By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges
Humanity is presently locked in a pitched battle for survival. Our traditions, our cultures, our health and longevity, our mental health and our spiritual well-being, are gravely threatened by self-serving allies of some very dark forces that we often refer to as Satan. Subsequently, when we reduce the world’s conflicts to the lowest common denominator, what we are left with is a battle between good and evil. And for now, evil is winning hands down.
As John Kennedy pointed out in his, now famous Secret Societies speech, the globalists are well-funded, well equipped and seemingly control everything. Today, we see the manifestation of the dark side and their desire to destroy humanity in the form of fluoride and psychotropic drugs in the water, chemtrails in the sky, GMO’s in our food supply, DNA and RNA alterations, various forms of mind control, exposure to dangerous levels of electromagnetic radiation, the destruction of our oceans and seas through catastrophic events such as Fukushima and the Gulf oil explosion, the continuing fighting of elective wars of global domination which benefit nobody but the bankers which could culminate in an extinction level event called World War III.
While humanity wallows in these multitude of challenges to our survival, the global elite are developing well-documented quantum leaps in life extension technologies through a series of experiments emanating out of a general area which we label as transhumanism. Transhumanism was originally designed as a vehicle to capture and negate the power of the soul. The Frankenstein folklore is a manifestation of these attempts at producing soulless creatures. Having proven unsuccessful in their attempts, the global elite have decided to permanently alter the fundamental structure of humanity in which they hope we lose the connection to our soul which is the well spring of free will and the essence of what we are which is the likeness of God on Earth. Even our popular entertainment media is championing the bifurcation of critical resources between the haves and the have-knots. For example, in the movie, Hunger Games, the ruling elite living in Capital City possessed life enhancing technologies that the rest of the people couldn’t even dream about. In the recent movie, Man of Steel, the birth of who we would come to call, Superman, represented the first live birth in centuries on the mythical planet of Krypton. The movie made it clear that everyone else, on Krypton, for the past several centuries, had been bred for a specific purpose in which to serve the leaders of society in a transhumanist culture where genes were turned on and turned off as it befitted the leadership of the planet to breed people with specific skill sets. In the soon-to-be-released movie Elysium, the elite don’t even live on the earth, as they exist in a disease-free and idyllic world while leaving the bulk of humanity to suffer in universal Third World conditions.
Any researcher who has studied transhumanism, to any degree, recognizes the themes of these popular movies as a representation of where the science is headed.
Additionally, the global elite are moving to control the distribution of all food and all water as well as to remove the essential elements of self-protection from its global citizens in such legislative actions as the United Nations Small Arms Treaty Ban. We are plunging headlong into a nightmarish existence controlled by evil entities with no conscience. These are entities who do not live by the same morals, codes of ethics, laws, and spiritual principles which are imposed on the bulk of humanity in which we now exist in a type of “rules for thee but not for me.”
The elite have attempted to remove God from all secular institutions including our schools as a spiritual attack upon our children. And before you remind me that we live under a constitution which espouses the belief of separation of church and state.
It is now a crime to pray at school which negates our children’s inherent power.

Let me remind you that the founding fathers did not envision a nation in which we had freedom from religion instead of the intended freedom of religion. This was a 1960’s detour which has had catastrophic consequences for the citizens of our time. Since the 1960’s, our country has witnessed continuous war, the murder of 53 million innocent human beings and the spread of unconscionable tyranny and violence to those who would oppose the will of international bankers around the world and we Americans have served as their army of enforcement and compliance. Therefore, by definition, our government and its overall leadership, with some exceptions, should be considered to be evil.
The globalists control all industry and decide to a large extent who gets elected by various means. They control the banks, the corporations and the government and, today, there is virtually no distinction between the three. On the surface, the global elite seems invincible because they have duped humanity into serving them while we fund our own demise through the fruits of our labors.The forces running the planet, mostly made up of unscrupulous, ruthless and satanic international bankers as well as the heads of monolithic corporations, are seemingly hell-bent on implementing their depopulation, eugenics based corporate-fascist domination of humanity. Is there any hope?
