Progressives – Traitors to Our Constitutional Republic & Civil Liberty
By TLB Contributing Author: Ken LaRive
Threats to the American System can come from within, and nowhere is it more evident then the Progressive Media.
Progressives try to take over the Catholic Church.
Progressive movement vies to control Evangelical Faith
The single and most important part of taking back our country is naming both your friends and enemies. This essay will give a brief outline of what is broadly considered a Progressive, with enough information to do further research.
Progressivism is a political mind-set advocating change through governmental control and action. It is considered in opposition to the conservative way of thinking of smaller government, expanded civil liberties, and minimal government intrusion.
At the turn of the century the Progressive movement emerged in response to the vast changes of industrialization, both social and economic, and was in opposition to conservatism’s negativity toward the more radical streams of socialism and anarchism. Progressivism made great strides under American presidents, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Lyndon Banes Johnson.
It would be too complex to attempt to explain so called “progressive” movements around the world, as they are ambiguous in the extreme. Further homework can be found studying Ireland’s Progressive Democrats, the European Progressive Democrats of the European Union, or the largest conservative party of Canada who happens to call themselves the Progressive Conservative Party. There are other progressive parties in Australia, India, New Zealand, Ukraine, United Kingdom, and Scotland.
According to John Halpin, senior advisor on the staff of the Center for American Progress, “Progressivism is an orientation towards politics. It’s not a long-standing ideology like liberalism, but an historically-grounded concept… that accepts the world as dynamic.” Most progressives in the United States align themselves with the Democratic Party or the Green Party of the United States. The most notable self-proclaimed progressives find themselves in opposition to more conservative democrats. Congressional Progressives are Ted Kennedy, Russ Feingold, Dennis Kucinich,Barney Frank, Bernie Sanders, Al Franken, John Conyers, John Lewis, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, and Paul Wellstone, as indicated by Wikipedia.
Within the folds of the US Congress there exists the Congressional Progressive Caucus, who are in opposition to the more conservative Democrats called Blue Dogs.
Some sites suggest the origin of most Progressive thinking to be from the Wisconsin Progressive Party and the Vermont Progressive Party, where they have found positions in state government.
Though there are many more, two well researched books on this subject are:
- McGerr, Michael A Fierce Discontent: The Rise and Fall of the Progressive Movement in America, 1870-1920 (2003)
- Schutz, Aaron. Social Class, Social Action, and Education: The Failure of Progressive Democracy. Palgrave, Macmillan, 2010.ISBN 978-0230105911 introduction
For a list of popular Progressive web sites, go here:http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0630-20.htm
To find out what a Neo-con is go here. How the progressive infiltrate into the Republican Party.
To find out what a Teo-con is go here. The progressive infiltration of the Tea Party movement.
To find out the many kinds of Libertarian here.
To find out what a Palio-con is go here.
The Progressive movement attempts to infiltrate the Catholic Church.
Author’s note: It is your responsibility to teach your children your standards. You can’t do this unless you have one. Do your homework and you will find a clear mind when trying to make a decision. It is called education.The difference may mean that your child will live in a free and productive America, or be enslaved. “We the people” of the United States means you! Know who you are! Know where you are going!
Who is Donald Trump, and why he can save America.
Ken LaRive – Facets: It’s a simple but beautiful metaphor. Our soul is likened to an uncut diamond, pure, perfect, and unrealized. Each learned experience cleaves a facet on its face, and leaves it changed forever. Through this facet, this clear window, new light, new questions and ideas take shape and form. This process is our reason for being …
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