THE JOSH TOLLEY SHOW: One of the best sources for the truth today presents – CHIEF JOHN W. GAISSERT warns that while the IRS and Media targeting scandals are bad and need to be investigated, they are just a smoke screen for a much larger cover-up.
You can also view and “Like” Josh’s video and many other great shows of consequence in todays chaotic world here:
Jean Smith: We at TLB are very aware of this and are supporting this event …
IMPEACH OBAMA MARCH in D.C. (this is the official facebook page) June 14th-2013
Stand up People..someone is trying to speak up and we need all the help we can get..
If the IRS is harassing decent Americans & the DOJ is spying on journalist then what else is our govt. doing to all of us that we don’t know about?? This is the time for whistleblowers to step forward, frm any federal agency to let Americans know their rights.
There were two veterans (Vietnam vet & Gulf War I vet) doing a walk across America through town who are walking from San Diego to D.C. in “Support the U.S. Constitution”. At least someone is stepping into the streets & doing something.
They were passing out pamphlets of the U.S. Constitution to people so I support them. The older one is a Vietnam vet who is 65 yrs. old. It’s hard to believe he’s in the 110 degree heat walking down hwy 70. We all need to support them.