Hillary Claims Trump Wants To Kill His Opposition

Hillary claims Trump wants to kill his opposition

By: D. Parker

Over the weekend, we saw a continuation of the projection from the fascist far left, which has taken an increasingly dangerous tone. At this point, there should be no doubt that they know what they are doing and that they probably take charges of hypocrisy as a badge of honor. No group of people could go on like this, being completely unaware of exactly what they are doing.

The question becomes, how do we convince many of those in the middle that the threats cited by them are born of the left?

You’ve no doubt heard the unending barrage of bovine soil enhancement from the anti-liberty left in projecting its authoritarian proclivities on the pro-freedom right. For some reason, the national socialist media are obsessed with certain authoritarian leftist dictators, to the point that they mention them whenever they can — but only on days that end in. The latest example was our old volks-comrade, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who recently pontificated on the deceptively named Defending Democracy podcast:

Trump was, like, you know, just gaga over Putin because Putin does what he would like to do: kill his opposition, imprison his opposition, drive, you know, journalists and others into exile, rule without any check or balance. That’s what Trump really wants, and so we have to be very conscious of how he, uh, sees the world, because in that world, he only sees strong-men leaders. He sees Putin. He sees — she — he sees Kim Jong-un in North Korea. Those are the people he is, uh, modeling himself after, and we’ve been down this road in our, you know, world history. We sure don’t want to go down that again.

For those who are fully informed, all of that is easily applied to those who are dictating the actions of the sock-puppet Biden regime against President Trump and the pro-freedom right. All of this is on top of the fact that Democrat House reps stop just short of explicitly calling for Trump’s assassination.

There is something seriously wrong with people who go to these lengths to persecute their political enemies and then cross the line into talk about outright political violence while projecting this dangerous rhetoric on others — not only to normalize it, but also to marginalize the targets of such lies.

But it’s even worse that there is a certain segment of the country that doesn’t see this obvious truth.

It’s mind-boggling that some on the political middle ground cannot comprehend that the sock-puppet administration of Biden is already acting like a dictator regime, with every executive action from buying votes to restricting our commonsense civil right to self-defense.

It’s equally mysterious that leftists like Hillary Rodham Clinton can toss off accusations of a desire for political assassinations while they are tacitly trying to deprive President Trump of Secret Service protection — along with persecuting journalists while she talks of Putin driving them into exile. The Biden regime is working all the angles to get around constitutional restraints, and she’s talking about no checks on power.

The ruling-class left has always had the advantage of almost complete dominance with the national socialist media, but that can carry them only so far, and trust in it is dropping. After a while, the projections are going to start showing through, and the leftist lies will fall apart.

The question becomes, how do you get people to see the obvious projection from the left and topple its house of cards?


The above article (Hillary claims Trump wants to kill his opposition) originated on American Thinker and is republished on this TLB site under “Fair Use” (see project disclaimer below) with attribution to the author D. Parker and americanthinker.com.

TLB recommends you visit American Thinker for more great articles and information.

About the Author: D. Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, and the director of communications for a civil rights organization and a longtime contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image Credit: Photo (cropped) in Featured Image (top) – Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0 and in-article image of Hillary Clinton – In Public Domain. 


Also by this Author:

How Will The Democrats Take Care Of Their Biden Decline Problem?

If Leftists Hate America So Much … Why Don’t They Leave?

Have Democrats Destroyed Our Election System


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1 Comment on Hillary Claims Trump Wants To Kill His Opposition

  1. I not only think it’s a projection, but I have a feeling, knowing of her background and the flotsam and jetsam in her wake, that it was a overt call for her ‘goons’ to ‘take care’ of him. JMHO.

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