
By: Turner Radio Network.

NEWS FLASH – URGENT – December 28, 2013  11:00 PM EST — (TRN http://www.TurnerRadioNetwork.com ) — Persons residing on  the west coast of North America should IMMEDIATELY begin preparing for another possible onslaught of dangerous atmospheric radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster site in Japan.  The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) says radioactive steam has suddenly begun emanating from previously exploded nuclear reactor building #3 at the Fukuishima disaster site in Japan. TEPCO says they do not know why this is happening and cannot go into the building to see what’s happening due to damage and lethal radiation levels in that building. Experts say this could be the beginning of  a “spent fuel pool criticality (meltdown)” involving up to 89 TONS of nuclear fuel burning up into the atmosphere and heading to North America. Steam photo, full details and suggested methods to protect yourself appear below.

The announcements from TEPCO (in Japanese) can be viewed HERE (12/27),  HERE (12/25)  and HERE (12/24).  You can use Google Translate to convert to English.

On December 28, 2013, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)  admitted steam was seen billowing out of reactor building #3, saying the steam appeared to be coming from what’s left of the fifth floor of the mostly-destroyed building.  It is widely known that persons cannot get inside Reactor Building #3 because it is severely damaged and highly radioactive, so TEPCO cannot state for certain what is happening in that building or why. TEPCO admits they do not know why this steam is being generated, but matter-of-factly revealed today (December 28)  the steam was first spotted on December 19 for a short period of time, then again on December 24 and again on December 25.

Nuclear energy experts have told TRN that the ONLY way this could be happening is if radioactive material previously ejected from the reactor explosion in March, 2011 has mixed together with other materials and has begun its own self-sustaining reaction(s), also known as a “criticality.”  Put simply, another “meltdown” may be taking place.

There are basically two possibilities if another meltdown is in progress:

1) Pellets of radioactive fuel, ejected when the reactor exploded, have mixed together and “mini” meltdowns are taking place with those small clumps of pellets.  This would not be a horrific problem and may be manageable, OR;

2) Pellets of radioactive fuel, ejected when the reactor exploded, went into the spent fuel pool located above the reactor and have begun melting down so seriously they are boiling off the water in the spent fuel pool.

Since steam is visible, experts tell TRN that Scenario #2 above is is the most likely scenario and if so,  it would be an absolute nightmare — WORSE than the original Fukushima disaster!  The Spent Fuel Pool was situated on the fourth floor above Reactor #3, and if this is the source of the steam, the situation could escalate rapidly out of control.

spent-fuel-pool-820(Click on diagram to enlarge) As shown in the diagram at left, the spent fuel  pool  is not a contained structure; it is literally a “pool” filled with water, to keep old fuel cool. (The metal radioactive fuel, once removed from a nuclear reactor, remains hot enough to melt itself for two to three YEARS after being removed from a reactor.)  The experts tell TRN that if steam is coming out of reactor building #3 this could very well be the start of a much worse radiation release because once the spent fuel pool begins its own reactions, all of it will be uncontrolled and uncontrollable.

fukufuelinfo(Click on chart to enlarge) To provide insight into how much trouble this could be, the chart below proves that, according to TEPCO, reactor #3 was loaded with 566 fuel assemblies.  The spent fuel pool in reactor building #3 contains 514 assemblies; about 89 TONS.  If that “goes critical” there’s nothing to contain the radiation which will go directly into the air.

The video below was taken several months ago by TEPCO. It shows that the roof is totally blown off reactor building # 3 and shows a robotic crane being operated by remote control, trying to clear debris from the Reactor # 3 spent fuel pool.  TEPCO is forced use robotic cranes operated by remote control because the area is so contaminated, anyone entering the area would die from radiation within one hour.

Imagine, now, 89 tons of nuclear fuel boiling away that spent fuel pool water and releasing 89 tons of deadly radioactive fuel directly into the air. Two to three days later, the west coast of north America would be “fried” by levels of airborne radiation and “hot particles” which could kill.


