Eradicating Programmed Ignorance – Town Crier: The Destruction of the American Presidency
Commentary by: Roger Landry (TLB)
For once I am not sure where to start … I am more afraid every day for this Republic … because the issue we are facing will change this Republic’s landscape forever, and NOT in We The People’s favor!
So what am I eluding to …
Most will jump on the looming financial crisis that is all but inevitable regardless of how many times it is forestalled. Actually no, that is of considerable and inevitable concern, but this is not the subject of this commentary.
Many will think I allude to a global war which seems more likely by the day with tensions between China, Russia, Iran, etc… and the USA reaching a crescendo real-time. But once again, this is not the subject of this commentary.
And still some will consider I am eluding to the second coming of Christ, and all the wickedness mankind and (especially) the great Satan (Uncle Sam) are responsible for (imperialism). But again … no!
While all of these are good guesses concerning topics that are serious issues … they do not hit the mark. What has me most concerned for America today is …
The Destruction of the American Presidency!
So why would this be of more consequence than the other issues mentioned, regardless of whether you like Trump or not? First off this is not about Trump so much as it is about the American Presidency … and second, the correct answer is multilayered and tied so deeply into “What makes us Americans” that a simple answer would never do it justice … but let’s try …
When everything you or your wife wear becomes more of a serious national Travesty than open boarder invasions. Questioning every administrative decision you have ever, or will ever, make publicly because they don’t like the color of your wife’s shoes!
When every decision you make for the good of We The People is literally shut down by liberal judges to the constant detriment of said people and for only one reason … to keep you from succeeding at ANYTHING!
When your actions on the international stage are challenged by liberals to the point where they will pacify our enemies to the detriment of ongoing negotiation (Mr. Kerry) that do not work to their puppet masters global agenda.
When ANYONE you nominate for any federal position literally has their life utterly destroyed with lies and exaggeration, and in front of all of America … just to make YOU look bad.
When the biggest pack of lies ever told is used to discredit you and ANYTHING you do, is found to have NO foundation … these same people double down and scream for IMPEACHMENT!
When everything … let me say this again with emphasis … WHEN EVERYTHING … you are blatantly accused of is in fact a road-map of your accusers transgressions … but no one seems to care!
… and that is the short list (very short).
Then you must be the president of the United States of America … Right ???
When I was young the most respected person on this planet was either the Pope or the American President (depending on who you asked), today neither walks unblemished. But the vast majority of said blemishes the American President suffers today have been (and continue to be) from his own countrymen, based on lies and half truths, and serve only to weaken the Presidents integrity and/or authority in the eyes of other global leaders.
So what is the definition of Treason?
Treason: Disloyalty or treachery to one’s country or its government. Treason is any attempt to impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance.
Today we suffer a so-called political party that represents the Democrat faction in this Republic. In actuality we are discussing a political party that owes no allegiance to We The People and displays this almost daily. Their (hidden behind the curtain) mission (where is Toto when you need him?) is forcing America ever closer to what any idiot can recognize as socialism and are attempting to rewrite the constitution to accomplish this (including eliminating the Electoral College) … whether we like it or not … FACT !!! And all with the constant help from their bought and paid for lap dogs, the Mainstream Media (MSM) … even The Fourth Branch (bull-crap) is smacking We The People upside the head with a healthy dose of treason!
Over the past few years the Progressive (Liberal) globalist movement has suffered an increasing number of serious setbacks, and they are now coming at a much higher pace. Today they can be seen trying to destroy and remove a duly elected president because his holding of office disrupts their global agenda …
- … by backdoor dealing with our adversaries (in Violation of the Logan Act … and the premise for treason).
- … by constantly stating to the public and the world that he is basically deranged and a danger to We The People in order to undermine any credibility he may have for negotiating (Can you say sedition?).
- … by continuing to state that the Muller Report was just the beginning and that this president needs more than Impeachment … He needs prison time (Can you say Bullshit).
Quick question … WHO among those screaming the loudest for Trumps incarceration (with no substance), could stand up to the level of blatant scrutiny he has been under for over three years now?
Quick Answer: NONE of them … but their turn is coming.
Now STOP and THINK … After all of this (and what is still to come when Trump is reelected) … What decent, God fearing, Intelligent, Country loving, Patriotic (Constitution, Bill of Rights, Sovereignty), Independent or Conservative individual would EVER even consider running for president (or just about any senior administrative position) after what we have seen the past three years.
Answer … only a puppet or an idiot …
Which actually works out well for the Liberals as most of their recent candidates surely seem to fill the described billet!
And for all you Liberals out there smiling because of what I just stated … Understand you have now set a precedent and the Conservative and Independent factions of congress (and elsewhere) will now be just as willing to treat your candidates and elected representatives with the same disrespect, loathing, lies and false accusations as you are now raining down upon President Trump. So in essence …
Now please look back at the definition of treason above, and all that has been said and done in the last three years … and try to convince me that there isn’t an organized Liberal Globalist movement in this United States who’s representatives are …
“… attempting to impair the well-being of a state to which one owes allegiance”
… by seriously impairing or removing the individual We The People elected to represent us and our wishes.
Never before in this Republics history has a president been treated with so much disrespect, outright loathing, or blatant revolt. We are surely witnessing the death of the power and authority (local and global) of our presidency as any of us or the constitution depicts it …
… and again it is We The People and our liberties who will be the big losers … !!!
Related Reading: Global Espionage Attack on Trump Worst in History – Kevin Shipp (click on the image below to read article)
Stay tuned to …
About the Author: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than seven short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects such as TLBTV, and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of Roger’s articles can be found on the TLB flagship website TheLibertyBeacon.com
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