LEARN 2 UNLEARN – Return to Health (E30) – IT’S All IN OUR INTENTION
Your Host: Luca Majno
Welcome back to my continuing series on Healing … LEARN 2 UNLEARN … Glad to see your growing interest in ‘learning how 2 unlearn’ everything that we have been assimilated and brainwashed with, and to start anew, with a clean slate, so to speak.
In today’s Episode XXX, a quick 15 minute rant about INTENTION… Definitely in the cards, as far as Healing goes, for all the aspects of Healing, too:
- the Spiritual
- the Physical
- the Emotional
- the Mental
…trying to achieve a perfect balance between these is the new challenge…
But here was my quandary this week past: How to do a show on 9/11, and on the world as it is today, and WHY it is the way it is, and WHO the players are, etc… and so I dove into it with a very trusted friend, Rudy Dent, who was one of the lucky firefighters to make it out and alive, 18 years later…
Long story short, it practically ‘killed me’ to even go find the images, the texts, to write my thoughts, to gather info, etc… It turned out to be DEVASTATING. (because of the content, and my unstable health, I found out THIS week) ~ So as you can imagine, I had to put it off for as long as it took to regenerate, to restructure my positive thoughts and be well enough to ATTACK that huge 75 minute project ~
And so, being such a great audience, and wanting the most for everyone involved, here is a link to my ‘other’ show and article, LEARN 2 UNLEARN with Rudy Dent:
(Click on image below to go to article/show)
But here’s the catch, and this is important…
This un-natural state of being, this life out of balance, the Evil we are all fighting now, these are SOCIETAL issues, and not HEALING issues, and it is very important to make that distinction… And because of us knowing that, we can focus even more on ‘the issues’ and ‘how they are hurting us’, another TOOL at our disposal… 😊
So with this good energy, I was able to do BOTH the 9/11 video AND my Healing series video and article, and I bow humbly as I submit BOTH to you…
Also very important to mention is the fact (that I have stated before) that we are not ‘trained’ in Naturopathy or Natural Healing, or plants and herbs, and what spices, … like PARSLEY… can help… We are only ‘trained’ to ‘go to the doctor’ and not to question… and THAT is where our issues start…
EXAMPLE: Due to my blood clots reappearing and by cramps coming back, he suggests ‘corn silk’.
(hint: watch the video)
Watch this revealing presentation …
Again, as always, listening to my body will give me the answers that I need to do the best for it… Taking the time and effort to ASK your own body what it needs…
The quicker we realize that ‘popping and pooping pills’ is not going to ‘help’ the problems, it will only increase and complicate an already difficult situation. Trust me. I had to choose and I did.
See you all next week!
More Episodes of LEARN 2 UNLEARN
Your Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
Follow Luca on facebook @ learn2unlearn
Email: [email protected]
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Disclaimer: The information and opinions shared are for informational purposes only including, but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material are not intended as medical advice or instruction. Nothing mentioned is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
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