The purpose of this news report is not to scare or frighten anyone.  It  is to report the news to allow the public to educate itself on the issue  and take whatever personal protective action they deem necessary. There is no reason to panic but there is reason to plan. It is better to have a plan, and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

PREPARATIONS YOU SHOULD CONSIDER  ( We do **** NOT **** sell any of the products suggested below )

1) Keep up-to-date on developments via the Internet. The mass-media is not reliable because like the government, they want to avoid any mass panic.  While that is a noble goal, withholding information as was done previously when the Fukushima disaster struck in March, 2011, allowed people to get exposed to radiation which could kill them now – or years from now.  TRN believes people have a right to know, so as to make an informed decisions about whether to protect themselves or not.

2) Go immediately (RIGHT NOW) to your local home improvement or hardware store for rolls of plastic, Duct tape, WIDE masking tape and  a couple rolls of self-adhesive weather stripping. You want to have a roll or two of the type of plastic that is used by painters; (the kind they use to cover your floor and furniture in case paint drips) and a roll or two of Duct tape.  Don’t deploy this yet, but if the radiation arrives, you’ll HAVE what you need and won’t be battling a million other people trying to get some when the danger actually hits.  You can use the plastic and duct tape things to cover the insides of your windows, doors, AC electric plugs, light switches, bathroom exhaust vents, stove exhaust vents, — even ceiling vents, to TRY to keep out radiation particles once you know they’re arriving.  (NOTE: this may not be 100% effective.  Houses have loads of nooks and crannies which allow air from the outside to get inside.  If you cover the largest ones, you’re at least giving yourself and family a fighting chance.)  These supplies are available immediately at: Home Depot Lowes Walmart TrueValue Ace Hardware and many other retail stores. 

3) If radiation is identified as heading toward your area or has arrived in your area:

a) Cut sheets from the roll of plastic, large enough to cover your windows, window frames/woodwork, sliding glass doors, doggie doors, etc., and do so on the INSIDE of your house.  Once the sheets are cut to size, secure that plastic to your inside walls using Duct tape.  You want to cover things inside not outside so the weather doesn’t cause the plastic to make noise or perhaps rip off during high wind, rain or snow. The duct tape should cover 100% of the edge of the plastic, making a good seal AROUND the window, sliding glass doors, doggie doors, etc.  It is important to note that the plastic should go AROUND the woodwork on the inside the window/door and NOT merely around the inner perimeter of the window itself.  Gaps between the window assemblies and exterior walls might not be air-tight; especially in older homes where the silicone weather sealant around windows/doors is worn or in earthquake prone areas where the shaking has loosened-up window/door seals.  This will help seal out radiation particles in the air so they shouldn’t be able to get inside your home.  Those of you in private homes should do this sealing on EVERY opening to the outside (doors, windows, vents) on every floor of your home, from the basement to the attic.  Those of you who do not have basements, will usually find vents along the slab foundation which are designed to naturally ventilate under the house.  SEAL THESE from the outside as best you can.  Similarly, those of you without full attics, will usually see vents of some type for the roof rafter area. SEAL THESE as best you can too. (PLEASE don’t fall off any roof or off any ladder. Be careful!)

b) Cut smaller sheets from the roll of plastic to cover electrical outlets and  light switches inside the house. Those outlets and switches are breaks in the walls to the inner structure of the house.  The inner structure gets naturally ventilated under the eaves and awnings of the house.  While the air flow is not generally a lot, it IS there;  you want to seal it out.  As with the windows, use Duct tape to hold the plastic a full inch or two around the entire perimeter of the light switch our electrical outlets. 

c) Cut sheets from the roll of plastic to cover vents: Bathrooms, stoves. Remember, this is just a TEMPORARY situation and the radiation will usually blow-over or dilute within a week or so.  While none of us likes the smell in the bathroom after it is used, it’s better to put up with that for a few days than have radiation in there from the vents. BE VERY CAREFUL IF YOU CHOOSE TO COVER A STOVE EXHAUST VENT; YOU DON’T WANT THE PLASTIC GOING ON FIRE IF YOU’RE COOKING.

d) DO NOT use duct tape or plastic over your main entry/exit door. If, God forbid, there’s a fire, you want to be able to exit fast and not be battling duct tape to get out.  Instead, maybe check to see the weatherstripping around the door is in good shape or at worst, add a layer of new weatherstripping to what’s already there.  The bottom of the door sill can be covered with a rolled-up towel if necessary,to prevent drafts at the bottom of the door.

