TLB Editors note: Christopher Wyatt will be a guest on Sean Raspatello’s Radio show, The First 52 on Rasradiolive.com, today to discuss his Vaccine Documentary. Chris will join the show in the second hour at 7pm East Coast, 4pm West Coast time. Link is highlighted above in blue. In the event you miss the broadcast, it will be posted as an Archive contained in an article from Christopher. (TLB)
Preface by TLB Staff Writer: Christopher Wyatt
Vaccines cause more harm than good, Senator Pan knows this! He has proven himself over and over to be morally bankrupt! I have had social media encounters with Senator Pan where he has made it clear that there is no way for him to ever be recalled, and instead of facing those who question him directly he blocks people such as myself from contacting him. Such tactics are those of a coward! Senator Pan is a medical doctor who has made the choice to sell out to the pharmaceutical industry rather than uphold the Hippocratic Oath. Pan is not a representative of the people, he is a corporate shill for the pharmaceutical industry who has proven himself both effective and dangerous.
I challenge Pan to face the people and to debate the parents of vaccine injured children. For far too long this man has eluded justice and the will of the people! (CW)
Do Politicians Actually Represent The People: Senator Pan Avoids Parental Concerns And Continues to Run
by Ryan Cristián
Senator Pan has a long history of avoiding the very constituents that one in his position should not only work for but truly represent. Political activist Jaslynn Ball was on the scene at a recent Town Hall in Sacramento reporting for The Last American Vagabond, in hopes of holding Pan accountable for his lack of transparency and failure to answer legitimate questions or address the dire concerns of the very people Senator Pan should be fighting for.
SB 18 is a bill dressed up to feign the “parental support,” that Pan managed to say over 10 times while deflecting actual direct questions, yet is simply another control mechanism in place to ensure the average American stays in line, lest their children need some “support.” [Watch Pan run and dodge in the video below.]
Stay tuned for more hard-hitting coverage to come, and if you like what you see, be sure and support The Last American Vagabond on Patreon to ensure we stay solely funded by you, the people.
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About the writer: Ryan Cristián
A brainless puppet can only recite the words of its puppeteer. He doesn’t know enough about vaccines to engage in a real debate. He would be exposed as the fool he obviously is.
Controlled by psychopaths who control our world and lives …
The Mainstream Media Must Be Shut Down And/Or Taken Over Post Haste http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=63285