Monsanto’s Chemical Assault Against The Web Of Life



by TLB Contributor: Dane Wigington

Of all the companies and corporations that represent twisted greed, corruption, and irreparable destruction to our planet and it’s life forms, Monsanto stands out. Not only is Monsanto involved with the total chemical contamination and genetic modification of our food supply at the ground level, but available evidence indicates that Monsanto is intricately connected to the toxic aerosol climate engineering operations in our skies. Why did Monsanto purchase “Climate Corp” for almost a billion dollars? Those that are part of the ongoing weather wars against global populations must control the message in regard to the weather “forecasting”. All the major weather forecasting agencies are owned by the power structure complex. There are clear and growing connections between Monsanto and other power structure owned agencies like “The Weather Channel”. As the ongoing geoengineering programs continue to contaminate soils with aluminum and the atmospheric spraying shreds the ozone layer, Monsanto is engineering seeds to address these issues. Coincidence? Monsanto has expanded like a cancer in spite of the EPA knowing the dangers of Monsanto’s chemicals for decades. The trend of cover-up is breaking down as a growing segment of the population realizes the gravity of what is being done to them. The short article below highlights the steps now being implemented to hold companies like Monsanto accountable. As the curtain is pulled back, there will be ever more exposure on the greatest assault against life ever launched by the human race, global climate engineering.

Dane Wigington


EPA Forced To Study Atrazine And Glyphosate’s Effects On Endangered Species

Source: Natural Society, article by Christina Sarich

More than 1500 endangered plants and animals in the US are under attack by two of the most widely used pesticides known – Atrazine and Glyphosate. Now, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be forced to research why this is happening as part of a settlement reached with the Center for Biological Diversity.

In addition to these two pesticides, the EPA will also analyze the impacts of propazine and simazine, two Big Ag pesticides that are very similar to Syngenta’s widely used Atrazine. The EPA is required to finish the assessments of all these chemicals by June 2020.

This is a considerable settlement, though it seems like a drop in the bucket considering that over 80 million pounds of Atrazine are used in the US annually, alone. The pesticide is second only to the use of Monsanto’s glyphosate, which was sprayed to the tune of 280 million pounds on crops in 2012, according to U.S. Geological Survey data.

Endangered species policy director at the Center for Biological Diversity, Brett Hartl states:

“This settlement is the first step to reining in the widespread use of dangerous pesticides that are harming both wildlife and people. . .Atrazine, for instance, chemically castrates frogs even in tiny doses, is an endocrine disruptor, and likely causes birth defects in people. The EPA should have banned this years ago.

This settlement will finally force the EPA to consider the impacts of glyphosate — widely known as Roundup — which is the most commonly used pesticide in the United States, on endangered species nationwide. With more than 300 million pounds of this stuff being dumped on our landscape each year, it’s hard to even fathom the damage it’s doing.”

The harmful effects of glyphosate are becoming common knowledge, especially since the WHO’s declaration of the chemical as probably carcinogenic. Ever since that declaration, communities and even entire nations have at least put restrictions on glyphosate use, putting Monsanto in a financial hole. What’s more, Monsanto is being hit with lawsuit after lawsuit for the general act of polluting the world – and knowing about this toxic pollution for years.

As for Syngenta, well, that biotech company has gone to great lengths to cover up just how dangerous Atrazine can be. But nothing can stay secret forever.

Source: Natural Society, article by Christina Sarich

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