On this episode of Holy Hormones Honey!
Dru West: “NuvaRing Killed My Daughter”
on the
The Liberty Beacon Media Network
Show can be heard Sunday nights at 7pm & in full anytime after show start. Click on the TLB Radio Logo to hear show
By TLB Contributor & Talk Show Host:
How much do we really know about the synthetic hormones we are ingesting, injecting, or inserting into our bodies? That is what I thought. Not much. We just take birth control for granted – thinking that it can “do no harm.” But it can and is doing harm to our body’s and minds and spirits. We have no idea of the epigenetics of birth control use. All of these synthetic hormones are being passed through the umbilical cord to our babies. We have to get away from the concept of “birth control” to the notion of “sterilization.” That is what these new long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) are doing to us.
So how many women actually die you ask? Well, what Dru will tell you will make you think. If you took 3 or 4 jumbo jets and they all crashed – that is the number of girl’s lives that are taken down each year. And in many cases the deaths come without warning. Now that you know this little factoid – you need to listen to what one grieving mother is doing to alert others about the predominant dangers.
Excerpted from NuvaRingTruth.com
We know you are considering NuvaRing because it sounds so easy. Maybe you don’t want to be hassled by taking a pill every single day. Maybe you don’t want to use condoms or a diaphragm.
You may be thinking about these benefits when you think of NuvaRing:
- You only have to insert it once a month (and take it out once a month), but that’s only two things to remember.
- You don’t have to remember to take a pill every day or remember to do anything before sex to prevent pregnancy.
- And it protects you from getting pregnant!
- Every one says it’s safe. (Okay, let’s be honest here, you’ve heard a few stories, so not every one says it’s safe.)
It just sounds so convenient!
- Nothing will happen to you. After all, you’re young, you’re healthy. Right?
- That’s exactly what women we know thought before they developed serious conditions or died from deep vein thrombosis, strokes, cerebral hemorrhages, pulmonary embolisms.
- Do you know that NuvaRing has a higher rate of blood clots than earlier pills?
- Did your healthcare provider just say it was safe?
- Did your healthcare provider instruct you on the signs or symptoms to watch out for should you develop a blood clot or other serious problem?
- Or did they even tell you that one of the first signs of a pulmonary embolism is sudden death?
- Do you know that there are safer birth control options that are even more effective or that there are safer combination hormonal birth control available to you?
Think again and listen in. This is serious business. If you are going to have informed consent about your body – then learn the truth and know the risks.
Dru West is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in Northern California. She holds a Master’s degree from the University of San Francisco in Marriage & Family Therapy and works with families, couples and individuals. She has been married for 35 years and is the mother of four children, including her daughter Julia, who at age 29 died of massive pulmonary embolisms after using the birth control NuvaRing for two years. Julia had been married for exactly five weeks on the day she died in 2013.
Since that time Dru has focused her attention on hormonal birth control issues, working with blood clot survivors and parents of other young women who were harmed or died while using combination hormonal birth control. She is working to increase awareness of the health risks while using hormonal birth control, especially the increased risk of blood clots. Dru has developed two websites. One specifically discusses the birth control NuvaRing, called NuvaRingTruth.com, and another website called BirthControlWisdom.com, which has information about various types of birth control.
Author: Leslie Carol Botha
Author, publisher, radio talk show host and internationally recognized expert on women’s hormone cycles. Social/political activist on Gardasil the HPV vaccine for adolescent girls. Co-author of “Understanding Your Mood, Mind and Hormone Cycle.” Honorary advisory board member for the Foundation for the Study of Cycles and member of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research.
TLB Recommends you visit Holy Hormones Journal for more pertinent articles and information.
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