Eagle’s Eye Report: DOJ & FBI – WTF! (Archived)
Host: Roger Landry (TLB) – Co-Host & Producer: Stephen Roberts
Brought to you by: TLBTalk.com – Where Freedom Roars
Live Broadcast platform: ShakeAndWake Radio Network
Also on PSN Radio and SoFloRadio live.
Listen to Archived Show below intro article
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Intro by: Roger Landry (TLB)
Welcome again to Episode #21 of the Eagle’s Eye Report. This episode is Hosted by myself with Co-Host and Producer Stephen Roberts. The title of today’s special show is … Economic Chance or Intention? The intent of this weekly show is to be a mechanism for communicating the truth and facts in a country increasingly forbidding of these very concepts.
No, as I say weekly, this not a pleasant way to introduce a show … but today reality is blatant and not very pleasant in many aspects. Thus the reason, and intent behind the Eagle’s Eye Report.
Our mission is to keep you armed with the vital truth, as well as to present you with a platform where you can discuss these vital issues without fear of censorship or exclusion, that being the sponsor of this show … TLBTalk.com.
Now it’s down to business …
Eagle’s Eye Report: DOJ & FBI – WTF!
The politicizing of the DOJ and the FBI is now obvious to even the brain-dead. If you happen to be of a MAGA mindset, or connected to Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States in any fashion. If you are on track to win a critical political victory as a conservative. If you are in possession of information that may criminalize a high ranking Democrat or their family member (especially Joe-Bob). You are now a prime target for the DOJ and the FBI.
You will now face the wrath of the Democratic Stasi run by the iron fist of Merrick Garland Attorney General and facilitated by their SS foot soldiers the FBI, commanded by their supreme leader, Christopher Wray, and all under the absolute leadership of the Puppet In Chief … Joe-Bob (yea I know that last one is a massive stretch LOL)
Lies will be told, evidence will be destroyed, manipulated or discounted, witnesses threatened or bribed, and your personal property seized wither in home/office raids, or in very embarrassing public take-downs.
But if you are the presidents son Hunter, crimes of the highest order will be shoved into the back of the drawer in timeless perpetuity. This, even though evidence of massive wrongdoing up-to, and possibly including evidence of a compromised sitting president most likely exists. So what do you expect when possibly even sedition is intentionally hidden ??? You are a Democrat … You are home free !!!
Or if you are an EX-Secretary of State, Hillary, who has compromised top-secret information by having it on a personal (at home) unclassified server, known to have been breached multiple times by hostile foreign actors. Or if you intentionally destroyed subpoenaed information via Bleach-Bit, and then pulverized several mobile phones with a hammer to destroy any content they may hold … But you are a Democrat … You are home free !!!
Your home will not be raided, your name and case particulars will not be leaked to their trained puppets … the mainstream media to be trashed and seriously exaggerated outside of the actual facts. Your wife’s panty drawer, and your teenage sons sock drawer, will not be ransacked (with some possible confiscations).
Since when did any form of protest (against the ruling elite) automatically make you a domestic terrorist, and a grave danger to this countries very existence? Today America is on very shaky ground and every step forward increases this disasters impact on our future.
When one political faction can do anything they wish with little to no ramifications, while the opposing faction is demonized simply for waking up in the morning … And all for retaining and enhancing their death grip on power … America has now entered the realm of third world status … a soon to be a Totalitarian hell for anyone not agreeing. And all facilitated by federal law enforcement in the guise of the DOJ, the FBI, and more deep state players.
I have spoken several times about any sitting presidents power to declare a national emergency and cancel all elections until it is over (by his reckoning). In this case we could be looking at Joe-Bob negating any possibility of Conservatives taking power in November … I’m not saying it will happen … but if liberals are desperate enough …
He is already in the process of moving in this direction via the massive rise in white supremacist threats in America … BULL CRAP! He has already declared all Trump supporters, or MAGA supporters seditious and enemies of the state, triggering and justifying DOD and thus FBI actions far beyond what any former president ever even thought to do …
So listen up as we discuss these points, and a few recent examples of the DOJ and FBI gone rogue … Against We The People including:
Joe Biden Creates DOJ Task Force to Combat “Domestic Terrorism” – Declares ‘National Emergency’
Did FBI brass censor agents’ report warning of political influence?
Whistleblower, FBI manipulating Jan. 6 cases to create illusion of national crisis
Big-Tech Spied On Private Messages Of “Conservative Right-Wing Individuals”
Eagle’s Eye Report: DOJ & FBI – WTF! (Archived)
(Click on image below to listen to show)
So what is in-store for America ???
Show Related Articles:
Biden Creates DOJ Task Force to Combat Domestic Terrorism – Declares ‘National Emergency’
Did FBI brass censor agents’ report warning of political influence?
Whistleblower says FBI manipulating Jan. 6 cases to create illusion of national crisis
Big-Tech Spied On Private Messages Of “Conservative Right-Wing Individuals”
Additional Perspective:
The DOJ & FBI Are Beyond Fixing
DOJ Harasses Citizens for Exercising Their First Amendment Rights
More Episodes of Eagle’s Eye Report (click on image below)
About the Articles Author Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was about twelve short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website TheLibertyBeacon.com
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