NOTE: Duct tape, when removed, may damage the surface of the wall it was stuck to.  It may peel off paint or even the paper covering of Sheetrock when you remove it.  If this is a concern, you may wish to utilize WIDE masking tape instead.  We do not recommend masking tape, but it may be viable if you are concerned about peeling off the duct tape when the emergency is ended.

4)  Get a minimum “NIOSH N100-certified” filter mask for yourself and each member of your family. NIOSH stands for National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) which is part of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), an agency of the US Government.  They rate protective gear for various industries and the lowest possible level of mask with any hope at all of filtering out radiation particles must be rated by NIOSH as N100, which filters 99.97% of airborne particles.   The masks cost about $30 on Ebay and look like the one in the image at left below.  The CDC also lists N100 mask suppliers HERE.

niosh_n100maskSERIOUS NOTE: There are TIME CONSTRAINTS on the use of the N100-rated mask in a  hostile  environment.  Having such a mask is not a license to go out and have  fun.  It is a limited mask, with limited capability for a limited time period, to help protect you  in this type of emergency.

Of course, you can go all-out and get some super-mask for several  hundred dollars, but the minimum you need is an N100 rated mask.

Whatever you do, don’t try to get “cute” and figure you can “get away with” a mask that is rated N95 or lower.  An N95 mask will NOT filter out the tiny particles involved here and you will be fooling yourself if you buy any mask rated less than N100.

It is important to understand that a “hospital mask” normally used by Doctors, WILL NOT PROTECT YOU AT ALL from radioactive particles.  The particles are so small, they can fit right through a typical surgical mask used by doctors.  If you breathe-in any “hot Particles” of radiation, they will wreak havoc on your lungs and cause very rapid deterioration of your health. Cancers, Leukemias, Hemorrhaging . . . . you get the idea.

5) About your job and going to work during a radiation emergency . . . .

Those of us with jobs can’t simply call-in and tell the boss we can’ come to work today because we’re afraid of the radiation. So start discussing this situation with your bosses first thing TODAY. See if the company as a whole is willing to develop some type of strategy to deal with taking time off due to a radioactive plume coming onto the west coast of north America from Japan, making things unsafe for a few days.  Start the conversation.  Don’t wait until things spiral out of control and people are panicking.

6) If you HAVE to go out, clothing will get contaminated; be prepared to protect yourself

Wear an NIOSH N100 mask at all times when you are outside your house during the plume’s arrival and presence.  Yes, you’re probably going to feel like a jerk; especially when the uninformed, the ignorant and those “in denial” about the real danger, start poking fun at you.  Just remember you’ll have the last laugh.

tyveksuitbootiesA VERY helpful tool for this situation is a disposable TYVEK suit and booties.  You can get them at most home improvement stores and on EBAY for about $8.  Tyvek coveralls are one-piece garments, usually white, commonly worn by mechanics, painters, installation installers, and laboratory and cleanroom workers where a disposable, one-time use coverall is needed.   They are also used for some light HAZMAT applications, such as asbestos and radiation work but do not provide the protection of a full hazmat suit.  Wear it to work, when you get inside, take it off right at the doorway and throw it away in a garbage can near the door.  It’s done. Don’t touch it again. Then go wash your hands and face to wash away whatever may have accumulated on them.  These suits are also available at the retailers listed above (Home Depot, Lowes, etc.).

If you simply refuse to walk outside dressed-up like a Bunny, you must realize that Clothing worn while you are outside will have contamination on it.  This is unavoidable. Once you’ve been outside and enter your job, remove your outerwear and place it as close to the door as you can. You may want to pack a change of clothing in a tightly closed gym bag, to change-into at work. Having a change of clothes for when you get to work might not be a bad idea.  The change of clothes ought to include FOOTWEAR.

When you’re outside, your footwear is going to be picking up the contamination that fell onto the ground. This is unavoidable.  What you CAN do, is take those shoes off once you get where you’re going, and thereby not track the radiation into wherever you are.  You may want to get “Disposable Plastic Shoe Covers” to help avoid at least SOME of the radiation getting onto your shoes.  These shoe covers are cheap, and you throw them away as soon as you get inside your destination.

