“Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal.”
Assignment in Eternity (1953)
Roger Sayles’ mentor, John Benson, went to great lengths and much personal sacrifice to uncover the legal concepts and facts presented in “From Sovereign to Serf” and “Taxation by Misrepresentation.” For example, John lived in a warehouse and slept on a mattress on a concrete floor for over 16 months to save on expenses and maximize the amount of time he had to do the necessary research for the books. In poor health and suffering from cataracts in both eyes, John read case after case with a magnifying glass as thick as the bottom of a Coke bottle — holding it only inches away from the pages he studied.
Why? So that today you can read and internalize this valuable information. Because Your freedom from the system isn‘t about simply signing and filing a few pieces of paper.
Our Founding Fathers already limited government and gave you freedom and liberty. It is up to you to know their intent and demand your rights. It is your duty, in fact, to defend against all attacks the freedoms our Constitution protects.
John Benson believes as John Adams did, who said, “Liberty cannot be preserved without general knowledge among the people.” That is why so often during his long seminars he repeated the phrase, “The ONLY WAY I can protect my liberty is to help you protect yours!” Which is also why in the following article John asks, “What is your definition of Freedom?”
You have to know what a thing is to defend it.
Definition of Freedom: A Monkey Cries, “Let me out!”
What is your definition of Freedom? In my tax seminars across the Country, in 1992, I taught that the desire for ‘freedom’ is perhaps the most powerful impulse of the human heart. I related a story written by the radio personality Paul Harvey in a Los Angeles newspaper, January 1, 1980 where he gave life to the definition for freedom. Here are Mr. Harvey’s own words from that article:
CHIMPANZEE VOICES PLEA: I’ve just endured one of the most cold-sweat experiences of my life. I heard the “voice of an animal”. When I relate my experience of having heard an animal “talk”, I am not referring to the mimicry of a parrot. Here’s what happened.
My son, Paul, researching a “Rest of the Story” story for broadcast, became acquainted with a research project at the University of Oklahoma. There they have been teaching an animal to talk—specifically a 15 year old female chimpanzee named Washoe. This is the basic recognition communication, mostly single unit: big, small, up, down. Since 1966 this chimpanzee has learned 140 signs in Standard American Sign Language.
After all this learning and more learning, the project directors decided that Washoe was prepared now to “conceptualize.” In lay language, instead of imitating some human’s words—the chimp was ready to express thoughts of her own. She had learned enough words to cross-reference those words and “originate” expressions of her own. Now, understand Washoe is a pampered animal in the University Laboratory – well fed, physically comfortable, safe from harm. She had “security”. And yet—when she was able to put words together on her own into a phrase—these were the first three. And she has said them again – repeatedly.
To visitors the voice from the cage is saying: “LET ME OUT!”
Washoe’s cry for FREEDOM says it all.
Even a monkey knows the definition of freedom.
No one wants to live in a cage. No matter how well fed, how pampered you may be, no matter how secure you may feel, the cry for FREEDOM, “Let me out,” is perhaps stronger even than the desire to live.
That is why soldiers will throw themselves on live grenades in a foxhole, to preserve the lives of their fellow soldiers. We will, under certain circumstances, give our last full measure, even our very lives, for the sake of preserving freedom for ourselves and our loved ones. That is the reason that I have devoted over 35 years of my adult life, seeking answers to the American tax laws – like Washoe, I wanted to be FREE! That is the reason I have devoted my life to spreading the knowledge I have acquired – I know others also want to be free!
- My definition of freedom includes the freedom to practice my religion;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to speak the truth to others without fear of prosecution by the government;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to have our elected officials apologize and make amends to the millions of Americans whose lives and property have been stolen by the false and fraudulent application of tax laws for almost 100 years.
- My definition of freedom includes the right to travel freely without unreasonable government restrictions;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to enjoy the fruits of my labor without having to pay a tax that is not mandated by the tax laws;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to associate with whomever I choose;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to require of government officials that they stay within the bounds of the law;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to be free in my home and not have to worry about government S.W.A.T teams breaking into my house with search warrants that are obtained by secret affidavits;
- My definition of freedom includes the right not to worry about a President ordering my assassination by means of an executive order and without the right to trial by jury before my life liberty or property is taken;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to be free from false and fraudulent prosecutions by government prosecutors who knowingly and intentionally use false and fraudulent legal and factual bases to convict me and others;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to be free from judges who are either ignorant of the true basis of many laws or who are knowingly corrupt;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to have my children taught the true history of our nation and its laws;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to have candidates for public office acknowledge that we, the People, have been duped by the Treasury Department, the IRS, the Department of justice and the courts by their false and fraudulent application of tax laws;
- My definition of freedom includes the right to have our government officials admit that the citizenship and resident status conferred by the 14th Amendment are forms of second-class, feudal types of citizenship and resident status that are now conferred upon not only minorities, but upon all Americans, whereby the federal government is lord and master, the states are nothing more than field-operating units of the federal government, and we are the serfs on the great federal manor, part of the agricultural capital of the manor, like the oxen and the carts, the horses and the ploughs.
My definition of freedom as to tax laws is contained in my book: Taxation by Misrepresentation, the Truth about Income Taxes in Plain English.
The best definition of freedom and explanation as to how we lost our rights as freemen, how the government became lord and master and how we became its serfs is contained in this book, by Roger Sayles: From Sovereign to Serf, Government by the Deception and Treachery of Words.
Now, you have my definition of freedom, Roger’s definition of freedom, and, most amazingly, even the definition of freedom by Washoe, as well!
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Hmmm. I’m not sure why that is posting Roger’s pic. LOL
So happy to that you shared my post! Thank you! John Benson was an exceptional person.