TOXYSolutions™ Project Endorsement by Dr. David Lewis, Project Co-Director
As a senior-level research microbiologist in the U.S. EPA Office of Research & Development, and the only EPA scientist ever to be lead author on research articles published in the prestigious science and medical journals Nature and Lancet, I witnessed firsthand how government agencies, big corporations and the leading universities they fund are covering up human exposures to increasingly dangerous levels of complex mixtures of environmental pollutants.
During a panel discussion at Harvard University in 2011, and again at a presentation I gave at a meeting of the Royal Society of London in 2015, I referred to it as Institutional Scientific Misconduct. It’s what government officials at the highest levels are doing to protect certain economically and politically important government policies and industry practices.
Fabrication of environmental data by the EPA and CDC to hide high levels of lead in drinking water in Flint, Michigan and Washington, DC is only the tip of the iceberg. Institutional Scientific Misconduct has become pervasive throughout government, industry and academia, and involves covering up high levels of heavy metals and toxic organic chemicals in air, water and soil. The public is being kept completely in the dark; and economically and educationally disadvantaged segments of our population are being impacted the most.
The TOXYSolutions’ Environmental Justice Project™ is about to change all of that by enabling private citizens to accurately and painlessly test the levels of some of the most common hazardous chemical pollutants in their body, and in their water. These samples will be independently analyzed by research laboratories at leading universities, and confidentially reported back to the individuals who provided the samples.
Your participation in The TOXYSolutions’ Environmental Justice Project™ will not only help protect your own health; it will help protect our Nation.
David L. Lewis, Ph.D.
Co-Director, TOXYSolutions
David Lewis, Ph.D. Former U.S. EPA Research Microbiologist: Is an internationally recognized research microbiologist whose work on public health and environmental issues, as a senior-level Research Microbiologist in EPA’s Office of Research & Development and member of the Graduate Faculty of the University of Georgia, has been reported in numerous news articles and documentaries from TIME magazine and Reader’s Digest to National Geographic.
His research on HIV transmission in dentistry published in Lancet and Nature Medicine prompted government health organizations worldwide to adopt the current heat-sterilization standard for dentistry in the 1990s. In 2000, the EPA Administrator awarded him the Science Achievement Award for his research published in Nature concerning the effects of climate change on risks posed by environmental pollutants. More recently, his research on heavy metals and other industrial chemicals in sewage sludge (biosolids) applied to land prompted two congressional hearings, a review by the National Academy of Sciences, and new guidelines issued by the CDC.
Dr Lewis is the Author of – Science for Sale: How the U.S. Government Uses Powerful Corporations and Leading Universities to Support Government Policies, Silence Top Scientists, Jeopardize Our Health, and Protect Corporate Profits.
More with Dr. Lewis HERE
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