Pam Barker | Director of TLB Europe Reloaded Project
It’s time to look at trends, the first being that of so-called terrorist attacks happening in France just prior to more liberty-destroying, economy-wrecking anti-covid measures being imposed on the population.
Selected cities in France went under a 9pm – 6am curfew starting this past Saturday for one month. Completely nonsensical and arbitrary, based on inflated, false statistics and the PCR test that is by now notorious for not being able to do the job required of it.
Just as this was about to get underway, with Friday night restaurants completely full as maskless diners ate and socialized One Last Time, Samuel Paty, a high school teacher was decapitated around 5pm in an area a little way outside of Paris, for having shown students caricatures of the prophet Mohammed as part of classwork. The perpetrator, an 18 year old of Chechen origin, who may have been stalking the teacher and who, according to today’s RT report from the government, had launched a fatwa against Paty, wound up dead, shot by police; a number of people connected to him were arrested through the weekend. So news was predictably occupied with that through the weekend; meanwhile, a rally took place in Paris on Saturday to show support for this teacher (see RT video below). A venue and scene similar to the post-Charlie Hebdo rally on January 11, 2015 according to the RT report. The Charlie Hebdo shootings were labelled ‘France’s 9/11.’
All according to plan – a total media distraction from this bizarre, partial-lockdown that cuts right through people’s social needs. Some people were staying focused on the curfew, however: Paris, post-curfew time on Saturday, saw an impromptu demonstration by a small group of up to 200 people on the streets of central Paris to protest the new measures.
Translation: Protest underway in the streets of the capital against the curfew.
But to look at the media, it’s all about Islamic terrorism on French soil and anger against it – NOTHING to do with arbitrary, dictatorial measures by an elected government against its own people.
Back to trends. We remind readers of the late September ‘terrorist’ attacks in Paris: a bomb threat at the Eiffel Tower on Wednesday, September 23 and the knife attack outside the Charlie Hebdo offices on Friday, two days later. THEN Marseille and some other cities went into selective lockdown, to much protest from local residents and the business community on SATURDAY. Marseille is also the home of Prof. Didier Raoult; this all felt like a targeted attack against Marseille. See our report, “Terrorists” Show Up on Cue as France in Meltdown Over Virus Restrictions.
But two other elements have crept out of the woodwork again, marking a return to earlier, highly disturbing trends despite the lack of REAL evidence that there is a health crisis.
From the useful site Profession-Gendarme, we have this report today titled Covid-19: Return to euthanasia in Care Homes with Rivotril by injection. – Decree n° 2020-1262 of October 16, 2020 prescribing the general measures necessary to deal with the covid-19 epidemic within the framework of the state of health emergency:
Return to euthanasia in EHPAD (care homes) with Rivotril by injection.
Last decree of yesterday on the sanitary emergency. ASSASSINATES TO THE PROGRAMME article 53, II: the pharmaceutical specialty Rivotril in injectable form can be dispensed by dispensing pharmacies for the care of patients suffering or “likely” to suffer from the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Rivotril in injectable form is lethal when you are in respiratory failure, so they will be re-assassinating old people in Ehpad (care homes) as they did in March.
Here is the government decree 2020-1262 of October 17, 2020, stipulating the regulations and measures taken under this reinvigorated ‘health emergency’. Way down this long online document, all the way down to Article 53, we find the following:
Article 53
II. – Par dérogation à l’article L. 5121-12-1 du code de la santé publique, la spécialité pharmaceutique Rivotril ® sous forme injectable peut faire l’objet d’une dispensation, par les pharmacies d’officine en vue de la prise en charge des patients atteints ou susceptibles d’être atteints par le virus SARS-CoV-2 dont l’état clinique le justifie sur présentation d’une ordonnance médicale portant la mention « Prescription Hors AMM dans le cadre du covid-19 ». (ER: Rivotril in injectable form can be dispensed by pharmacies to patients with, or who are susceptible to getting, SARS-CoV-2.)
