Dr. McCullough Echoes Andy Wakefield: Hyper Vaccination “Looks Like It’s Pretty Clearly Related to Autism”
“When I was a child, the rate of autism was one in 10,000,” denoted Peter McCullough. “Now that rate today, the CDC says, is an emergency. It’s 1 in 36. It’s an epidemic.”
Dr. McCullough referred to a paper by Gayle DeLong, which analyzed data from 2001 to 2007. “It was clear once the vaccines were given in these multiples and the bundles, that the p-value for the development of autism is less than 0.001. So, it’s highly statistically significant.”
“I think we’re building a pretty strong case that Andy Wakefield, years ago, yourself [Paul Thomas] and other pioneers, that you were right all along — that hyper vaccination is a determinant of autism.”
Here’s the video transcript for those who want to read more:
I’m very heavily vaccinated. My kids took all the vaccines, too. I didn’t look at it critically when they were born. So let me tell you, just because I wasn’t injured by the vaccines; it doesn’t make it okay. I think it’s very important for people to hear this. Just because they did fine with the vaccines doesn’t mean it’s okay. This is what we’ve learned.
When I was a child, the rate of autism was one in 10,000. Now that rate today, the CDC says is an emergency. It’s 1 in 36. It’s an epidemic. As the vaccines are bundled into more intensive bundles. So, you have MMR, which is measles, mumps, rubella. A DTP [shot], which is diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis. Influenza, and now the Haemophilus influenza serotype b. And then we would add COVID into it. It’s the adding up of these at single administration, the bundling of this, which looks like it’s pretty clearly related to autism.
A paper by DeLong, which is a brilliant analysis, children up to eight years old. Data from 2001 to 2007 — carefully put this all together, and it was clear once the vaccines were given in these multiples and the bundles, that the p-value for the development of autism is less than 0.001. So, it’s highly statistically significant.
People have said, well, it’s a preservative in one, like thiomersal, mercury or it’s aluminum in another. But my analysis is over time there’s been some adjustment in these adjuvants. I’m thinking now, certainly the adjuvants could play a role, but I’m thinking now that it’s actually the immune system — that in some kids the immune system is activated. And in fact, there’s about 200 papers on immune system dysregulation and the development of autism and these ESSENCE [syndromes]—about 200 papers.
So hyper vaccination leads to immune system dysregulation. There are factors, cytokines (signaling molecules) that are neurotrophic cytokines. They go into the brain just like they would with a measles encephalitis case or with Rubella cerebritis case. Some of the viruses we’re vaccinated against – you know – the virus itself may not cause so much brain damage, but the inflammation does. When we give the vaccine, we’re causing that same inflammation.
So what I’ve determined is that while other hypotheses are in play, like the ascendancy of the use of glyphosates, potentially hypervitaminosis d, or other things in the baby formula. We know that older parents, siblings with autism and then premature infants, those are risk factors. But when you factor in these risk factors, hyper vaccination and then the vignette of a febrile seizure and the mother and father witnesses — and from that point forward, the child is never the same.
I think we’re building a pretty strong case that Andy Wakefield, years ago, yourself [Paul Thomas] and other pioneers, that you were right all along — that hyper vaccination is a determinant of autism.
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Featured image, Dr. Andrew Wakefield: Luke MacGregor/Reuters
Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com
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