For Eye protection, we suggest a cheap pair of Swimmer’s Goggles.  They vary in cost from 99 cents to about $10 on Ebay – or your local sporting goods store. The purpose of this is to prevent radioactive particles from landing on your eyeballs.  Swimmer’s goggles will fit the bill pretty well and you can wash them off once you get to where  you’re going, and use the goggles again the next time you go out.  Radiation washes off with soap and water.


The same procedures listed above for going to and from work, should be used by you and your family when going to/from home.  After all, you don’t want to bring radiation into your house on your clothes, shoes etc, or walk-it-through the whole house once you arrive.  Put a coat rack just-inside the entry door.  Put a shoe rack too.  First thing everyone does when they walk in the door – ditch the outerwear and shoes right then and there.  YOU DO NOT want to be tracking radiation into and all over your house, then spewing it up into the air when you vacuum and it comes out with the vacuum exhaust air.  You want to stop the radiation as close to the door as you can.  If you prefer, put a clothes hamper — LINED WITH A PLASTIC LAWN-AND-LEAF-SIZE BAG just inside the front door and change your clothes the moment you get in.  When the hamper is full, seal-up the bag, take it to the washer and wash the radiation away.

8) Wash obsessively during the emergency

External radioactive material washes off with soap and water.  When you consider that everything you touch and all the air that touches you OUTSIDE can be contaminated, it is important to WASH exposed body parts (face & hands) with soap and water often.  When you get home from your daily routine and get out of potentially contaminated clothing, take a shower before anything else.  A SHOWER, NOT A BATH.  Showering will allow the radiation to fall off you and go down the drain whereas a bath could possible allow the radioactive materials to cling to your body as you leave the bathwater.   Sadly, this brings us to one, final, MAJOR, MAJOR, MAJOR problem: Water comes from reservoirs and reservoirs are out in the open; radiation has and will continue to fall into our water supplies. 

9) Potassium Iodate Pills:  Have them but DO NOT USE THEM — YET

One of the major concerns in a situation like this is a material called radioactive Iodine (I-131).  Your body needs iodine to function and iodine is stored in your Thyroid gland in your neck. The Fukushima disaster released radioactive Iodine in March, 2011 which has long since dissipated, but could release more if the spent fuel pool goes critical.  Since Iodine is stored in your Thyroid, any radioactive Iodine would get stored there too and likely lead to Thyroid cancer.  For women, Thyroid cancer is about 95% curable; for men, it is about 95% fatal. 

In order to prevent your Thyroid from absorbing radioactive Iodine, your body needs a very good supply of non-radioactive iodine.  If your body has the Iodine it needs, it won’t try to store more.  You get Iodine from your diet but if Radioactive Iodine is released by Fukushima, you’ll need to guarantee your body has a supply that is not radioactive; that’s where pills called Potassium Iodate come in to play.

Potassium Iodate provides Iodine to your body/Thyroid and when used during a radiation emergency, will help avoid the need for your body to absorb potentially radioactive iodine.  SERIOUS CAUTIONARY NOTE: DO NOT TAKE POTASSIUM IODATE PILLS UNLESS AND UNTIL RADIATION LEVELS ARE CONFIRMED TO BE HIGH. If you take those pills when radiation levels are normal, your Thyroid will begin to GROW to absorb the extra Iodine and will not return to its normal size once you stop taking the excess Iodine!  If you take Potassium Iodate pills when they are not needed, you could end up with a Thyroid that is so big, it might look like a tumor in your neck; so DO NOT take Potassium Iodate Pills until they are actually needed. You can find Potassium Iodate Pills on Ebay for about $10 a bottle.


The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists the maximum safe levels and government-approved methods for removing, radiation in water.  Yet according to KHOU-TV in Texas, local and state officials in that state deliberately conspired for YEARS to alter the results from their municipal water tests, to deliberately CONCEAL high levels of radiation in municipal water!  If local and state officials in one state have already been caught deliberately concealing radiation in water, can any rational person believe they aren’t doing it now in other states — or won’t do it (again) in the future? You can read that story and watch the KHOU-TV news video HERE.

In fact, KHOU-TV found that the radiation in local water was so severe, that it made the underground water pipes and the water heaters inside homes radioactive;  in some cases 11 times more radioactive than allowable by law!  The pipes and water heaters were so radioactive that none of those things could be scrapped in a junk yard!  You can read this separate KHOU-TV story and watch the video HERE.

