our halls of congress passing laws that protected these deviants. This was happening at the state and federal levels.
Welcome to the First Tolerant Church of the “Q”
From the Halls of Congress all the way down to our local churches. Molech is just waiting to deliver the final blow, the destruction of everything we have ever known as Americans, in this great nation.
Then it happened, it was brought into our churches. Pastors started preaching tolerance, the people started being tolerant, and going along with it. This was a demonic demons dream. These demons have successfully completed their mission.
Now that the demonic forces have taken over, they are teaching children as young as kindergarten, about all the sexual deviations from anal sex to blow jobs. They are teaching your third graders about masturbation, and how to explore their sexuality. Our children can no longer read, write or do arithmetic, at their level of education, but they know enough about sex to make most grown men blush. They are even teaching your kids to hide their sexual confusion from you, and teaching your kids they can be any sex they want.
They have our kids believing they can be any gender they chose; they have parents going along with that, yes, the goddess Ashtar has done her job over the last 60 years. They have parents mutilating their own kids. Baal and Molech have women, demanding their right to kill their children.
Women now believe they are men, and men now believing they are women. Men are mutilating their bodies, cutting off their private parts, just as they did back in the days of the Pagan Rituals.
This is just a small part of what they’ve accomplished, the demonic forces are hard at work destroying everything about this once Great Christian Nation. Why us, because it they can take down a nation founded on Godly principals, the rest of the world will follow.
Ecclesiastes tells us: There is nothing new under the sun, it’s all been done before.
We were warned many times over, but because we believe that we are supposed to be tolerant and loving, we have allowed the demonic forces to do as they will. They used our own rules against us, and many never saw it coming.
Issiah 5:20: Woe be unto those who call evil good, and good evil.
These demonic spirits operate through your children, they demand your child as a sacrifice.
I haven’t even discussed our law makers ignoring our laws and the American people suffering because of it. That’ another story, but we will get into it. Nations have fallen because of it.
We’ve discussed the demonic spirits taking over our nation.
Give me two Piña Coladas
Now let’s shift our focus to the border. In order to discuss what’s happening on the border, you have to understand these people are trying to fundamentally change the United States. God warned us many times over, to be careful who we allowed in our country. Those warnings go all the way back to King Soloman. It was the downfall of King Soloman, and it was ultimately the downfall of Israel.
Everyone knows that God found favor in Soloman, we find that in the Book of Kings, God offered Solomon anything he wished for, and Solomon asked for wisdom. Having done so, King Solomon found favor from God and was allowed to build the Temple. We find this in 1 Kings Chapter 6. But later, Solomon against the advice of God, took on the enemy’s women as wives. He had numerous concubines, foreign women, who later talked King Solomon into building other Temples so they could worship their gods. These foreign women talked King Solomon into building a Temple to Moloch, and after a while the King began worshipping these foreign gods as well. This you can find in 1 Kings chapter 11.
Throughout scripture you will find that the 10 northern tribes of Israel, also after allowing foreigners into their country ended, up doing this as well. They lost sight of the one true God and began erecting Asther poles and alters to these foreign gods.
God eventually divorced Israel because of this and scattered them amongst the nations. This can be found in Jeremiah 3
These demonic forces are using the same tactics they have used for centuries. Flooding the Nation with foreign nationals. Obama flooded us with Muslims and the Southern Border was kicked wide open. We have people coming over the border from every country in the world. Many of these countries and the people from these countries are not Christians. Many of these people worship the same Deities that were found throughout the Bible and pagan history.
Right is left, left is right, and Hell is straight ahead!
They are hard at work, transforming our Nation away from Christianity. They are using our religious laws against us in the process. Pastors don’t see it, many of them would have you believe it’s a humanitarian crisis, but it goes much deeper than that. There are even pastors today, claiming that we all worship the same god. We know that’s not true for there is only one God, these other gods are not the same God we worship. These other gods can be found in scripture, and throughout history.
But what do I know, I’m just a Dumb ole Biker…
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