by TLB Contributor: Paul James
Fascism and the DC US De facto Government….Fascism |ˈfa sh ˌizəm| (also Fascism) noun: An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. Extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice. ORIGIN from Italian fascismo, from fascio ‘bundle, political group,’ from Latin fascis (see fasces). Authoritarianism, totalitarianism, dictatorship, despotism, autocracy; Nazism, rightism; nationalism, xenophobia, racism, anti-Semitism; jingoism, isolationism; neofascism, neo-Nazism.
Faux-Stereotype: “The term Fascism was first used of the totalitarian right-wing nationalist regime of Mussolini in Italy (1922–1943), and the regimes of the Nazis in Germany and Franco in Spain were also fascist. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one national or ethnic group, a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach.”
UNITED STATES DC Municipal Corp e.1871 and chartered to rule only over the 10 Square miles of the District of Columbia has placed the people on the land from the 50 states of the Union in a condition of Mixed War. By as evidenced by its actions the UNITED STATES clearly considers the 319M people of America as its chattel and property – merely human resources to serve the UNITED STATES owners mission which is to create a New World Order aka Police Planet / Slave Planet for those that remain after Silent Weapons / Quiet Wars have decimated the global population, a genocide program already well underway. Through this process of mixed war, the American people have unknowingly been feeding a criminal cabal that has already plotted the death and annihilation of the American people and the enslavement of any left standing. The truth of this is out there if you care to look! Research: Geo-engineering, Chemtrails, HAARP, GMO’s, Club of Rome – agenda 21 -Codex Alimentarius, GWEN Towers/ELF Towers, Vaccine Sterilization, Autism et al.
The phrase “MIXED WAR” means a war carried on between a nation on one side and private individuals on the other [Words & Phrases, Vol. 27].
“Mixed war occurs whenever the government of a nation is an enemy of, and at war against, its own People. The most insidious and perfidious type of mixed war exists when the government acts against the People under guise of protecting the People’s rights and upholding the nation’s most cherished values and ideals. In such case, government officials are “wolves in sheep’s clothing,” occupying positions of prestige and power, with the support of the People, while treasonously betraying that trust. This is an ideal confidence game whereby arch-charlatan criminals can engage in piracy on an ongoing basis under color of law, color of office and be tolerated or even treated as heroes by their victims.”
The United States Isn’t a Country — It’s a Corporation!
USA vs. US
The United States Civil Flag of Peacetime
The American Flag is the flag of The East India Company
Letter sent via PAG to Obama on behalf of the American people for the Pope – who should have stepped up to the plate long ago
Sharing for all: Brother – Americans do not know they are feeding the Rothchilds Khazarian – Cabal mafia – which is the beast that unlawfully created the Israel death machine (Research Balfor Treaty). The same beast that enslaved Americans since 1913 and is planning the death of Americans through Silent Wars aka GENOCIDE which is already underway (BTW – The US Federal Reserve Note It is not lawful money per the organic laws of the Organic America and the US Dollar – or Federal Reserve Note is NOT AMERICAN MONEY!
The Organic United States of America c.1776/1781 is not the DC UNITED STATES, the later being a mutual corporation established in DC in 1871 without the peoples knowledge or constitutional amendment! The later was created to rule over the 10sq miles of the District of Columbia – NOT THE ENTIRE 50 Free and Independent States which it now does through fiat – Color of Office and Color of law!
The US Dollar – is not a u. s. of A, Dollar – it does not represent the people of the Free and Independent States – it represents the privately controlled US mutual corporation of 1871. It is more accurately a Khazarian – mafia debt note created by the Khazarian foreign entities that have sacked America for their criminal cabal!
The bulk of the ownership of the Federal Reserve System, a very well kept secret from the American Citizen, is held by these banking interests, and NONE is held by a de jure United States Treasury, the treasury also controlled by the Cabal since 1920 under the Independent Treasury Act:
Rothschild Bank of London
Rothschild Bank of Berlin
Warburg Bank of Hamburg
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
Lazard Brothers of Paris
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
Goldman, Sachs of New York
Lehman Brothers of New York
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
The Federal Reserve is at the root of statutory regulations, “color of law”, and the control and regulation of virtually all aspects of human SLAVERY (aka most 2.5 million in jail did not violate AMERICAN organic laws) and unlawful control in the United States, through successively socialistic constructions laid upon the Commerce clause of the Constitution but reliant on a MASSIVE slight of hand and fraud expanded on elsewhere in my notes.
Basically, the Federal Reserve is the “STATE” of the United States municipal corp of 1871 and it is FOREIGN to the Free and Independent States per the perpetual union of 1781 under the Articles of Confederation and the Unanimous Declaration of Independence of 1776.