There is no hope as long as we use the tools of the evil to fight evil. In other words, the presence of 300 million hand guns in America is a good stop gap provision for self-protection, but it should be considered as an the end goal.
There Is Another Way
As human beings, we have incredible superpowers which would make the superheroes very envious. As I pointed out in part one of this series, we have clear and irrefutable proof of the following:
- Human beings, beyond the laws of statistical probability, have the ability to anticipate unseen and unheard danger. Research studies in the area of social psychology have demonstrated that people can usually tell when they’re being stared at from behind even when there are no possible sensory cues to tip them off. This ability has obvious implications towards our survivability and, therefore, should be considered to be a natural part of the repertoire that we possess in order to maximize and enhance our prospects for longevity.
- Human beings, as demonstrated in the “Princeton Eggs” experiments, have the unconscious ability, as manifested in our autonomic nervous system, to anticipate catastrophic danger 3 to 4 hours in advance of the event. Part one demonstrated that on a global scale, the two biggest anticipated dangers as indicated by a spike in autonomic nervous system reactions, were the events of 9/11 and the Tsunami of 2004.
- Human beings, as demonstrated in a multitude of double-blind research studies, have the ability to affect a physical change in the environment when collective mental processes are utilized in harmony in a phenomena known as mass consciousness. The mass consciousness experiments have been very public and even embraced by popular media figures such as Art Bell.
These three examples which I referenced in part one are only a tip of the iceberg. If you have never heard of these powers, or think they are merely a child’s fantasy, I would encourage you to read part one before proceeding to the following information. I have also included a partial annotated bibliography for your review. Research results on human consciousness may not speak as loudly as the propaganda of the mainstream media, but the results speak the truth much more loudly than our friends do from the corporate controlled media.
The Laws of the Universe
The Supreme Creator fashioned the universe based upon a very consistent and predictable scientific set of processes. As I began to become exposed to some of the good research being done by scientists such as Dean Radin, I was forced to take note of the sophistication of the research data which was highly suggestive of the fact that we, as human beings, possess incredible and seemingly magical powers.
Once I became awake to the conspiracy of the bankers who have hijacked the planet’s governments and economic systems, did I come to view the suppression of human potential as a conspiracy to limit the growth and power of every person on the planet with ultimate enslavement as the goal. Subsequently, as I continue to write various installments in this present series, I wish to point out to all that, (1) these powers can be scientifically demonstrated; (2) each and every human being can harness these powers and collectively utilize these powers for the greater good; and, (3) it is important to bring awareness to the fact that these abilities can only be harnessed to their potential only if they’re being used in the spirit of love, cooperation and equally applied for the benefit of all.
The information being set forth in this series is not proprietary nor secretive. In fact, several have written in depth analyses of these phenomena. However, within the alternative media and the truth movement, I see a large knowledge gap, thereby, creating the need to bring this information out to a different audience.
The Effectiveness of Prayer
Can we pray our way out of the difficulties that we are in now? The answer is both yes and no. If we could awaken humanity to the nature of the threat which imperils all life on this planet, and we could impart the knowledge on how to use prayer as an instrument of defense against these forces, the answer would be yes. However, with the present levels of ignorance on the part of humanity and the lack of knowledge on how to effectively utilize prayer, the answer is a no and we will continue to slide into the abyss of tyrannical enslavement and extermination.
We should all be working to enlighten our fellow man in both areas. The following contains critical information, that if known by the masses would constitute a clear and present danger for the global elite. Let’s begin demonstration of the power of prayer by an examination of the science behind the healing at a distance through the use of prayer.
