Maine’s Weaponized Draconian LD798 Vaccination Bill – Congress To Vote
by Susan Price, TLB Contributing Writer/Analyst
There’s a weaponized war being waged against Americans by legislators on both sides of the aisle.
These are the rogue domestic terrorists, fresh out of the Orwellian archives and Fascist Nazi chronicles, fact is, some of these political usurpers are the spawn of Operation Paperclip Scientists who have infiltrated our governments offices of every arena, especially the political, military and health and human services.
Can’t you see what’s going on? There’s an all out assault on our children. Our representatives are voting on legalized abortion up until birth, and now, the state of Maine has addressed the LD798 Bill, making mandatory vaccination without any considerations of beliefs, religion, health concerns or other, how is this possible in America?
Americans have been attacked by one legislator after another voting to abort and kill full term babies, this is legalized murder and if that’s not enough, there’s a push to vaccinate expectant mothers and our children against parental rights using the most toxic cocktail combinations known to man, further maiming our children with the risks of Autism and other fatal illnesses.
The newly appointed Democratic Gov. Janet Mills mission may have been to “break another glass ceiling” but the people of Maine are struggling to defend their children against Tyranny in the form of the newest Bill she is presenting to Congress regarding mandatory vaccines.
God have mercy upon the people of Maine and shame on you Governor Janet Mills for your alleged part in the act of Eugenics, watch that glass ceiling doesn’t cut you as it shatters through the loss of lives regarding these biological weapons against humanity, containing the blood of pigs, aborted fetal cells, metals and other toxic suicidal tonics you want to poke into the blood streams of innocent children.
Let’s shine the lighthouse on the state of Maine. The talk on the streets regarding Mainer’s is very disconcerting, as Maine legislators have drafted an egregious vaccine bill and hiked the ball to the new Governor, Janet Mills, who will be introducing this draconian bill to congress.
“In Summary, the current law allows exemptions from immunization requirements based on religious or philosophical beliefs for students in elementary and secondary schools and health care facilities. This new draconian vaccination bill would remove these exemptions.
The bill also directs the Department of Education and the Department of Health and Human Services to remove any immunization exemptions based on religious or philosophical beliefs from their rules and requires the Department of Education to adopt rules allowing a student who is covered by an individualized education plan and has elected a philosophical or religious exemption from immunization requirements to continue to attend school under the existing exemption as long as an appropriate medical professional provides a statement that the medical professional has provided information on the risks and benefits associated with the choice to immunize.”
The tax paying citizens in this state are in an uproar and rightfully so, shared conversations at local schools with parents and their concerns, leaves them feeling helpless and hopeless, many calling their representatives, one parent mentioned a phone call put in to Representative Tucker from Brunswick Maine, Rep Tucker stated that those in protest of this new bill have no credibility and that these people were examples of “Anti Vax Zealots”. Parents in Maine are outraged over this bill. Revelations are awakening the masses from their slumber as these Governors take off their cultic masks, blatantly laughing in the faces of the common man.
Mainers want to know why legislators will jeopardize American children through toxic and deadly inoculations just to attend schools yet that don’t enforce the same laws to illegals who many come here infested with various types of diseases.
Those of you who voted these representatives in have jeopardized your families and your communities legacy’s for these people are not representing you, they have a hidden agenda and depopulation is on the docket to be sure, Agenda 21/30.
Maine’s Symbol represents “Leadership” & “Guidance” yet the people of Maine acknowledge there is an abuse of Leadership in this decision to pass this deadly and inhumane LD 798 bill, leading Mainer’s to the slaughter through inoculations in the false narrative of health and wellness protection.
Parents in Maine are outraged over this bill, revelations are awakening the masses from their slumber as legislators take off their cultic masks, blatantly laughing in the faces of the common man, while plotting an unfathomable radical ideology involving the concepts of biological warfare.
There’s also Maine Senator, Dr. Linda Sanborn who introduced a bill that will jail your doctor or midwife for not injecting vitamin K and administering eye drops into new born babies eyes.
Mainer’s will no longer have the right to decline this issue and alternatives are not an option, not even if you have a C-section, that’s right, doctors will be forced with choosing informed consent for their patients or jail time and fines for themselves. LD443 will effectively bring the police state to the birthing space.
Does this mean the state of Maine has overstepped and removed parental rights and who does this affect?