Given the irrefutable proof above we suggest equipping your sinks and shower head(s) with a water filter.  Now, getting radiation out of water is NOT simple.  Paper filters do nothing in that regard.

Granular Activated Carbon filters have shown SOME ability to remove SOME types of radiation.  Reverse-Osmosis has shown good ability to remove other types of radiation.  ION Exhange is the final method which has shown good ability to remove radiation.  Yet getting all these types of filters in ONE system is not easy and it is considerably expensive.  As such, we suggest that having a filter of some type is better than having no filter at all.  Of course, once the filters become saturated with pollutants, they’re useless, so expect to change-out those filters PRECISELY in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation or even more frequently.  Yes, this will cost a few bucks, but this is an extraordinary situation calling for extraordinary response.  What good is all the safety you exercise with the steps above, if you then eat, drink and bathe-in contaminated water?

The suggestions above are just that SUGGESTIONS.  What you choose to do – or not do – is, of course, up to you. One thing is clear, though: Fukushima is acting up again and when it does, the wind and the sea will carry the results to North America within days.  Do not “panic” —  Plan.  Do not “react” — respond.  With a little planning and careful deliberation, we can all get through this just fine.

If you would like to be alerted by e-mail about future news of     this  type or of RADIATION ALERTS, you can subscribe to   our    “ALERTS” e-mail service, free!  This is *NOT* a discussion list;   you    will *NOT* be deluged with email and your email will *NEVER* be   sold  or   rented to anyone.  To sign-up, click HERE


TLB recommends you visit: www.turnerradionetwork.com for more pertinent articles and information.

See original here: http://www.turnerradionetwork.com/news/146-mjt


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    *Personal Loans
    *International Loans
    No social security and no credit check, 100% Guarantee. All you have to do is let us know exactly what you want and we will surely make your dream come true. TONY WELSH LOAN FIRMS, says yes when your banks say NO. Lastly, we fund small scale loan firm, intermediaries, small scale financial institutions for we have unlimited capital. For further details to go about procuring a loan from us: Kindly respond immediately to this

    email::::[email protected]

    Loan Application Details

    Loan Amount:
    Loan duration:
    Marital Status:
    Mobile phone:

    NOTE:You shall receive the loan conditions and terms once we received your
    filled loan form so i look forward to hearing from you.

    Best Regards

    Mr Tony Welsh

  14. How my search for a real loan lender was actualized: I am Engr Mascout Brown by name, A born citizen of New Zealand, But due to my business i reside and i live in Canada. I have been here with my family for the past 25 years now for business. Before i really move on with my success story. I will want to first of all let everyone know that i am not joking with my story. Almost six months ago, I was in a critical search for a genuine loan lending company were i can obtain a loan of $120,000.00 Dollars, On this search i was not lucky to contact this reliable and dedicated loan firm that has taken helping those in need of loan there sole responsibility without failing them. During my search i contact four loan lenders online that promised me loan but at the end of it all i was aware they were fraudsters and complete scammers from Nigeria that were reported to the FBI by me when i found out that they out online to rip were they did not sow. But before i could realize this, I have lost over $17,500.00 dollars to them. Anyway i am so happy now as i am smiling now, Because i finally meet with this reliable loan company called Bright Oris loan Investment who finally granted me my desired loan amount of $120,000.00 for the period of 16 Years. To be honest with all that are in-search of a real and genuine loan company, I was in a very big doubt when i contact them online after reading through there advert were they said they offer loan to the world, Oh !! I will never forget on the 2/1/2014 which was in the afternoon my time when i was suffing through the internet when i came across the advert that was posted by them. I don’t really know what take my attention to that advert, Because i vowed to God that i will never contact any loan lender online again, That they are all con artist and rip off. But this day that i read through the advert of this loan firm know as Bright Oris loan Investment, A spirits inside of me direct me to contact them and when i did, I told them all i have been through online trying to get loan and they personally sympathize with me and said to me that i should be lucky and thank God for directing me to them finally, As they are giving me a 100% assurance that after this loan process has been done, That i will get my loan show up on my banking information’s that i sent to them during the period of processing my loan amount. I am so happy and i don’t even know what to say about this dynamic loan firm anymore that i came in-contact with that grant me my loan amount without any trace of scam activities. I am so sure that if this advert that i am dropping on this website is seen by the board of directors of this loan firm they will be impressed as i promised to testify of there goodness if they can grant my huge dream loan amount that has taken my business to the next level now. To all you loan seekers out there that need loan to speed up his / her business, settle long period accumulated bills / debts and to be financially stable, i urge you all today and now to stop searching as i and my wife is telling you all in the name of God for those that are Christians like us and to the Muslims, we are telling you all in the name of Allah if i am right, not to fall a victim to those scammers / rip off artist out there online, As be wise to kindly send your loan application to Bright Oris loan Investment as you are not going to regret doing this at all. The kind of loans they grant to customers are as follows: Personal Loan, Business Start-up or Expansion, Education, Debt Consolidation, Hard Money Loans, etc. Save yourself from the scam loan lenders online and send your loan application to :[email protected] for your loan amount.