Healing Prayer at a Distance

The term “distant healing” has actually made its way into the lexicon of the National Institute of Health (NIH). Many medical facilities, including hospitals, referred to this phenomenon by various terms including prayer, spiritual healing and non-local healing. Just within the past few years, two major peer-reviewed journals have published studies on healing at a distance. The Annals of Internal Medicine published a review of 28 double-blind distant healing studies from reputable journals which came to the stunning conclusion that there is enough evidence to support a measurable effect of prayer at a distance and that more research was warranted and needed. Additionally, The Archives of Internal Medicine published a study, which reviewed the health data of 990 cardiac patients who were prayed for in a double-blind study. In this study, the people did not know that they were either being prayed for, or were not being prayed for. Further, in keeping with the tenets of double-blind studies, the people doing the praying did not know the individuals they were praying for. The praying people merely had a list of first names and last initials representing the people that were being prayed for. The survival rate of the group prayed for was significantly and measurably higher than the control group, in which nobody was prayed for.
To the religious zealots who believe that their dogma is the only true dogma, I have disappointing news. The fundamental belief system of the person doing the praying did not seem to alter the results. I do not believe that this negates any one worldview, it simply removes the arrogance from anyone’s worldview! Arrogance and selfishness are the antithesis of this process.
Does experience with praying make a difference in the outcome? It is interesting to note that many of the people in the formal studies used experienced “healers,” while many studies have demonstrated that novices are just as effective. However, there is empirical evidence which suggests that these skills can be taught. Various schools and disciplines (e.g. Reiki, Therapeutic Touch) have collectively produced nearly a half of a million of trained “prayer” practitioners on the skills related to intercessory prayer.
Stunningly, the National Institute of Health is calling for more research to address the question of how to integrate healing at a distance prayers into the practices of mainstream medicine. Dr. Larry Scherwitz, who was the co-director research at the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California, has designed guided imagery techniques, not unlike the ones used by athletes, to this end. The goal of these practices is to teach cardiac patients the ability to control blood flow in order to minimize dangerous complications which can occur during surgery. What separates Scherwitz’s approach from the “mainstream” is that he also teaches the techniques to the family members of the patient. Prior to the surgery, the family takes a walk in order to collectivize and unify their intentions. Then, while the patient is asleep on the operating table, the family works with the therapist practicing the guided imagery in which they visualize minimal bleeding, a steady heart rate and a steady hand on the part of the surgeon. They end the session with what is called end-result imagery in which the patient awakens easily, experiencing comfort and is in an alert state. These practices, according to Scherwitz, are adaptable to all types of surgery. This approach to surgery parallels the physics which underlies quantum entanglement which was discussed in part one of this series. The NIH has issued a grant to study healing at a distance.
Two Types of Prayer and When to Use Each
A 501 c 3 is definitely not the church for me.

Many readers know that I am not a fan of the modern church. If Jesus were here today, he not only would chase the money changers from our temples, he would also chase the pastors, rabbis and priests from their pulpits for their abrogation of the word of God. There can be no doubt that the church has been totally subverted. Most churches are 501 3 c tax exempt foundations who are compromising their spiritual mission to the will of the IRS. This has resulted in a cowardly church which is afraid to challenge governmental authority even when it violates word of God in such practices as abortion and widespread war resulting in the death of millions of innocent people.
The church should be a beacon of resistance against the encroaching tyranny upon America because the tyranny is satanically inspired and violates every precept of the Bible. But from the pulpits, America’s pastors act as is there is no outside world to worry about and that is because most of them belong to NOVAD which is an organization controlled by DHS designed conscript religious leaders to the government’s side in times of emergency. Don’t serve the recipients of 30 pieces of silver.
The biggest sin in today’s churches is not that they do not stand up and challenge the Satanically inspired tyranny of the government, their biggest sin is that they do not teach their flock how to pray and what type of prayer to use and in what type of situations.
Faith can move mountains. However, the expression of prayer can take two forms and according to the good work of the Spindrift organization, there are two types of prayer:
- “Goal-directed prayer is conditional prayer. Directed prayer sets up conditions to be met. Conditional prayer constructs borders to follow to arrive at specific results.”