The Federal Reserve Note – aka FRN is a military debt script created by the Khazarian – Venetians – operating out of DC – Crown / Corporation of London (foreign to England) created to steal America’s labor / energy over the last 100+ years such that it could – WAS – used to create a One world slave planet that the Khazarian mafia global plantation managers have been running from behind the curtain.
The Original United States of America (50 Free and Independent States) is an occupied territory by the FOREIGN KHAZARIAN – CRIMINAL CABAL controlled through their UNITED STATES Corporation of 1871! That which was created to rule only over the 10 square miles of the District of Columbia.
DC – is a Rothschild creation as is DC UNITED STATES money system the Federal Reserve! Like CROWN Corp or Corp of London is occupying England – Scotland – Ireland and Wales under a similar fraud – color of office and color of law – mixed war – placing people under debt script, Roman Cilivil Law V’s common law – in a system where the rulers USE the people – aka as in Parasite – to feed its empire – like the battery concept that Neo was seen in at the beginning of the first matrix movie! Yes – we are in the matrix!
The empire is the hidden NWO. The all seeing eye on the US $1 bill is their for good reason! It appears by the 253 Federal Reserve battle plans that the NWO plantation managers goal is to collapse the global financial system. NWO being controlled by the three state beast (Vatican – DC – Corp of London) and out of the ashes they will attempt to raise their NWO if we let them which we will not!
All nations including the Free and Independent 50 States are being held in a condition of mixed war by the Khazarian / Venetian DC – LONDON – Vatican plantation mafia managers and the false money system while they brainwash the people in to accepting the lunatic system that they have created as being the natural order of things!
The God that they created is their MONEY GOD! In GOD WE SERVE is not the creator God – it is the system use to overthrow America from within by an enemy within! Look to the CROWN created BAR system for a clue to how this was done! Read my other notes!
The American people and now all those around the world have not yet realized they are DEBT SLAVES for a criminal parasite class that now runs the world from behind the curtain!
So what is mixed war: The phrase “MIXED WAR” means a war carried on between a nation on one side and private individuals on the other [Words & Phrases, Vol. 27].
Mixed war occurs whenever the government of a nation is an enemy of, and at war against, its own People. The most insidious and perfidious type of mixed war exists when the government acts against the People under guise of protecting the People’s rights and upholding the nation’s most cherished values and ideals. In such case, government officials are “wolves in sheep’s clothing,” occupying positions of prestige and power, with the support of the People, while treasonously betraying that trust. This is an ideal confidence game whereby arch-charlatan criminals can engage in piracy on an ongoing basis under color of law and be tolerated or even treated as heroes by their victims. Those feeding the Khazar slave system unknowingly…
So those nations that did not want to be enslaved by the Khazarian mafia have been annihilated by a foreign controlled US War machine (not an American war machine) under the GUISE of making America safe – a khazarian fantasy played on the American people! So I hope that you now get where this is going if America does not wake up now the lie is out of the bag! We have traitors pretending to be your lawful government and it has been this way for over 100 years! STOP FEEDING YOUR ENSLAVEMENT or worse!
v3. What rights does an actor have to subject you to FOREIGN RULES AND CODES NOT MEANT FOR THE LIVING!
CRIS – Court Registry Investment System – Natural Justice Academy
The Buck Act And The United States of America
The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment To The Constitution For The United States
Original 13th Amendment Is Missing
Corporate America Reduced.pdf
Index of the writings of Judge Anna von Reitz
The Moral Decoding of 9-11: Beyond the U.S. Criminal State
The world knows 911, Weather warfare, GMO’s, Chems, HAARP, Vaccine induced Diseases, ISIS, alCIAda et al, all of THEIR wars and false flags were an inside / outside job by the Khazarian Federal Reserve – DC – Israel – Corp of London (Crown) Cabal – enough said – fly sons of liberty – or civil flag – NOT THE NWO WAR FLAG – and let them know you know! Read post attached to this link to understand how you were enslaved by the US Mutual Corp created in 1871 to rule over the ten sq miles of DC – and then through fraud assumed control of everything!
NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969
Time to end the Occupation of the Organic United States of America c1776 and the planet by the US DC Foreign criminal Khazarian controlled mutual Corp. c1871 – Crown – Corp of London, controlled by the Khazarian mafia / Vatican Black Nobility/ NWO!
Russia Presents Evidence Against US, UK and Israel As Being the Actual 9/11 Terrorist
The September World Announcement by the Pope of the Jesuit Church of the NWO
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