Your Host: Luca Majno
In my Journey, I was privileged to learn early on that the word RACE simply does not exist. Quite simply, it is a social construct… As if to say that ‘this’ group of people is ‘worth more’ than ‘that’ group over there… The essence of exclusion, the presumed and self-proclaimed idiocy that separates us all… And so I wanted to address this, since there is sooooo much talk about this one word all over the world at the moment.
Welcome to another installment of LEARN 2 UNLEARN! Let’s go to THE ARCTIC to start our Journey, this time around ~ and listen to the Sacred Words of the Ancestors who happened to be on a collision course with Danish explorer Knud Rasmussen…
Then we hear of more poetry from the sea, and their lives in the North ~ (where the first sunglasses came from) ~ ?
In this part of my Teachings, I was shown, unedited, what Life was like for ‘The People of the North’, from today’s ridiculously high food prices (24 case of bottled water: $105.00) in Nunavut, Canada, to the stealing of Culture, the one they tried so hard to kill, they end up prostituting on the runways of fashion models.
But first, I move to how the settlers did steal a woman from this ‘species’ of ‘savages’, and a male as well, and imprisoned them inside the small cubicle below deck, so that they could have a show, watching them mate during their return to Europe. No such luck. The two had more integrity than any of them.
The government is the parent, and we, the people, are the children, proverbially-speaking…
And THEY HAVE TAUGHT US TO BE(come) LIKE THEM. To hate like them, to create division(s) like them, to judge like them, and be RACIST like them… And they have taught us well.
What used to be MATRIARCHY has become nothing more (or less) than PATRIARCHY…
To end this week’s show, I love the story of THE SHIPWRECKED REDHEAD, and speaking of RACE, this is really the perfect one to share…
I won’t spoil it here, you will simply have to go and see the video ~ It basically teaches us the fallacy of different people being worth more than others, and it being proven over and over again through time. A thoughtful story.
And so, in conclusion, let’s put it simply.
The next time someone speaks about RACISM or you hear it on the news, ask yourself where the problem originated. Come to think of it, ask yourself that every time there seems to be an issue… “Who started the trouble?”, asked the Chief, standing face-to-face with the President…
That is the foresight we need to have. For if it is not Matriarchy, then it is sure to be wrong and going against the grain of Nature.
Watch this revealing presentation …
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Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
Follow Luca on facebook @ learn2unlearn
Email: [email protected]
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