KEN’S CORNER: Transcendentalism – The True American Character Reborn In the Liberty Movement

Transcendentalism, our founder's standard

KEN’S CORNER: Transcendentalism – The True American Character Reborn In the Liberty Movement

Commentary by TLB Contributing Writer: Ken LaRive

Liberty from Tyranny is never ending. For me, my eyes were opened one night while listening to an old Ron Paul speech. I have mentioned this before, but have to admit that I only understood a fraction of what he was so eloquently explaining. I had to study economies, history, even philosophy and Theology to even start to grasp it, and eventually began to realize that I leaned toward a Libertarian stance. This means smaller, non-intrusive government whose primary purpose is to insure both protection, and civil Liberty. He could not, however, effectively deliver that message to the American people, no matter how needed it was. A growing number of people are waking up to the fact that something is not right, but have not yet determined just what that is. Pow! Here comes Donald J. Trump.

No one in my lifetime has done more to stir the pot of our American oligarchy, with in-your- face explanations of nation and empire building, and the dangers of a corporate military industrial complex and banking system alliance that controls our Congress, then Donald Trump. He has, without a doubt, touched the minds and hearts of many working class people, however…

One concern, I think, goes mostly unnoticed. What we must fight every day, without fail, is Liberty from Tyranny. A dying middle class, the destruction of civil Liberties and the shredding of our Constitution is a result of Tyranny.

Many are backing Mr. Trump because they want our economy to return, and this is fine… but the Liberty movements’ primary concern is Liberty from Tyranny. Surely, if government got out of the way of free enterprise we would have far more opportunity for profit, and dream, but that would be after the fact, secondary, like icing on the cake. Work for Liberty first. Work to find truth. Work to return our Civil Liberties (Bill of Rights), and insure that no one tramples on our Republic based on Constitutional Law, and the American Dream will return.

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Transcendentalism: Is the ‘True American Character’ reborn in the Liberty Movement

Few writers take up the pen in truth these days. Plagiarism and a lack of validity are rife, where news outlet truths are strangled by imposed taboo, and well-diagrammed schema trickle down from the very top to the many hungry minds of the masses looking for solace.

Corporate owned and influenced by government, media skillfully crafts a manufactured truth with an imposing twist, slanted by a well orchestrated design. Like a flash in a pan, they use a carrot on a stick, a dog and pony show, and smoky mirrors to help you to forget. Seldom is a story followed to a close, or revisited, just a faded memory. There is always something pressing, an alert every day, to take its place… To even ask the question why, is very rare, as pop-corn distractions fill the void with constant abstract fervor, creating new questions to displace the previous unanswered ones. We choose a side, like Fox and Friends, or CNN, with confidence and poise, regurgitating what little of it we remember.

Much of what can be called current events are redacted without notice by a populous taught to have a limited attention span, and newspapers demand their reporters write for a sixth grade education. Soon displaced, it becomes exceedingly difficult to get to the truth of a matter, unless you investigate yourself. No longer, if ever, can you trust any media outlet to be impartial, and as truth is manipulated, accuracy is pulled and pushed to fit their particular envelope. Those who push this mass of distraction aside, and drive forward in investigation, find that what was presented as truth was little more but assumptions and suppositions, dead-end substantiations that blind us like a needle in an eye. In this confusion, we cannot plan with any certainty what side we are actually on, or formulate a volition to actually care for much of anything but selfishness, as it is embedded in us to trust a system that now understands us better than we understand ourselves….

Even for moralists who have historically chosen a side for what they consider righteous reasons, soon realize that both sides of a conflict have little or no virtue, or moral standard. They see a fight coming, but cannot reason, for themselves, what side they should be on. When the time will come, as they are told it must, authority will tell them when and where to die.

