By: Joseph M. Lenard
The #Fascicrats are pathetic! Now all of a sudden they want to be seen as Hunter’s #2A Rights defenders and yet call out Republicans (the real #2A defenders) with Strawman bullcrap?!?!?
Just saw Claire McCackle (MO) a few days back on CNN doing anything and everything to SPIN the Hunter Case/Trial to be about GOP and not Hunter, not current/existing Law, not about ALL that Hunter’s done that brought to this point, etc… Anything to avoid #FACTS that Case is about #FRAUD and #LYING on a Fed. Govt. (Left’s God) Form to obtain. Like Clinton was NOT Impeached for Sex w/ Intern but PERJURY/LYING.
Somehow McCackle wants claim GOP wants to let ALL Crackheads be able buy a Gun by us/supposedly wanting to eliminate any/all background checks. Really McCackle? PROVE IT!!! Where has any Republican in this Century ever put forth a Bill (Local, State, Federal) to eliminate background checks entirely?!?!? WHERE? WHEN? PROVE IT! You cannot, cuz it’s a STRAWMAN – we oppose Leftist expansion of Gun Laws that block more LAW ABIDING (being a CrackHead (by definition, not lawful to buy, distribute, use) = Non Law Abiding) CITIZENS from obtaining and able to Carry for Defense. PERIOD!
So the GUN CONFISCATION #FASCICRATS crowd, the crowd that refuses to Prosecute the Gun Laws on the books (but constantly trying to Legislate more, they can also selectively enforce based upon FASCICRATS benefit Political goals furtherance) and plea away them to let Criminals right back out on the Street, now say is OK with a Crack-Head committing Fraud to have a Gun?!?!? Stick with the FACTS of the Case, they of course CAN NOT do that! This Case is being brought forward only as a DODGE, as a sham, they have another Leftists sympathetic Jury and playing Hunter as somehow a “VICTIM” (playing to Lefitst Activist Jury packed with folks also related to Drug Addicts, play “Victim” have pity and sympathy and ignore FACTS and just let him off Jury Nullification ploy) rather than clear multiple Crimes violator – just like the Trump Case in NY they played as anything really BUT the supposed Crime (which there was none in Trump’s Case) committed – HUNTER COMMITTED FRAUD, he ADMITS to being a Crack Addict – HE LIED. PERIOD. Open and Shut Case GUILTY – move to Sentencing.

This Case is about LYING/FRAUD. This Case is about a repeated LAW BREAKER who has been allowed to SKIRT any consequence of The Laws due to his name (who his Father is). The Left are ALLOWING this Case to come forward WHY? Because they NEED this (and the NJ US Senator, fallen out of favor with Biden regime and they want him out of US Senate and bringing that Case allows them to weaken him and bring an even more Leftist into US Senate from NJ, they hope) Case to show any resemblance of “EQUAL Justice” and Equal application of The Law for Public POLITICAL COVER while doing everything to undermine yet another GUN RELATED CASE (for a Criminal, that they would be putting on HARD PRESS if it were you or I) being dismissed and really now only about “LYING ON A FORM” Case and painting Hunter as “VICTIM” of his addictions to play to the Jury many of whom purposefully chosen knowing others with “addiction” issue. Does anyone expect Hunter to be found GUILTY of his clear violation on THE LAW in question here?!?!?
Again, to wrap this up, FASCICRATS only apply GUN LAWS when against those NOT in one of their VICTIM CLASS GROUPS (read: think a FASCICRATS Voter, and do not want to convict them of Felonies that may prevent them, in many States, from being able to still cast Votes for FASCICRATS) by coddling actual Criminals on a day to day basis allowing them right back out on Streets to commit Crimes against US LOWLY CITIZENS (while those Ruling Elites of course have their own ARMED GUARDS and Live in PROTECTED GATED COMMUNITIES safe and away from the Criminals they let right back out on the Streets).

LEFT has only one Principle – say, do, anything that gets them and keeps them POWER/CONTROL (issue, never the issue; like with these Cases mentioned here-in) over others! They have only one Standard – DUPLICITY. Yes, one quick/brief aside: my use of the term I coined: #FASCICRATS!! Seriously, not hyperbole, facts and evidenced based Left cannot refute – see: https://tinyurl.com/FASCICRATS for details. And like all BANANA-REPUBLIC REGIMES (Left Spectrum, RULES FOR THEE BUT NO ME, will selectively apply anything/everything always and only to benefit selves actual #RuleOfLaw be damned and that “Equal Protections” of the Constitution does not apply when dealing with The Left. Bread and Circus distraction for Public Relations SPIN, this Case is a FOR SHOW CASE only!
