ER Editor: 2nd Smartest Guy also published on this. See —
France: ANY Criticism Of The mRNA DEATHVAX™ Platform Punishable Up To 3 Years Imprisonment And 45,000 Euros
The WEF-captured government of France has pushed through a draconian new law entitled Article 4. This Orwellian and unconstitutional color of law power grab is a purposely poor attempt at obscuring the irrefutable slow kill bioweapon death and destruction data.
What makes Article 4 particularly incendiary is that the majority of the French population has been outright refusing all “vaccinations.” Throttling their free speech as it pertains to gene modifying poisons will only increase the already heightened tensions between the criminal Macron administration and the awakening French populace, by design.
Sorry, but we still think this is a movie. Waking up the normies. Nobody governs like this and expects to keep their job. And maybe that’s the point, too – another sting operation on useless politicians who vote for authoritarian laws. We saw that on full display during the Covid madness.
The Gayssot Law silenced all historians, article 4 will silence all scientists!
The recent adoption of Article 4 has sparked strong reactions, with some denouncing an attack on freedom of expression and a new step towards a totalitarian state. Compared to the Gayssot law, which represses the contestation of crimes against humanity, this article aims to repress provocation to abandonment of care. It is part of a worrying trend of restriction of individual freedoms.
This measure was adopted after a heated debate in the National Assembly, where some deputies expressed concerns about its impact on freedom of expression and democratic dialogue. Nevertheless, despite the criticism, the article was voted on with a majority of 182 votes for and 137 votes against.
In accordance with this provision, provocation to abandon or abstain from treatment will be punishable by a penalty of one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros. These sanctions will be increased in the event of direct consequences of the provocation, with a penalty of up to three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.
Defenders of this measure, including Secretary of State Sabrina Agresti Roubache, stressed the need to fight against sectarian and conspiratorial excesses, particularly on the internet, which could endanger public health.
Nevertheless, this adoption raises concerns about freedom of expression and the possibility for citizens to question public health policies. Some see this as a dangerous precedent that could further restrict individual freedoms in the future.
This reminds us of the opposition encountered during the adoption of the Gayssot law in 1990, which was the subject of lively debates and notable opposition from the parliamentary right, then the majority in the Senate. This law, relating to the repression of protests against crimes against humanity, was seen as an attack on freedom of expression by certain right-wing politicians.
In the Senate, several rejection votes took place on June 11, 29 and 30, 1990, illustrating the firm opposition of certain members of the political class to this legislative proposal. Among the political figures who opposed the Gayssot law are influential figures such as Dominique Perben, Pascal Clément, François Fillon, Gilles de Robien, Jean-Louis Debré, Pierre Mazeaud, Jacques Chirac, Jean Foyer, Alain Peyrefitte and Simone Veil, as well as MP Jacques Toubon. This opposition highlighted concerns about the law’s impact on free speech and its influence on the historical narrative.
Jacques Toubon, expressing his disagreement, declared:
“I am against the crime of revisionism, because I am for the law and for history, and the crime of revisionism sets back the law and weakens history.”
After restricting freedom of research for historians, the government now appears to be hindering scientists’ freedom of expression. This worrying trend could lead to citizens having to rely solely on political decisions influenced by the pharmaceutical industry.
It is as if the silence around the Gayssot law had given the green light for the implementation of Article 4. This clearly shows how restricting freedom of expression can open the door to more restrictive measures.
This shows us the crucial importance of fighting against all injustices that restrict freedom of expression. By letting a restriction go unaddressed, we risk opening the door to other forms of oppression and censorship. Actively defending freedom of expression is essential to preserve our fundamental rights and maintain an open and democratic dialogue in society.
France: mRNA criticism punishable in the future
A new criminal offense can in future put people in prison in France who are asked to refrain from appropriate medical treatment (according to ‘Science’). The law was voted by the National Assembly on Wednesday. Critics call the law ‘Article Pfizer’.
A law was passed in France on Wednesday without much attention, which can punish resistance to mRNA treatment. Who advises against mRNA or other ‘medical treatments’, but who ‘ can in future go to prison in France for up to three years or collect a fine of up to 45,000 euros.
Repression against medical critics
It was a competitive thing, but the Macron regime ultimately did its will. Article 4 is central to the new law, which was first deleted but then reinstated. It creates a new criminal offense and the ‘Request to discontinue or refrain from therapeutic or prophylactic medical treatment’ as well ‘the request to use practices that are presented as therapeutic or prophylactic’ punished. In the future, any resistance to mRNA treatment ( and other group medical methods ) can be criminalized.