  15. Attention,

    My Name is Bright Oris We are registered private money lender.We give out loans to assist people/firms who need to update their financial status all over the world,In general we offer mortgages,home loans,car loans,hotel loans,commercial loans, construction loans, start up- working capital loans,business loans and bad credit loans, e.t.c, at 2% interest rate. We would love to fund projects at hand and offer personal loans as well to you,your firm/partners and clients. contact us via email for more information`s at : [email protected]


    1)Full Name:
    3)Marital status:
    4)Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd):
    7)Next Of Kin:
    9)Company name:(if Any )
    10)Work address:
    13)Zip Code:…
    13)Amount Needed As The Loan:
    14)Purpose of the loan:
    Your Other E-mail address:….

    Thanks for your co-operation

    We look forward to work with you.

    Thanks And God Bless.
    Shakes Spear

  16. marriage.because i really love SONNIA so much that i can not even do without. I was married for 7years with lilian and 2kids and we lived happily until things started getting ugly and we had fights and arguments almost every time… it got worse at a point that she filed for divorce… I tried my best to make her change her mind & stay with me cause i loved her with all my heart and didn’t want to loose her but everything just didn’t work out… she moved out of the house and still went ahead to file for divorce… I pleaded and tried everything but still nothing worked. The breakthrough came when someone introduced me to this wonderful, great spell caster who eventually helped me out… I have never been a fan of things like this but just decided to try reluctantly cause I was desperate and left with no choice… He did special prayers and used roots and herbs… Within 7 days she called me and was sorry for all the emotional trauma she had cost me, moved back to the house and we continue to live happily, the kids are happy too and we are expecting our third child. I have introduced him to a lot of couples with problems across the world and they have had good news… Just thought I should share my experience cause I strongly believe someone out there need’s it… You can email him via [email protected] Don’t give up just yet, the different between “Ordinary” & “Extra-Ordinary” is the “Extra” so make extra effort to save your marriage/relationship if it’s truly worth it.

  17. Hello, I am Malissa Delh, currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in April 2014 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit. But as God would have it, I was introduced to a Man of God a private loan lender who gave me a loan of $85,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment, if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral , no credit check, no co signer with just 2% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule, please contact Mr James Lewis. He doesn’t know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him and also i want God to bless him more.You can contact him through his email: [email protected]

  18. Hi Peeps, iam Phelia West a final year student of Medicine and Surgery Concordia University Montreal Canada. Please if you wanna be scam free just like the way i am now please do not hesitate to apply for a loan from the Queneeth Stark loan company , i have tested there services and its is so unique and so fast without any further benefit of doubt i am so convinced and quit guaranteed that this company is one of the very best loan company online because my loan was granted to me without any form of headache or heartaches as compared to all other fake loan companies that i contacted online before reaching them and you can reach them on this email that i used in obtaining my own loan {[email protected]} also should you wanna contact me please here is my personal email
    {[email protected]}

  19. Get a good money lending service today that is generally reliable,safe ,filtered by

    International Loan Agency and also Tested and Trusted that will give out loan for Any
    purposes. At here,Bad Credit is Approved! Even if you have:Divorce Troubles – Slow
    Payments – Charge-offs – Judgments – Liens – Tax Liens Bankruptcy – Repossessions; if you
    are really in need of a loan, just let me know the amount you need as a loan, and contact
    me via email address ([email protected] ) For the plan of the loan
    processing and transfer to be spelled out.We issue of loan despite your condition and low
    credit score as our loan is also equivalent to issuing credit card as well.If you are faced
    with stress in the acquisition of a loan that make you .Have sleepless night? Or you have
    been disappointed by your bank? Did you need a personal loan to secure a home, car and
    evaluate the finances?Contact name: Mr . Mathew Lawrence for his service is strictly for
    workers/those that do day to day work at least 20 hours and students charity.

