For most of us the question that I ask in the title is a no-brainer. How trustworthy is Hillary Clinton? She’s not. She’s not trustworthy at all. In a fight based solely on being untrustworthy, she’s right up there with North Korea, Iran and Cuba… which for Democrats means she’s perfect. Ha! But for most sensible people, it means that they should move forward with caution.
Let’s not forget about Hillary’s first brush with fame — the Watergate hearings during the Nixon administration.
The now-retired general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Hillary when she worked on the Watergate investigation, says Hillary’s history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.
Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair.
When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation …
One of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.Why?
“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
Anyway, let’s get to the video, which some conservatives are saying could be a game changer. I guess the real question of how effective this video could be is if the media will actually pay attention to it. Here’s what conservative comedian and pundit Steven Crowder had to say about it.
But this ad, is without a doubt, the most effective anti-campaign ad that I’ve ever seen. And it shows Conservatives the blueprint on how to beat Hillary. Attack the dishonesty. I’ve been saying this for years. Hillary Clinton is more than a slimy politician, she’s a compulsive liar. She lies about big things, but more importantly, she lies about little things when she thinks that nobody’s watching. For no reason! Ignore the “sexism” claims from the left, speak freely, and focus on this. Watch below. It’s a must.
Here’s the video from America Rising PAC, it’s called “Trustworthy?” and it might very well change more than a few minds.
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