National Populism and the Rise of Donald Trump
By: Jeff Lukens
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the nonsense which has connected them with another, they should speak loudly about the hogwash that impel them to that separation. Conservatives have reached the breaking point between themselves and the progressive Left. We were the silent majority who must now speak loudly against the globalists who are running our country into oblivion. It is time for a change, and Donald Trump is the champion of our cause.
Ordinary people say the economy unfairly provides an edge for the influential instead of benefiting everyone. Bi-coastal elites have become wealthy, concentrating on media, communications, technology, entertainment, and finance. Ordinary people in the heartland have been left behind while their jobs have been outsourced to Asia and Latin America. Meanwhile, Democrats have chosen to walk away from everyday people living paycheck-to-paycheck rather than trying to win their votes.
Conservatives have lost control over organizations that have shaped their communities over the years. Many judges and lawyers no longer respect a settled body of law. Churches no longer preserve our foundational Christian heritage, and college professors don’t enforce firm standards of academic accomplishment. Globalist progressives have taken over all the vital institutions. Now, even parents are timid about enforcing discipline and passing on traditional family values to their children. Conservatives are mocked as people who cling to their Bibles and their guns and are labeled as fascists, haters, homophobes, and worse.
The ruling class has given us $35 trillion in national debt; an underfunded, politicized, and emasculated military; more than 8 million illegal aliens; massive police defunding; 100,000 dead each year due to fentanyl; and a highly partisan DOJ and FBI. The members of the ruling class see their wealth as a shield to protect them from the consequences of the mess they have gotten us into.
There is a growing level of anger in America. Defunding the police, illegal immigration, rising crime, green energy, and the woke doctrines of DEI and CRT have proven disastrous to the lives of working-class people, and they are pushing them toward the conservative cause. People see societal dysfunction as an alarming hazard to their way of life. There is talk of secession. We have never seen anything like this, and it is getting worse. This is a battle between good and evil, and ordinary people are starting to fight back as never before.
Deplorables are awakening to their vast, unharnessed power. Rising opposition from working people is turning the tables and leading to increased boycotts and open protests over the wokery of the Left. With the rise of the internet, the government is losing the façade of being kept honest by an independent press corps. Grassroots patriots are finding new ways to communicate ideas they have never expressed publicly. People are flocking to citizen journalists who allow them to decide for themselves what is essential. Videos, blogs, social media, Substack articles, and private web pages now empower everyday people. This free-speech insurgence is ending the censorship of what the government deems newsworthy.
The only question is when and how the forces of national populism will end the rule of the Ivy League globalists who have done so much to ruin the nation. Fortunately, a pivotal individual has arisen to champion the forgotten people and become our leader in this critical and historic time. That man is Donald Trump.
Winston Churchill is a classic example of a unique individual who changed the course of history. When Churchill was named prime minister, England was about to be conquered. Churchill averted defeat by calling upon the latent inner strength of the British people. If Churchill had not been on the world stage during that critical time in 1940, our lives would be very different today. And as Winston Churchill was a pivotal person in his time, Donald Trump is also being cast into that extraordinary role in our time.
In 2016, it seemed doubtful that Donald Trump could be elected president. Progressives believed Hillary Clinton would turn the nation into a radical one-party state; Trump prevented that, and opponents went nuts trying every possible contrivance to sabotage his presidency, including a worldwide pandemic and a less-than-honest election to bring him down. But Trump’s fall was only temporary. The manic response by the Left to his reemergence confirms that Donald Trump is that essential person for whom we have been waiting. He has energized a nationalist-populist movement with an energy never seen before in American history.
Under his stewardship, the Spirit of America will prevail and consign progressive ideology to oblivion. Patronizing Left-wingers, living in their protected lifestyles, care nothing for the less advantaged. Working-class people know full well they are unprotected and exposed to the devastating policies the governing class imposes on them. Donald Trump is their chosen leader because he is the only national figure who will truly stand up for them.
The battle lines are drawn, and we all must be involved and do what we can to support Donald Trump and local America First candidates in saving our country from the globalist takeover.
This article (National Populism and the Rise of Donald Trump) is republished here under “Fair Use” (see the TLB disclaimer below article) with attribution to the articles author Jeff Lukens and the website
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About the Author: Jeff Lukens is a West Point graduate, U.S. Army veteran, and conservative activist. He can be reached at [email protected].
Image Credit: Photo (cropped) in Featured Image (top) – Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Common, and In-Article image (added by TLB Staff) – Pixabay License.
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