LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E163): Following The Urge – Staying Human

LEARN 2 UNLEARN (E163): Following The Urge – Staying Human

Your Host: Luca Majno

Welcome back to LEARN 2 UNLEARN, it is an Honor as always to be your host, here on ShakeAndWake Radio where I am dangerously becoming ‘relaxed’ on the air, and among ‘Family’, as we see each other every week, and I see I am not the only one looking forward to it!

A combination of Hard 2 Function and Appreciation sets the stage this week, and I need to take my time in showing examples and showing my reasoning…

As we go for a Walk 2 Walmart in this next piece, right on the heels of appreciation and heart-strings… A lesson I will not soon forget about Intuition and ‘that little voice’!

Incredible and blunt memes are on the way in this part of the show, more than usual because of the urgency of the messages in question… as we slowly make our way to The Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games of 2012, and the awe of it all, the ever-so-obvious message, a Satanic one, in fact,

as they do with most of their Evil acts, they have to ‘let us know’ in many ways, in order to get away with what they do… In our faces… seven years before ‘Event 201’, the elitist ‘practice’ at this criminal and fraudulent PLANNED*EMIC … and speaking of wastes of money, here is another prize we check out, The Las Vegas MSG Sphere … The whaaaaat? Something to hear about and maybe look into… It’s like IMAX on steroids…

And through my dismay about MONEY and the loss of human integrity and caring seemingly proportional to our ‘riches’, we dive head first into it, via another gem, Dad and The AI Truck… As if it was a story just there for me to tell… Not to be missed.


To Correct Behavior?

Or to Control?

Stephen, our producer, chimes in on various subjects and helps us deliver them with his touch, as we move on to another part of this MONEY segment, believe it or not, The Apple Tree, and again, a bubble burst in my heart, and this needs to be shared.

And through various memes intertwined, we flow onto what I spoke of in recent weeks, Vibration and Frequencies, and in particular, this week, BELLS, and their Healing properties, and why suddenly, after WWII, they were all ‘broken’ and/or taken down…

An interesting possibility that resonates with me, while the elitist build their Big Pharma Empire via Rockefeller Allopathy.

Truth and Self-Study, along with a Transformation that I think needs to take place, and what I share, again, is worth adding in the show, among every other item that has been meticulously chosen and polished up for this presentation, as in all of them.

We speak on ISRAEL again, and the updates that I need to get out there, including one of their own ex-pilots verifying their genocidal intent, as we can now compare this scene easily with a recent DEW ‘incident’ in Hawaii and even further back, drawing a scary and haunting parallel with the treatment of the Native Americans…

But we need to end the show on a happy note, so let’s call on the Eurythmics!

Indeed, as we get to squeeze in The Music Segment, I offer Walking On Broken Glass, only a small part of the song, explaining PULSE as I see it and also the KISS formula, so necessary for success in music, as I dream of again being onstage, and that is a goal of mine, sooner than later.  Prayers Up for that!


Listen Up …

Following The Urge – Staying Human

(Click the image below to hear show)


Parting Shot …


Always such a pleasure to speak on these shows and to attempt to educate everyone on subjects hidden in the mainstream… And I would like to thank everyone once again for your patronage, the readers and the listeners, I am grateful for the privilege of coming to all of you every week… and, as I love to say,

We’ll see you next week, Creator Willing … and I do ‘leave you the best of myself!


I really hope that you, the listener, will take heed, and check out TLBTalk.com as well… A lot of the information helping me to prepare these episodes rests on this site, our site, … MY SITE… because I am contributing to keep it going … Imagine, No censorship. (click on link below video to visit site)

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Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.

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