- “Non goal-directed prayer is unconditional prayer. Unconditional prayer has no borders or biases or conditions to be met. Non directed prayer promotes order and resolution. Non directed prayer creatively changes circumstances in unexpected ways. Creative prayer could create a way where there is no way.“
When I have talked about these concepts to various groups, they often ask which is the best to use? That is not the right question. The proper question is when to use each one and in what situation. So far in this article, we have only see the application of goal-directed prayer (i.e. the healing of specific medical conditions). When praying for the reversal of a dire medical condition, goal-directed prayer is ultimately the only effective approach. However, if one were to pray for our enemies, the globalists (e.g. Rockefeller, Rothschild, Soros, Gore, Obama, etc.), non goal-directed prayer would be best in terms of a “thy will be done” approach. In these types of prayer we are asking for the best possible outcome. When I have prayed about the evils of transhumanism, I do not ask for the abolition of the science. Universal laws are very literal, and the science of transhumanism cannot be defeated with a focused prayer because it is too complicated and diverse. I do not desire to stop legitimate science (e.g. transplants), so we need to be careful what we pray for. Therefore, non goal-directed prayer in which we ask for the best possible outcome would be the wisest choice.
Bruce Klingbeil, the founder of Spindrift, commented about the difference between goal-directed prayer and non goal-directed prayer. He said, “One is the use of will. The other is the release of will.” I would also add a caveat, if in doubt, use non-directed prayer.
Sadly, Bruce and his son were found dead under very mysterious conditions, just like Andrew Breitbart and Michael Hastings. The powers that be do not want this information in your possession. This is why most of humanity is not taught how to pray and what is the true nature of prayer. In our churches, most worshipers simply do a cheap imitation of what their DHS compromised pastors pray for, which is usually for you to be generous with your tax exempt donations to the church. As an aside, any church which serves the IRS over God is not worthy of your spiritual allegiance.
When the two types of prayer are combined with the power of intention, which is actually a subset of goal-directed prayer, mankind can indeed use their faith to move mountains. This notion is explored in a future installment in this series in which I discuss how to use the power of intention which is embedded in goal-directed prayer.
Below, I have included a partial annotated bibliography for your review.
Partial Annotated Bibliography
Bengston, W.F, and Krinsley, D. (2000). The effect of the “laying on of hands” on transplanted breast cancer in mice. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 14 (3):353-364.
Beutler, J. J., Attevelt, J.T.M., et al. (1998). Paranormal healing and hypertension. British Medical Journal, 296. 1491-1494.
Braud, W. (1986). PSI and PNI: Exploring the interface between parapsychology and psychoneuroimmuninology. Parapsychological Review, 17, 1-5.
Braud, W. (1989) Using living targets in psi research. Parapsychological Review, 20, 1-4.
Grad, B. R. (1963). A telekinetic effect on plant growth: I. International Journal of Parapsychology,5 (2):117-134.
Green, W.M.(1993). The Therapeutic Effects of Distant Intercessory Prayer and Patients: Enhanced Positive Expectations on Recovery Rates and Anxiety Levels of Hospitalized Neurosurgical Pituitary Patients: A Double Blind Study , Doctoral dissertation, San Francisco: California Institute of Integral Studies. Vol 54, pg. 2752, UMI NO. AAT9315425
Pleass, C. M., and Dey, D., (1990). Conditions that appear to favor extrasensory interactions between homo sapiens and microbes. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 4, 213- 231.
Radin, D. (1997). The Conscious Universe. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco
Radin, D., Taylor, R. and Braud, W. (1993). Remote mental influence of electrodermal activity: A preliminary replication. In: Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association 36th Annual Convention, The Parapsychological Association, Inc. pp. 12-23.
Resch, KI, Ernst, E., and Garrow, J.(2000). Randomized controlled study of reviewer bias against unconventional therapy. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. 93:164-167.
Sheldrake, R. (1994). Seven Experiments that Could Change the World. London: Fourth Estate.
Spindrift, Inc. (1993). The Spindrift Papers (Century Plaza Building, Spindrift Inc. PO Box 452471, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33345-2471].
Wiseman, R., and Schlitz, M. (1997). Experimenter effects and the remote detection of staring. Journal of Parapsychology, 61:197-208.
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