Five Reasons to Elect Democrats in November
Preface by: Roger Landry (TLB)
When I received, and first looked at what is presented below, my reaction was … too short … too simple … too in your face/blatant. But then I started thinking (Yes I have been know to do that on occasion) about our Democrat (Progressive, Liberal) power players and:
QUESTION: What goes through our heads as we watch the grand performance called Liberalism failing over and over again … yet still being stuffed in our faces whether we wish it or not …
QUESTION: What goes through our heads as we watch We The Peoples business ignored, or taking back seat to a daily regimen of America bashing, rioting and story telling (fake news) …
QUESTION: What goes through our heads as we watch the total disrespect and egregious actions taken to effectively neuter a sitting president in the eyes of We The People and … the entire world …
QUESTION: When does this all stop being an inconvenience … a pain in the ass to We The People … and become sedition or treason …
I would say that most of us (NON Liberals or Progressives) in our anger and maximum frustration have thought through most of the scenarios below as “worse case” … almost (but not quite) willing to believe that they are actually capable of these actions … Then we settled back to some level of reality.
But “WHAT IF” … ???
It is for this reason I thank Jerry, and present this short (but quite eye opening) rant.
Please continue reading …
5 Reasons to Elect Democrats in November
A Short Satire by: Jerry McGlothlin
Some people may call me a snarky conservative who doesn’t care about the downtrodden.
So, once and for all, I’m setting the record straight and giving 5 reasons to elect DEMOCRATS this November:
1) Give Democrats a full House of Rep-resentatives, to continue resenting the rule of law and personal responsibility.
Let’s reward Nancy Pelosi for tearing up President Trump’s SOTU speech chock full of conservative accomplishments.
And let’s be sure to eradicate any remnant of American exceptionalism.
2) Give Democrats a senate majority so they can overturn any remaining moral restraints on behavior.
While we’re at it, let’s ban traditional marriage and force monogamous ‘breeders’ to become ‘enlightened’ united under the new U.S. rainbow flag.
3) Give Democrats the Presidency so they can issue executive orders overturning all Trump advances.
Let’s force the rich to work 3 jobs instead of the two they already work, to pay their fair share of benefits for 150 million newly minted immigrants from the rest of the Americas.
4) Let the new president impeach the conservative Supreme Court justices and replace them with a rainbow variety of judges who truly reflect the United States.
Imagine all men united with men. And all women with women.
5) Let’s make the next high court justice a transgender, perhaps a child molester with a long term heroin addiction or perhaps a fentanyl pusher.
Yeah, now that’s truly getting ‘progressive.’ Perhaps even one with managerial skills reflected in the stellar Democrat management of the Iowa caucuses.
And of course, we need at least one or two illegal alien justices–oh I mean undocumented immigrants.
And a terrorist or two for good measure to enforce newly minted constitutional law–Sharia law, that is.
OH, you disagree? you must be a hater, or a home-schooler or anti-choice, or one of those old fashioned gun-toters who won’t be allowed a pea shooter under a Utopian trifecta new Democratic United Socialist States of Amerika.
That’s America with a K, comrade.
About the Author: Jerry McGlothlin is President of Special Guests, a conservative publicity agency of thirty-four years. Here’s Jerry’s contact information: Phone 919-437-0001 & email [email protected]
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