Let’s Take The Whole ‘Misinformation’ Con & Run With It

Let’s take the whole ‘misinformation’ con and run with it

By: Thomas Buckley

“Misinformation” and “disinformation” used to have a concrete meaning. But lately, they’ve been reduced only to a convenient way to call someone a liar without addressing any facts. They have been re-created to shut people up, shut down debate, and in general make it much easier to declare oneself right and an opponent wrong and evil and stupid.

Because calling people wrong and evil and stupid for a living is apparently a rather profitable enterprise — and because suppressing opposing thoughts is a useful tool for governments and other powers that be — billions of tax dollars around the world are being funneled into the “information space” industry to forcefully remind people that if they are exposed to, let alone listen to, or heaven forbid consider such inconvenient facts, then they are even more wrong and evil and stupid and really need to knock it off before they are deemed a terrorist by the people calling them wrong and evil and stupid.

And don’t forgot that if you are a “denier” of anything, you are also wrong and evil and stupid.

You can use the words of the people calling you wrong and evil and stupid. Just be sure to use them as improperly as they do.

And never appropriate anything from another culture or milieu, unless you are doing it to promote political right-think that will make the world safe from people who are wrong and stupid and evil.

And you must be aware that — like pronouns — words can change meaning on a whim, so you need to keep this glossarial resource handy because, as the Mass(achusetts) Cultural Council states, “‘[w]e will use the term BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color). We recognize that language is fluid and the intersectional justice movement is redefining terminology regularly.” If you strictly adhere to that principle, you may be able to become less wrong and stupid and evil.

Got it?

So, since, according to the woke/equitarian censors destroying society now, words have malleable meanings and can be made up to suit whatever transient need, it may behoove us to introduce a few new prefixes — and suffixes! — to the mix (and we’ll drop the hyphen…for now…but we reserve the right to change that whenever we please.)

  • Alterinformation — Can be used for information that has been changed from true to false or vice versa for political reasons.

  • Preinformation — Something that will be true, for good or ill, eventually.

  • Metainformation — Falsehoods one tells oneself about oneself that the person comes to believe is true, and starts passing that information off as true to others.

  • Parainformation — Information that cannot be correctly interpreted unless one already holds other, special information.

  • Reinformation — Taking false statements, such as “defunding the police is reproductive justice,” and repeating them over and over until they can be claimed as true.

  • Hemiinformation — A half-truth.

  • Ideoinformation — Tarring an opposing fact as actually being a purely ideological statement not based in reality and therefore a lie.

  • Periinformation — A fact that claims to be true by being adjacent to and/or sounding like an actual fact.

  • Subinformation — A claim that opposing information is not worthy of notice in any way, shape, or form.

  • Autoinformation — Self-generated claims of factual truth despite clear and present evidence they are false.

  • Uninformation — Anything you disagree with.

  • Semiinformation — Anything generated by the MSM (main servile media).

And, of course, there is Coninformation. That can be defined as anything claimed by anyone ever trying to seriously use the words “misinformation” and “disinformation.”

It’s doubly perfect because it’s all a con anyway.


This article (Let’s take the whole ‘misinformation’ con and run with it) originated on American Thinker and is republished on this TLB site under “Fair Use” (see project disclaimer below) with attribution to the author Thomas Buckley and the site americanthinker.com.

TLB recommends you visit American Thinker for more great articles and information.

About the articles Author: Thomas Buckley is the former mayor of Lake Elsinore and a former newspaper reporter. Thomas is currently the operator of a small communications and planning consultancy and can be reached directly at [email protected]. You can read more of his work at thomas699.substack.com.

Image Credit: Graphic in Featured image (top) – “Disinformation vs Misinformation” (cropped) by Srijankedia is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. 


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