We are told from the black box that war is looming; another cold war with Russia… and that world economies are failing. Between mass shootings, we get a glimpse of a disintegrating EU, how black men hate white men and all cops too. We see a disingenuous love-hate relationship with the UN, but can’t seem to reason why… as few will take the time to actually view the meetings on C-span. We have information at our fingertips, and yet, we seem to be floundering in ignorance and apathy. Our southern oil-field economy is disintegrating before our eyes, as our so-called friend, Saudi Arabia, floods the market, for years, with cheap oil… supposedly to bankrupt OUR enemies. Only problem with that is our oilfield infrastructure, in America, is destroyed too, along with America’s ability to be energy independent, for many years to come.

Red tape, and black dots

Everything is connected in this ever-shrinking global community, and it seems now, as central bank tentacles reach into every nook and cranny, that what we do to another has a resounding repercussion that bites back. Some call it blow-back, some retribution, and others karma, as what you sow, so too will you reap.

Libya’s Qaddafi is a case in point, where he designed his government to protect his currency from debt, and owed nothing to the central bank poised like a fat tick in his infrastructure. Just before he became an enemy, he vied to have his currency based on gold. He is dead. Something standing on its own two feet will not be tolerated by the powers that be, and this should concern all Americans to the very core. If we pull back from our master’s central bank, audit the Federal Reserve, look into Fort Knox, and attempt to print our own money again based on silver or gold, will they murder us too? It is a wake-up call on the cusp of foreclosure, and we trust, and trust, in a time of reckoning.

Corporations too big to fail, and banks, too big to fail, are protected by the Federal Reserve. Nothing but a corporation, it has a contract that gives it more power than even our congress, and we all, every country around the world, feels the lash of debt slavery. We are witnessing the biggest transfer of resources (tangible wealth), and power, in the surviving historical record… a record currently being rewritten by them.

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Transcendentalism, our founder’s standard.

The hope of America’s original ideology, Transcendentalism, is no longer taught in government schools… and for a reason.

Henry David Thoreau wrote: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation, and go to the grave with a song still in them.” ..and I have often wondered just what he was trying to tell us. Many of our ancestors attempted to explain the dangers we would face, and that the gift we were being given was a treasure no country has ever had before. It was something so profound; people from around the world flocked here to embrace the concept, and to seek their dreams. They risked their fortune, their very lives, and it was called: Liberty from Tyranny.

These words of Thoreau above, fill me with a great sadness and dread, as he has put the finger of his mind to my heart. All of us, as is our human nature, dependent on truth to find our way in a dark world… We seek to sing our own song in a humanity of suppression, condescension, and myopia, and have refused the very weapon, the precise tool we need to insure our success. It is called our Constitution. We aspire in this life, all of us, to want something greater than the grind of meaningless mediocrity, and that is the American Dream. His book: “On Civil Disobedience.” is masterfully constructed and designed to give us a reason for being Patriots, and it is well-hidden…

His friend Emerson, another American writer, also speaks to Thoreau’s personal desire (and his projection to the rest of society) for something greater than the daily drudge of our current lives. I cannot say that Thoreau should be considered a political writer, but he gave us a profound thought that filled the mind of our ancestors with a burning desire.

Though their writings were considered depressive, by some readers, in study there is also an amazing hope found there that can invariably light our way.

Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote: “Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” and “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” …fills me with a great hope. You see, this fight for Liberty from Tyranny is indeed an ancient concept, and it can only manifest itself here in America if it becomes understood by enough people to give a resounding opposing voice. To me, those who could not understand the complexities of Ron Paul, are now clinging to the words of Donald Trump, and these desperate Americans Thoreau knew very well, as he had that same fire, that same need in his heart. Donald Trump has opened Pandora’s Box, laying bear the true reasons for the fine mess we find ourselves in today, and once out of that box, they will never, ever go back.  A worthy idea is never forgotten. It may flounder by the oppressive nature of society, but will eventually find its way to light. That is our hope.