The biologist Annelise Bocquet is therefore correspondingly shocked. She writes on Wednesday evening: ‘To my international friends and colleagues: Today a law was passed in France that describes any resistance to mRNA-LNP injections as ‘sectarian aberration’. It is punished with a sentence of up to three years in prison and 45,000 euros.’
To my international friends and colleagues,
Today, a law was passed in France qualifying any opposition to mRNA-LNP injections as a “sectarian aberration”. It carries a penalty of up to 3 years’ imprisonment and 45,000 euros.
For your information…
See you soon.…
— Bocquet Annelise 🔬🧬📚🚜 (@AnneliseBocquet) February 14, 2024
The most explosive wording in the law that can be applied to mRNA critics can be found in paragraph 2:
“Requesting the abandonment or omission of therapeutic or prophylactic medical treatment is punishable by one year in prison and a fine of 15,000 euros if this abandonment or omission is presented as beneficial to the health of the targeted persons, although according to the state of medical knowledge it is obviously likely to have serious consequences for their physical or mental health in view of the illness from which they suffer.”
Article Pfizer: The Law passed in Original Sound.
Anti-democratic maneuver
Most opposition factions – with the exception of the Socialist Group – saw the law as a prejudice to so-called ‘alternative medicine’ and a threat to whistleblowers. ‘The sincerity of this fight against dangerous sectarian developments must not consist in punishing practices of supplementary care or the consumption of phytotherapeutic products by law“, said Jean-François Coulomme from the left alliance ‘La France insoumise’. Thomas Ménagé of Le Pens ‘Rassemblement national’ simply called the law ‘an anti-freedom development’.
Initially, the government’s plans had failed and Article 4 could be removed from the law. This immediately resulted in government polemics. A politician from Macron’s party spoke of an ‘alliance against science’ for which he was ‘ashamed’.
But on Wednesday the government prevailed – with a maneuver – typical of the Macron regime. The French parliamentary correspondence reports:
The government and the majority would not have expected the determination of the government. On Wednesday the 14th. February, at the end of the examination of the draft law, the Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee, Sacha Houlié (Renaissance), spoke in the Chamber to request a second consultation, as permitted by Article 101 of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly. This states that ‘a second consultation is legally possible at the request of the government or the lead committee’.
Brigitte Liso has therefore tabled an amendment to restore – and reformulate – from Article 4. The rapporteur emphasized that the offense was not fulfilled ‘if proof of the free and informed consent of the person is provided’, but also made it clear, that the new wording brings in an additional dimension in connection with the protection of whistleblowers, which is the aim of the law of 9 December 2016 on transparency, anti-corruption and modernization of economic life. A goal that is confirmed in the text of the amendment, according to which ‘information, reported or passed on by a whistleblower under the conditions set out in Article 6’ of the previously cited law ‘do not constitute a provocation’ within the meaning of Article 4 of this draft law.
Almost without debate, this slightly modified draft was then adopted at first reading with 151 to 73 votes.
Florian Philippot, the party leader of Les Patriots, a Le Pen secession, had warned a week before about this action of exactly the same government maneuver. He called Article 4 Amendment Pfizer. He then wrote on X: ‘With this amendment you condemn anyone who has the slightest doubt about the mRNA injection and refuses to recommend it! The National Assembly wants them with the support of the Order Council (of course!…) reintroduce, even though the State Council classifies them as hostile to freedom, that’s all!’
Now the Macron regime has implemented the plan and pushed through the ‘Pfizer addition’. What you are experiencing in France’s parliament is ‘screaming pre-fascism’, an observer based there told TKP: ‘Punish, discipline, force everywhere.’ The Pfizer article is another chapter. Who the new criminal offense is aimed at was clearly evident in the debate in Parliament. ‘The next pandemic is coming’, one could hear as an argument from the government side.
Now the law goes back to the Senate. Resistance could also be found there, but the Macronists have ways to bypass it.
Here you will find the entire legal text.
Picture „Anti Mandatory Vaxx March – Sat 20-11-21“ by Fishyone1 is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
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The elite want us dead. The nightmare the world is living in at the present time isn’t over. They have more much more planned before this is over.
NAME AND SHAME: it would be good to see a full list of the anti-liberty MPs ho voted for this law, the the WEF/Zionist/globalist connections of each one, who is blackmailing them etc