High School Teacher Joins Forces with Vaccine Industry Front Group to Promote Film Invisible Threat



WATCHUNG, N.J., April 30, 2014 – The “National Launch” of Invisible Threat – a film promoting the world’s most aggressive vaccine program – will be screened in the nation’s capital on May 1. The screening will be hosted by Every Child By Two (ECBT), which has received millions of dollars from five of the largest pharmaceutical companies. Lenient laws defining non-profits allow “charities” such as ECBT to aid the bottom line of industries that fund them. CBS reported on ECBT’s ties to the vaccine industry in ” How Independent Are Vaccine Defenders?

ECBT claims Invisible Threat was “produced by award-winning high school student filmmakers” associated with Carlsbad High School Television (CHSTV). However, the film’s executive producer, Amy Posard, is not a Carlsbad student, but a parent. Film teacher Douglas Green is the film’s director and cameraman. And a woman conducting interviews for the film was “clearly not a student,” according to Dr. Shawn K. Centers, who was interviewed for the film.

Adding to the film’s controversy, Mr. Green has been accused of filming autistic children and their parents “under false pretenses.” Autism expert and pediatrician Dr. Centers said he and parents of his patients were misled to believe the purpose of the film was for students to learn about autism. “Only one student attended the shoot, and he participated very little,” said Centers. “I don’t think the student realized this was a vaccine propaganda film run by adults and that he was being used to gain entry to my office, my practice, my patients and their parents.” Dr. Centers later learned that Dr. Paul Offit – ECBT board member and millionaire vaccine developer for Merck, – is listed as the film’s “Scientific Technical Advisor.” Offit was also featured in the film, calling critics of vaccines “evil.”

According to Dr. Centers, producer Amy Posard had asked permission to film the children and interview the parents and doctor on two occasions. Lisa Megyesi, an autism parent featured in the film, said Ms. Posard later told her, “We honestly did not know there was a controversy about vaccines,” and, “the students were planning on doing a film on the immune system, but after visiting Dr. Centers’ office, the direction changed.” Posard’s story is contradicted by CHSTV’s own Facebook page, where the film’s topic was stated on April 18, 2012, to be “Vaccination” (not autism) seven months prior to the filming at Dr. Centers’ office.

ECBT promotes the goal of every child being vaccinated with all 39 recommended vaccine doses by the age of two, despite what PhD biochemist Brian Hooker calls “the complete lack of safety studies of the cumulative effects of those vaccines.” Dr. Hooker added, “‘Invisible Threat’ attempts to refute the vaccine-autism link despite the existence of over one hundred published peer-reviewed studies that give evidence for an association between serious vaccine complications and the development of autism and other neurological injury in some children.”

Although promoted as “unbiased” and “balanced,” Invisible Threat is “scripted with industry talking points,” according to Teri Arranga, executive director of AutismOne. Based on her viewing of the trailer, “the film appears to downplay the side effects of vaccines, which range from neurodevelopmental disorders to seizures to death.” Arranga continued, “There is no controversy that vaccines can cause injury, a fact incorporated into U.S. law and policy by the enactment of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.”

Barry Segal, philanthropist and founder of Focus Autism, said, “All of the deceptions involved in the making of this film are a good reminder of how the vaccine industry operates.” The film’s “national premier” in January was hosted by The Immunization Project, whose activities include pro-vaccination lobbying efforts. The film is sponsored by a local Rotary grant; Rotary International receives large grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major investor in vaccines. The film is being promoted for student viewing and is approved by Common Core.

Focus Autism , which sponsors A Shot of Truth, is encouraging citizens to contact their legislators to counter ECBT’s public relations effort targeting legislators. An Action Alert was created by Focus Autism for this effort. Autism One joins Focus Autism in enlightening the public about Invisible Threat.

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