Let me be clear, my objective in sharing prior knowledge of a mass casualty terror drill is to prevent criminal elements in the government from taking this drill live at the jamboree. I want the good people in government to feel confident in maintaining accountability over one another. As an Eagle scout myself, I want the scouts to have a great jamboree.
I have been on the phone with two reliable sources connected with military and a well known private investigative network. The military source decided to come forward because of the Boston bombing and the evidence that it was staged by the FBI. The source provided information regarding a July FEMA mass casualty terror drill that has been kept a secret from the public. As I’ve previously said, it is not the announced FEMA/DHS/FBI terror drills that concern me, it is the unannounced drills that go live like Boston that concern me because real people can and do die. The source indicated that we need to scrutinize the National Scout Jamboree 2013 for a possible mass government staged false flag attack. https://summit.scouting.org/en/Jamboree2013/Pages/default.aspx The leaders of the event are changing the location of the event for the first time in 30 years. Governor Earl Ray Tomblin of West Virginia has signed an executive order giving DHS, FEMA, and the national guard martial law police power over the event. “Thousands” of national guard soldiers will be there. http://www.register-herald.com/local/x2063990347/State-s-Division-of-Homeland-Security-to-coordinate-Jamboree Governor “Tomblin said he expects several thousand National Guard from West Virginia and across the country on the ground during the Jamboree “in case of an attack … or health crisis.”” There will be 50,000 scouts there with their families. The source provided notes from a government source that FEMA is preparing an unannounced disease outbreak drill caused by conventional and unconventional terrorism in July with 4:1 ratio of mental and “sick” and stated that this drill was scheduled to be held at the Jamboree. Unconventional terrorism is chemical and germ weapons. There will be killed and wounded family members involving sociogenic illness which means that a medical condition will be shared by a mass of people. They will have multiple unexplained physical symptoms. There will be no clear start or stop to the event that will be long term inciting panic and mistrust of public officials. Being at this reserve, the scouts would be in the perfect location to rationalize a quarantine. Rioting/”breaking quarantine”, “noncompliance with vaccination and medical orders” as well as “resisting travel restrictions” are addressed in this powerpoint by the man named as the FEMA expert Steven M. Crimando whose work was used in training for the drill scenario http://www.njeha.org/pdf/Steven%20Crimando%20-%20Psychology%20Disaster.pptx.pdf If you look at his bio slide, he was a responder to both terrorist attacks on the WTC 1993 and 9/11 and Anthrax threat. In other words, this man is an expert in what would be the 9/11 scale of bio/chemical terrorist attacks.
But this is not all. We need to compare the old long standing location of the National Scout jamboree to the new one, but first I wanted to know about who owns the new location. The previous location for the last 30 years is Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia, an active military base near D.C. I would like to know who made the decision to change the location and why. The new location is The Summit: Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve. Who is the Bechtel family? Google: “Bechtel corruption” They’re bad. Think of it this way: If the Rothschilds are the bankers of global government, Bechtel = the engineering company of global government. Remember the company that provided the poisonous mobile homes at Katrina? Think Bechtel. They have had construction contracts all over the Middle East = war profiteering. Remember all that waste in rebuilding after the first Iraq war? Think Bechtel. $680 for just a year and a half of work at the beginning of the war that blossomed into billions for them even though their works was a failure over and over. I did a search at usaspending.gov for the recipient “Bechtel” from and got back $53,760,324,263 in awarded contracts between 1999 and now. These are also the bastards that privatized Bolivia’s water supply raising the cost of water %50. After they were kicked out of the country due to the people rioting, Bechtel sued them for $50 million and received 30 cents because of international pressure. Remember the story about the corporation who first made the collection of rain water illegal? Think Bechtel. Bechtel = Blood for Water (see their logo below: bloody water/water wars) Here are their contributions http://influenceexplorer.com/organization/bechtel-group/c60ba1e12db24422a2ce10d663c9b7bb They play both sides of the isle giving to Obama and Romney in true globalist fashion. Who is their favorite politician of all? Diane Feinstein (Mrs. disarm America and defend Obama on Benghazi). That should tell you something. http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=6975 http://contractormisconduct.org/index.cfm/1,73,221,html?ContractorID=11&ranking=13 “Bechtel Meets Goals on Fewer Than Half of Its Iraq Rebuilding Projects, U.S. Study Finds” http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/26/world/middleeast/26reconstruct.html?_r=0 “Bolivia’s Struggle for Water” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAgu7sGd5uA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nx-hCHW5Xck http://corporategreedchronicles.com/2011/11/16/bechtel-group-well-connected-water-privatizers-war-profiteers/ In sum, if you were evil and you wanted to sponsor a terrorist event on your property because that is who you are? Think Bechtel.
National Scout Jamboree 2013 disaster threat analysis of old site. Below is the location of the jamboree for the past 30 years. It is an active army base. So, in the event of a terrorist attack at the jamboree with 50,000 scouts, you would be in an ideal location, because you would have all the military defense capabilities with the emergency response such as hazmat for chemical attack. You can bring supplies right to the front door of the location on trucks at highway speeds. You can get in and out easily of the location if you need to evacuate. You have complete communication with the rest of the world. If you’re there you have a cell phone signal everywhere you go to call for an emergency or stay in contact with your family. This is the old location of the jamboree for the past 30 years.
National Scout Jamboree 2013 disaster threat analysis of new location. The main body will be at the villages that you can see in the center of the picture as two clearings. There are towns to the northwest with the highway. The events are spread across the reserve of mountainous terrain. If there is an emergency near the summit, how are you going to see the people? Look at the tree cover of the new location. Notice they had to draw the road on the map because you cannot see the road from the sky due to tree cover. There is one road up to the summit and down. However, there are supposed to be numerous helicopter pads. The road is a likely narrow and as you can see curving. It will not be highway quality as in the case of Fort A.P. Hill base. You could not cover that with many emergency vehicles easily even if you had them on hand as you would be able to on a military base. Also if you are the one stuck up on the summit needing help, how do you know you’ll have a cell phone signal to call for help? It’s clear that you will not have the resources you would at the Fort A.P. Hill base. It’s much less secure and unguarded if someone wanted to enter the camp from any direction. The trees would hide them on their way in and out.
Here is a picture of the interactive map from the jamboree website so you get a feel for the terrain and how spread out the activities are. If there were a disaster or terrorist attack as their Governor Tomblin has suggested, it would be a nightmare trying to help these people. Do you see the roads on the interactive map to the various locations? Neither do I. 50,000 scouts. It’s a recipe for disaster. I’m an Eagle scout and I know what scouts are like. Setting aside all terrorism, there are so many safety reasons why you would, for the past thirty years, put the jamboree on a military base and not on some reserve such as this.
Filed Under: NevadaGovernor2014Tagged With: 9/11, bio chemical terrorist attack, boy scouts of america, dhs, false flag terrorism, government staged terror, martial law, national scout jamboree, police state
See original here: http://nevadagovernor2014.com/national-scout-jamboree-2013-false-flag-insider-warning-nevada-governor-2014-david-lory-vanderbeek
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