This includes ALL Maine schools, Preschools through college, nursing schools, etc. “School” means any public or private, post-secondary school in the state, including, but not limited to colleges, universities, community colleges and schools for health professions.”
Children with IEPs currently will be allowed to finish through 12th grade by getting a physician sign off after they harass and tell Mainers what bad parents they are for putting their children and everyone at risk.
New IEP children will be denied entry to school, violating FAPE. If the Governor declares an emergency, there will be no religious or philosophical exemptions.
Gov. Janet Mills calls for a more diverse community in Maine but if you are a Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim or Catholic don’t bother coming here because legislatively the document 798 a vaccine mandate would not allow your children to go to school and if they do and they are not vaccinated than you run the chance of them being taken away from you…. Say what, I thought this was America, a sovereign nation?
Mainers want to know why legislators will jeopardize American children through toxic and deadly inoculations just to attend schools yet they don’t enforce the same laws to illegals who many come here infested with various types of diseases. Christians, Jews, Muslims, and let’s not forget about the Amish, and other sects, will be forced to inject WI38, MRC-5, RA237 and other morally objectionable material into their own bodies and that of their children.
We have witnessed and it is documented that many children have regressed after being vaccinated, due to mitochondrial disease, metabolic and immune challenges and many who have mitochondrial diseases. This “human-diploid fibroblast cell cultures” what does this consist of?
The vaccines contained in these ingredients are:
Adenovirus, DTap-IPV/Hib (Pentacel) Hep A (Havrix), Hep B (Engrix-B), Hep B (Engrix-B), Hep A/Hep B Twinrix), MMR(MMR-II) MMRV (ProQuad), Rabies (Imovax) Varicella (Varivax) Zoster (Shingles-Zostavax)
MRC-5 (Medical Research Council -5): “The MRC-5 cell line was developed in September 1966 from lung tissue taken from a 14 week fetus aborted for psychiatric reason from a 27 years old physically healthy woman. The cell morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 46, XY; normal diploid male. Cumulative population doubling to senescence is 42-48. G6PD isoenzyme is type B.”
Source: Coriell Institute for Medical Research
WI-38 (Wistar Institute-38): “The WI-38 cell line was developed in July 1962 from lung tissue taken from a therapeutically aborted fetus of about 3 months gestational age. Cells released by trypsin digestion of the lung tissue were used for the primary culture. The cell morphology is fibroblast-like. The karyotype is 45,XX normal diploid female. A maximum lifespan of 50 population doublings for this culture was obtained at the Repository. A thymidine labelling index of 86% was obtained after recovery. G6PD is isoenzyme type B. This culture of WI-38 is an expansion from passage 9 frozen cells obtained from the submitter.”
Source: Coriell Institute for Medical Research
This is alarming to know there are aborted fetus cells in your child’s vaccines! If you vaccinated your child with this cocktail, these elements live within your child. What impact would this have on entire generations of future children?
Growing up decades ago, life was so different, you didn’t hear much regarding corruption, children were protected and many of us were encouraged by our American families to dream about our futures, what we wanted to do in this life as a contributing force to humanity.
We were introduced into a belief system, a life purpose, that taught us right from wrong, values, respect, ethics and the ability to build our careers, families, and a future.
Our belief system answers to a moral and spiritual high ground, one that we honor and hold sacred for it’s very essence and reason in this life is to sustain us no matter what color, creed or religious background we come from, for this belief system and purpose is our connection to God.
It’s apart of our American existence, inherent from our lineage and incorporated into our American lifestyle, yet according to the bill proposed by Maine legislators and passed on to the Democrat Governor, Janet Mills to present to Congress, this would mean that our belief system doesn’t matter, that we have no say or weight as an American sovereign citizen.
Mainers protest they will NOT be forced to use the Stanley Plotkin methods of injecting foreign fetal tissue into their bodies. Dr. Stanley Poltkin aka (Dr. Frankenstein) an atheist who has little tolerance for religious beliefs.
He is considered the Godfather of Vaccines, he stands by his statement, “Vaccination is always under attack by religious zealots who believe that the will of God includes death and diseases.
Is it a coincidence that “deep state” Rod Rosenstein’s Sister, Dr. Nancy Messonnier (CAPT, USPHS) was the Director for the CDC National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases?
Phone number for Governor Janet Mills (207-287-3531)
Stop this Communist Take Over and ask her to refuse this bill document 798.
For Further Insight:
About (TLB) Contributing Writer Susan Price
The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our main websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … TLB
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