Mainstream Media In Total Collapse
By: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Few any longer believe the “mainstream media,” that is, the presstitutes. This has put the presstitutes into a panic as they lose their value to the ruling elite if they cannot control the explanations in order to justify the self-serving agendas of the ruling elite.
To fight back against the alternative media that does tell the truth, a secret group, PropOrNot, as well hidden as an an offshore money-laundering operation, published a list of 200 websites accused of being “Russian agents/dupes.”
PropOrNot’s effort to discredit truth-tellers was hurt by the site’s anonymity.
Consequently, the next list appeared on the website of the Harvard University library, where it is attributed to a Melissa Zimdars of whom no one has ever previously heard. The websites on the list are also on the PropOrNot list, but those of us on Zimdars’ list are no longer “Russian agents/dupes,” merely purveyors of “fake news.”
None of my readers agree that I provide fake news. Indeed, when I tried to retire, my readers demanded that I continue providing them with reliable information as they understand that the presstitute media consists of lies.
Now I hear from bloggers in France that the French newspaper Le Monde has posted a list of conspiratorial news sites, and, yes, French sites that translate and post my columns in the French language are on the list.
It appears that the campaign against truth is being extended to the entirety of the American Empire.
Just as the Washington Post and the Harvard Library made themselves look ridiculous and had to put some distance between themselves and the lists that they publicized, Le Monde will also. Not only was I a columnist for leading French newspapers, such as Liberation (Paris) in the late 1980s and for Le Figaro (Paris) in the early to mid-1990s, but also I was awarded the French Legion of Honor by the President of France in 1987. The honor was personally presented to me at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C., by the French Minister of Economics and Finance, and later Prime Minister, Edourad Balladur, at a grand party at which top level Reagan Administration officials attended bearing a letter from the President of the United States congratulating France for recognizing my contributions.
That Le Monde would post such a list proves the truth of Udo Ulfkotte’s statement in his well known book that there is no significant journalist anywhere in Europe that is not on the CIA payroll.
I have wondered if the PropOrNor list was a creation of the presstitute media, such as CNN, New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, MSNBC, in order to protect their monopoly over explanations, or whether it was a creation of the CIA in an effort to protect the presstitutes who serve the CIA by controlling the explanations that gullible and ignorant people receive. I suspect that the list is a creation of the CIA or the Department of State. It is a desperate act by those who have lost credibility to keep control over explanations.
The world of lies that comprises life in the Western world and hides reality from the people has destroyed all justification for the West’s long hegemony over humanity. Today the West, corrupt, violent, greedy beyond all measure, evil beyond Satan, is a collection of populations comfortable with the mass murder of millions of Muslims in many countries. When evil can go without challenge, what hope does humanity have?
The Harvard Library website, perhaps in response to criticism, has now identified Melissa Zimdars as an assistant professor of communication at Merrimack College.
The library distances itself from the list by declaring it to be “an informal list.” The library still has a link to Zimdars’ list of fake news websites, but the link opens to something else. Stephen Lendman provided a copy of Zimdars’ list on Global Research (Read Harvards Fake Guide To Fake News Sites. Americas 21st Century “Index Librorum Prohibitorum“). Notice that WikiLeaks is on Zimdars’ list, which shows Zimdars’ absurdity. WikiLeaks posts no commentary or news, only vetted documents. Here is Zimdars’ list:
- 21st Century Wire
- Activist Post
- Antiwar.com
- Before Its News.com
- Black Agenda Report
- Boiling Frogs Post
- Common Dreams
- Consortium News
- Corbett Report
- Countercurrents
- CounterPunch
- David Stockman Contracorner
- Fort Russ
- Freedoms Phoenix
- Global Research
- The Greanville Post
- Information Clearing House
- Intellihub
- Intrepid Report
- Lew Rockwell
- Market Oracle
- Mint Press News
- Moon of Alabama
- Naked Capitalism
- Natural News
- Nomi Prins
- Off-Guardian
- Paul Craig Roberts
- Pravda.ru
- Rense
- Rinf
- Ron Paul Institute
- Ruptly TV
- Russia-Insider
- Sgt Report
- ShadowStats
- Shift Frequency
- SJLendman.blogspot.com – my alma mater (Harvard) recommends avoiding my writing; new articles posted daily; featuring truth-telling on major issues
- Solari
- Sott.net
- South Front
- Sputnik News
- Strategic Culture.org
- The Anti-Media
- The Duran
- The Intercept
- The People’s Voice
- The Saker
- The Sleuth Journal
- Third World Traveler
- Voltairenet
- What Really Happened
- Who What Why
- WikiLeaks
- Zero Hedge
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