Lorsqu’il prescrit la spécialité pharmaceutique mentionnée au premier alinéa en dehors du cadre de leur autorisation de mise sur le marché, le médecin se conforme aux protocoles exceptionnels et transitoires relatifs, d’une part, à la prise en charge de la dyspnée et, d’autre part, à la prise en charge palliative de la détresse respiratoire, établis par la Société française d’accompagnement et de soins palliatifs et mis en ligne sur son site.
La spécialité mentionnée au premier alinéa est prise en charge par les organismes d’assurance maladie dans les conditions du droit commun avec suppression de la participation de l’assuré prévue à l’article R. 160-8 du code de la sécurité sociale.
In this April 16 report titled Coronavirus: Elderly Europeans Targeted, Denied Treatment, we noted this about Rivotril:
In France, as of March 28, 2020 the anti-convulsive drug Rivotril, a powerful sedative belonging to the infamous Benzodiazapine family of drugs, was approved for use in injectable form by the government for those suffering in an asphyxiative state who cannot be resuscitated. The government decree has made it available to all doctors, including community physicians, which has raised the grim prospect that we are allowing in the practice of euthanasia by the back door. Given the lockdown policy, which has confined everyone to their homes, including the elderly, this gives inordinate power in a time of perceived crisis to the family doctor to administer a powerful end-of-life drug without the patient’s consent.
Now the euthanasia drug is back in the game officially but quietly.
In an August report by French oncologist Dr. Nicole Delepine, she had this to say:
The assassination of our elderly
The protection of our elderly, designated Covid19 victims, was the “official” priority objective of the lockdown. However, all the measures taken during the emergency law resulted in eliminating them without witnesses, and preventing them from paying their last respects. The premeditated murder of Ehpad (care home) residents by untreated Covid and/or Rivotril is the saddest infamy of the lockdown.
The term assassination is violent, but corresponds to the recorded facts of an organized killing. The first step was to cut them off from their families, turning them into “prisoners in solitary confinement” [3], making them more vulnerable and facilitating slippage syndromes (progressive disinterest in life, rendered insipid by the absence of contact, leading to death) when it would have been possible to maintain protected contact. The second step was to prohibit them from diagnostic tests[4], then resuscitation[5], and then hospitalization. The third was to send sick residents back to their home institution or, in the absence of a real possibility of isolation, protective equipment and sufficient staff, they contaminated their fellow inmates. The final solution was the Rivotril decree[6] which organized the dispensation of a product intended to kill them on mere suspicion of Covid (without diagnostic certainty), with the drafting of a “preventive” order and the preparation of a nominal syringe without warning the patient or his family or even waiting for a possible aggravation. (ER: Rivotril is the commercial name for clonazepam, a sedative that is part of the controversial benzodiazepine family of drugs.) On 6 May 2020, dependent elderly people living in Ehpads accounted for half of the deaths attributed to the epidemic in France (12,769 deaths out of 25,531) [7].
And one more, far worse if it happens …
The nightly curfew we have been put under, not an inconsiderable lockdown of 9 hours each day, was/is(?) intended to be another full country-wide lockdown, with massive, catastrophic economic consequences. In this report on the Profession-Gendarme site of today, titled The Second Lockdown will take place between October 26th and 28th according to emails received by companies, it begins:
Information that made the rounds on Twitter this morning. Despite the fact that the WHO has stated that the lockdown measures were useless, the Macron government is preparing to lockdown France again before the Christmas holidays, and possibly during the festive season. You can say goodbye to your hopes for economic recovery.
The substance of some tweets in this article show that internal e-mails within certain businesses, such as the global tax accounting firm KPMG, had already been notified that a new national lockdown would be taking place again on October 25/26, closely corresponding to the time of the ‘Toussaints’ (All Saints) two-week school holiday on November 1. Noting that this is inline with the Great Reset plan of the Davos crowd, Profession-Gendarme closes with,
All this is not by chance, it is deliberate, to ruin the West from within.
It remains to be seen what is going to happen before this week is out. Meanwhile, we’re all distracted by unfolding media-government ‘revelations’ about a ‘terrorist’.
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