Lee Stranahan: ‘Ideological Coup’ By Kushner-Linked Goldman Globalists Destroying Trump White House
by ZeroPointNow
After Wikileaks revelations that Citigroup picked Obama’s cabinet, it appears the Trump administration is succumbing to ‘same globalism, different bank.’
Weeks after the Daily Mail exposed an internal struggle between Kushner-linked Goldman Sachs operatives and Trump advisor Steve Bannon, it has become clear that an “ideological coup” led by globalist bankers is well underway – claiming populist Steve Bannon as their latest victim. This ties in with Roger Stone’s warning that Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner has been leaking anti-Bannon information to MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough.
In a nutshell: Weeks after meeting with Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein at the Four Seasons bar in DC, Jared Kushner-friendly Goldman alums have successfully maneuvered Trump’s top advisor Steve Bannon off the Natl. Security Council – further strengthening the globalist cabal’s influence over President Trump. Jared Kushner, it should be pointed out, has a well documented history of donating to Democrats; including Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Robert Mendez (D-NJ).
Former Breitbart lead investigative reporter Lee Stranahan, pictured left.
Lee @stranahan exposes Goldman Sachs globalists within Trump White House who have staged an ‘Ideological Coup’
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