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Dr. Raymond Singer: “Recognizing Neurotoxicity”
By: TLB Contributing Writer: Leslie Carol Botha
Dr. Raymond Singer returns to Holy Hormones Honey! for another riveting discussion about neurotoxic exposures and the state of our health. This time we will focus on his groundbreaking book, “The Neurotoxicity Guidebook” published a decade ago to inform the educated public about the potential hazards of neurotoxic substances.
According to Dr. Singer, “the impetus for the book was a telephone call in June, 1988, from Mr. Robert Esposito of Van Nostrand Reinhold. He wanted to know if I would be willing to write a book on neurotoxicity that would be suitable for industrial hygienists, safety professionals, occupational health personnel, and others interested in neurotoxicity, including psychologists, neuropsychologists, physicians, risk analyzers, and government regulators.”
While, I certainly like to consider myself (as well as my colleagues at The Liberty Beacon to be part of the “educated public,” I had never heard of this book – let alone now – or a decade ago. And how many more millions have been affected by the neurotoxic body burden that is now so evident in our children and grandchildren – and in our elderly.
On October 12, 2015 Dr. Singer posted about the economic cost of neurotoxicity on his blog, Neurotox.com.
“By 2050 an estimated 135 million people worldwide will have dementia. In 2010 the global cost of dementia care was estimated at $604bn (£396bn; €548bn) and estimated to increase to $1tr by 2030. Of all chronic diseases, dementia is one of the most important contributors to dependence and disability. In the absence of a cure, a professional belief that nothing can be done has contributed to delays in diagnosis. “ Source: Dementia: timely diagnosis and early intervention. BMJ. 2015; 350: h3029. Published online 2015 Jun 16. doi: 10.1136/bmj.h3029. PMCID: PMC4468575
He commented that “Cognitive decline precedes the diagnosis of dementia, and is more prevalent than dementia.
“Neurotoxicity is an important – but often overlooked – cause of cognitive decline and dementia. A greater appreciation of the sensitivity of the brain to toxic chemicals in the environment can lead to a reduction of exposures to neurotoxicants, reduced brain toxicity and an improvement of brain health.
Adequate detection, diagnosis and treatment of the hidden epidemic of neurotoxicity can reduce the burden of dementia.” ~ Costs of dementia, neurotoxicity, by Dr. Raymond Singer
We have to realize folks that our illness stems from the hundreds of thousands of chemicals that have infiltrated our environment. We are witness to the results of that poisoning when we see our children with ASD, women and men with chronic physical and mental illness – and of course, the increase in violence in school yards and other public places. We have to consider that we are sick because we are contaminated. We are what we ingest. It cannot be any more simple and/or devastating than that.
Dr. Singer was a guest on my show in early September when he discussed the prevalence of toxic mold in the home and the rise in ADHD. A concept even more frightening with the massive amounts of floods and snowfall that has buried many communities in recent years.
On October 17, Dr. Singer posted:
Mold can cause nervous system disorders such as headaches and memory loss.
Although there are an increasing number of news stories of the toxic effects of molds, it is rare that reporters accurately describe symptoms of mold toxicity. Today, American Broadcasting Company news affiliate WJBF in Augusta, Georgia got it right, and reported that mold can cause nervous system disorders such as headaches and memory loss. This is an important step in increasing public awareness of an extremely deleterious effect of mold, its propensity to deteriorate neuropsychological function and behavior.
As a professional neuropsychologist and neurotoxicologist, I have seen many cases of mold neurotoxicity since 2001. Depending upon a number of factors, mold neurotoxicity can cause mental retardation, fatigue, irritability, sleep disorder, learning and memory disorder, and emotional disorders including rage, depression, anxiety and psychosis – as it can damage any area or function of the brain. Source
Neurotoxicity—poisoning of the brain and nervous system—is a well-documented effect of exposure to many widely used chemicals, yet doctors (and lawyers) often fail to recognize it. Chemically injured clients often report a confusing array of symptoms, with no medical diagnosis. The symptoms may seem vague and unconnected, leading you to wonder, “Could these symptoms really be caused by a chemical exposure?” Once you recognize the signs and understand them in context—as a constellation of symptoms resulting from a toxic injury—you will have greater confidence in bringing your client’s case to justice.