Lastly, YES is completely true 2nd Amendment does not afford any limitations or restrictions (SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED) but we are LONG beyond the time (and does anyone really think our Founders would have allowed Mentally-unstable people run around with Weapons? As no unlike today they would have had them somewhere they would not be harm to self or others unlike today Left just happy with them all roaming the Streets!) where there will be any return to such complete and unquestionable lack of any/all “infringement” (defense of such Right; for protection of self, family, and State, including Right to Carry; being preserved for otherwise LAW ABIDING U.S. Citizens question and at risk and under attack by Left daily) and there is no-one, nobody, thinking any/all BACKGROUND CHECKS (like the one Hunter is clearly GUILTY of LYING/FRAUD on). PERIOD! That is what the Case is, despite all the CRAP that The Left is trying to make it anything but that about! It is also, now, Thank You McCackle and others on Left, about Lying Leftists and any/all Gun related issues as you try to DODGE THEM to hide from your DUPLICITY (your SELECTIVE PROSECUTIONS OF SUCH) of such every day.
VIDEO (34m 05s): CTP (S1E44, 20240420) God Guns Redux (contains video and other technical issues) BTS/SP Video
[ARTICLE LAST-MINUTE UPDATE: Hunter found GUILTY?!?!? SHOCKER! After all that trouble of getting that likely to be SYMPATHETIC Jury to set up the whole BUT IT’S HUNTER (Joe’s Son) and HE’S AN ADDICT bullshit distractions to avoid CLEAR FACTS —- HE LIED, HE KEEPS LYING, CLEAR GUILT!!! They wanted Jury Nullification, didn’t get it seemingly and again to me that is a surprise!!! They will be DESPERATE to Spin the “look, we apply Justice equally” farce til November. And lastly, I saw someone do a great Meme with image of #KringeJeanPeon say “Hunter did all those Drugs to keep them away from others – Hunter is a HERO” to which I replied that is something #KringeJeanPeon would try to float. And did you pay close attention to what #JoeBiDUMB said? “Will not PARDON Hunter” does not preclude COMMUTATION of Sentence or usual Left LIES and he will immediately after he loses in November.]
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
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Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)Image Credit: Graphic in Featured Image (top) –Pixabay License.
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This is ALL still distraction, deflection; LOOK SQUIRREL, for those who have a clue to the reference; from so many FAR MORE SERIOUS CRIMES by the entire #BidenCrimeFamily (The on video Ukraine Quid Pro Quo (Hunter/Burisma), hundreds of Shell companies Money-Launderings, FARA violations, back room deals and clear evidence and complete Money-trails of MULTIPLE BRIBES by our Nation’s enemies that our Founders would have had the likes of the Biden’s on Trial FOR TREASON for, TAX EVASION/FRAUD (while morons Vote for RICH ELITE BIDEN while crying MAKE RICH PAY FAIR SHARE) that Biden’s dodge paying, etc…) and more attempted Election Interference (as #ENEMEdia STILL SILENT about all that other evidence on the Biden Laptop that was admitted in evidence in this Case – Left still tries pretends DOES NOT EXIST! And LITERALLY a few hours after Hunter Conviction BiDUMB out at MomsDemandAction and Everytown anti Gun organizations Event peddling NEED FOR MORE GUN LAWS (when BiDUMB Family just spent weeks saying Hunter should NOT be held accountable for the Gun Laws already on books he broke and that they plea away all the time letting Criminals back on Street that soon TAKE LIFE (not always) with Guns (could be knives, baseball bats, drug poisonings (selling fake mock Drugs that Kill)) that could have, would have, been prevented if not for #DemocratsCoddleCriminals policies). Wanna talk about LAWS and PEOPLE THAT WOULD BE ALIVE – how about Kate Steinle who was killed by a guy who already had NO AUTHORITY to have a gun cuz he was AN ILLEGAL (deported 5 times, but let right back into the Sanctuary City, where he SHOT AND KILLED KATE) it is NOT just Gun Laws at issue here – and The Left are WEAK/SOFT on ALL -REAL- CRIMINALS.