ER Editor: We also recommend some other pieces (from July 2019) we published and linked to under the single title Homeopathy under attack in France and Germany – the start of something else?
We remind readers who are not from the UK that the National Health Service (NHS) has always been regarded as a national treasure; what successive UK governments have been attempting to do in terms of privatization – by stealth, naturally – is regarded as nothing short of sacrilege.
Exposing the secret privatisation of the UK’s National Health Service is important for many reasons, but surprisingly, it’s also necessary to defend health freedom and alternative medicine, and in the front line now is Homeopathy.
Wherever you are on this globe, if you want to keep your freedom to choose natural medicine, then any battle like this one, wherever it is fought, becomes a battle for us all. Those waging the war are global, and if the battle is lost over there, across ‘the pond’, then you’re next in the firing line.
Homeopaths Threatening The Profits of Pharma Private Medicine
Homeopaths exposed highlighting the dangers of vaccines
To understand why Homeopathy must be destroyed in the UK, you must know that the UK’s NHS is secretly being privatised. This is where we meet Simon Stevens (pictured), the Oxford graduate and current head of the NHS. And, although recently he appears to not fully support privatisation, his past tells a different story.
I’ve looked over the documents of Stevens’s lobby group, and they show that just two years ago, it was trying to force NHS privatisation by using the trade deal to override any objections to US corporations taking over slices of the NHS.
Stevens has tried to dodge the question of his commitment to NHS privatisation, but his involvement in “TTIP” lobbying shows just how deeply he is committed to US-led health privatisation
Solomon Hughes
He earned his spurs in the US healthcare system and was trained in the art of debt forced takeovers. Some say his job is that of the Hit Man: to engineer the takeover of public healthcare systems by forcing them into debt first. The payoff is worth it.
He has many notches on the handle of his gun, including Mozambique; now he has, arguably, the biggest prize on the planet in his sights, the UK’s NHS. There’s only one problem: the pharma drug models and profit forecasts that have been made in anticipation of filling the accounts of those that aim to own the NHS don’t add up if alternative medicine remains healthy and alive. Their future projections require as many members of the UK public as possible buying their products via the new private NHS. Why is that a problem? Well, when there are more alternative therapists in the UK than there are medical general practitioners; and in 2008 the annual amount spent on natural health treatments was 4.5 billion pounds; and half a billion pounds is being donated to alternative medicine from the NHS to that industry, that’s a big problem. One that any private investor would want firmly dealt with. (source:
Before the NHS can be sold, the competition has to be removed…and first in the gun sights are the Homeopaths, warning against the profitable big ticket item – vaccines. And Stevens, peddling the tired and worn out line that challenging the efficacy and safety of vaccines by worried parents is promoting myths, is – with the complicit media – starting the take down:
If the UK Homeopaths don’t think he’s serious, then they might want to take a look at his bio:
And listen to NHS GP Dr Bob Gill & David Graeber:
Who will win this epic fight? Well, that all depends whether the Homeopaths realise in time what some think is the real reason they are being attacked [NHS privatisation], and whether or not they’ve got the courage to stand up to the medical/pharma industry cartels. One thing is for sure: the UK public will stand on the side of the NHS against privatisation; maybe the Homeopaths need to think strategically about that.
Let’s hope they work it out fast. Otherwise Homeopathy, once offered free on the NHS, may be a thing of the past as it is crushed under the stampede and greed for the NHS cash.
Published to The Liberty Beacon from
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