A person who has suffered a serious chemical injury is likely to have sustained considerable damage to his or her brain and nervous system. This is important for a lawyer to know, because doctors often recognize only the person’s physical illness, not realizing that serious brain and nervous system damage may have also occurred.
Neurotoxicity can be documented, but perhaps not in the way you might think. A person’s ability to think, perceive, control emotions, plan, and manage his or her life can diminish drastically without anything being visible to a radiologist or neurologist on an MRI or a CT scan.
Raymond Singer, Ph.D., board certified by the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology, with Added Forensic Qualifications, and a full member of the Society of Toxicology, specializes in evaluating the effects of toxic substances on nervous system and behavioral function. He has adapted available technology and methods in behavioral and neural science to applied problems of toxicology, helping scientists, doctors and the public to understand the extent of toxic illness in our society.
His vita shows over 125 books, papers, presentations, abstracts and workshops to his peers and to the public on toxicology-related issues, including presentations to the Society of Toxicology, American College of Toxicology, International Neurotoxicology Association, National Academy of Neuropsychology, American Academy of Forensic Psychology, American Chemical Society, World Congress of Pathology, International Congress of Occupational Health, World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, and the World Health Organization.
Dr. Singer also communicates neurotoxic science to non-scientists, including courts, juries, citizen groups, radio audiences, etc. His opinions have been accepted in numerous state and federal courts in the United States of America regarding disability claims, personal injury matters, and criminal cases, including death penalty cases.
Dr. Singer has served as an expert witness in numerous landmark cases, including the Vietnam Veterans Agent Orange litigation– wherein he testified that herbicides and dioxins damaged the veterans’ nervous systems; the Shilling case in Ohio, wherein the Ohio Supreme Court unanimously opined that a neuropsychologist can testify that plaintiffs’ multiple sclerosis-like conditions were due to gasoline poisoning; and the Bonner case, where his innovative forensic methods were upheld after exacting scrutiny by a Federal Appeals Court.
Governmental and other agencies that he has assisted in toxicological matters include the United States Department of Justice – Environmental Crimes Section, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. He was employed by the National Renewable Fuels Association to inform the United States Congress regarding the relative safety of alcohol based- versus MTBE based – fuel additives. (Against Dr. Singer’s recommendations, MTBE was introduced into the US energy supply, only to be found years later to be a persistent and troubling environmental pollutant, now banned in at least 15 states). He has presented written testimony to the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Science and Technology , United States House of Representatives, regarding neurotoxic substances at home and in the workplace.
Dr. Singer has assisted German Federal lawmakers regarding neurotoxic chemical problems in our society by lecturing in The Great Hall of Parliament, Wasserwerk, Bonn , funded by and upon invitation of the German Federal Government, SPD Bundestagfraktion.
Dr. Singer was awarded the Doctor of Philosophy degree from Washington State University in 1978. He had been a USA National Institute of Health Post-Doctoral Fellow in Biological Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine. In addition, he had been a USA National Institute of Health Post-Doctoral Fellow in Environmental Epidemiology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City, under the direction of Irving J. Selikoff, M.D. (a prominent and pioneering public health scientist and doctor who revealed the widespread toxicological problems of asbestos and other low-level pollutants).
Achievements and Forensics
Author: Leslie Carol Botha
Author, publisher, radio talk show host and internationally recognized expert on women’s hormone cycles. Social/political activist on Gardasil the HPV vaccine for adolescent girls. Co-author of “Understanding Your Mood, Mind and Hormone Cycle.” Honorary advisory board member for the Foundation for the Study of Cycles and member of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research.
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