A concept these American writers wrought, may help us to come together for this great common cause of Liberty, and it is called Transcendentalism. It is an American Philosophy. You see, what gives the Liberty movement its true strength, and its teeth… is the comprehension that the world around us “transcends” and goes beyond what we can see, hear, taste, or touch, and is, in some respect, a form of intuition. It is the reason our Forefathers told us that our Civil Liberties can not be mandated by government, but are a gift for God… It is akin to something like an intuition, based on faith… and that both our common and individual destinies are not bound by what is taught to be logical or even what we reason with our senses. In other words, early Americans felt that there is something greater than themselves, something worthy to aspire to, with a trust in themselves to be their own authority on what is right. It is a concept so powerful that they would even sacrifice their very lives to safeguard it, and that is the power of the Liberty movement.

That is what has separated America from all of the dictatorships, Socialistic, Nationalistic, Communistic/Marxism that have plagued our world, and that precious and original American concept is most dangerous to the elite who want to dominate and control us from cradle to grave. We must rediscover this most precious gift, given to us by the toil, blood and love of our founding fathers, but also their intellect, and take this county back. At this moment in our American history, only the hope of Donald Trump can fulfill that.

To be clear, let me say this another way: Far left, Progressive Social Engineers are attempting to destroy this concept, a concept that has made us the veritable envy of the world. We, from the onset of our Constitution, realized that we the people can aspire great things, because we all hold in us something greater than ourselves, waiting to escape, to manifest, and we, as a people, from every creed, nationality and color, can reach out for any dream. Our destiny is ours. It does not belong to government.

Without truth, there is nothing to venerate. We sit on the cusp of an abyss with a bottom we cannot see, and so desperate to save the America we once knew, for our posterity, we fear that our voice is too weak to make a difference. We must stand together, united in the standard that was passed to us before it was stolen. I’m telling you now, it is NOT too late. All you have to do is say NO! We will not submit to an oligarchy. We are a Republic, of and by the people. You do not mandate my Liberty, that sir, is given to me by God.

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Who are we? Let’s consider this…

We are supposed to have a Republic based on Constitutional Law, not a Democracy. Read the Federalist Papers, as they knew that Democracy has never existed… that it has always morphed into mob rule, or a dictatorship. Now there are those who say we are a Constitutional Democracy, but unless we include the word Republic, our true safeguard to Liberty, that description of America is lacking. We are in the Liberty movement, not the freedom movement, and our founders told us that complete freedom could never exist, as there are those who will abuse it… and that is why we have law.

Liberty from Tyranny is a lofty and concise goal, that can be reached, and maintained with vigilance. Settle for nothing that is not for the good of America, from the lies we find on television, newspapers, magazines, music, movies, and our government institutions, and fight back by not participating. Don’t buy it, or into it, and it will disappear. You see, money makes the world go round… Ironically, as Thoreau often pointed out, “society” is really the sum of all people, so the suppression of our inner desires are primarily a result of our own doing. We can control outside influences by controlling ourselves, as he so well articulated: “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

“God bless America. And if you can but grant just one thing above all else… please give us more IQ.” -Ken LARive 1989 diary


Read more from KEN’S CORNER


Ken LaRive

From the Author, Ken La Rive – We in the Liberty movement have been fighting to take back this country for less than a decade, peacefully and with the love of God and country in our hearts. Our banner has been trampled on and displaced by a multitude of distractions, further eroding our nation and the cause for Liberty. And so, as we are pulled by forces we cannot fathom, powerful entities with unlimited resources stolen from our future, unaccountable trillions printed out of thin air and put on our backs as debt, we must formulate the most pitiful of all questions any patriot might ask in the final hour: Are we going to fight for our master’s tyranny, or are we going to demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitution? Are we going to choose The Banner of Liberty, or the shackles of voluntary servitude? Will it be a war for corporate profit, or a war to regain our ability to self govern, as the blood and toil of our forefathers presented to us, their children, as a gift? I fear that decision is emanate. I fear that any decision will be a hard one, but my greatest fear of all is that the decision has already been made for us.


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