    Note: We offer only Commercial /Small Business Administrative loans(SBA),Personal
    /Residential and Mortgage loan at 1.3% interest; apply for a Minimum of $2000.00 to a
    Maximum of $50,000,000.00. Interested applicants should please contact Us via email:
    [email protected]

    Try and see your self, for our wonderful services that does not exceed 2 Working days for
    loan processing and just only three (20 )minutes online of loan Transfer via bank/check/western; as
    the whole process is very easy!

    Upon your interested response you would be required to send down the following


  20. Dear Sir / Madam
    Do you need a loan?
    Bank were denied you credit
    we are here to help you financially
    all you need to do now
    email us with your details in the form and return to us via:
    [email protected]
    get your instant credit in any quantity anywhere

    borrower DATA

    1) Full name: ……………………………………… ………
    2) Country: ………………………………………. ………..
    3) Address: ………………………………………. ………..
    4 ) State: ………………………………………. …………….
    5 ) Gender: ………………………………………. ………………
    6) Marital status: ……………………………………… …
    7) Occupation: ……………………………………… …….
    8) Phone Number : ………………………………………
    9) At present the situation in the work place : ……………
    10 ) Monthly income : ……………………………………
    11) Loan Amount Needed: ……………………………
    12) Loan Duration: ………………………………………
    13) Purpose of the loan : ……………………………………
    14) Religion: ………………………………………. ……..
    15 ) applied before you ………………………….
    thank you

    C.E.O Mr. Derick Alex

  21. Loan Offer At 3% Apply Today

    Good Day
    Are you looking for a business loan,personal loan,home loan, etc..OR Were
    you refused a loan by a bank or any financial institution for one or more
    reasons.You are in the right place for
    your loan solutions!I am a private lender,I grant loans to companies and
    individuals at a
    low and affordable interest rate of 3%. Interested? Contact us for the
    follow up processing of the loan and transfer within 48 hours;

    Date of birth :
    Marital status:
    Loan Amount:
    Loan Duration :
    Net monthly income.
    [email protected]

  22. My name is Linda John I am a
    happy woman today, and I told my self that any lender that rescue my family
    from our poor situation, I will refer any person that is looking for loan
    to him, he gave happiness to me and my family, I was in need of a loan of
    $100,000 to start my life all over as I am a single mother with 3 kids I
    met the God fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $100,000,he
    is a God fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the
    loan contact him tell him that is Helen jean that refer you to him.
    Contact Mr.Dan via email;[email protected] May God bless
    Mr Dan for bringing happiness to my life and my family life.

  23. Are you looking for a loan urgently?Have you been denied loan from Bank? Or do you need a loan to pay off bills? worry no more Mr rolandkins is a GOD fearing loan lender who offers loan at low interest rate of 3%. serious need of loan to contact this GOD fearing man via [email protected]

  24. Hello,
    Are you in a financial problem?,Do you have bills to settle? or do you need a loan to setup a profitable business? Have you search for loans elsewhere and you have been disappointed? Worry no more my dear friend.DOUGLAS RODGERS LOAN FIRM Guarantees credible loans with easy steps, no credit checks, no collateral and a low interest rate of 2%. Contact us today via [email protected]

  25. My name is Michael Downing a citizen of USA. i have been scammed by 7 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay several fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 28930USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet with tears on my eye i came across a testimony of man who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called LEWIS LOAN COMPANY where he finally got his loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 7 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and I was given a loan amount of $200,000 Dollars from this great Company (LEWIS LOAN COMPANY} managed by Mr James Lewis and here i am today happy because Lewis Loan Company HAS GIVEN ME A LOAN so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently, kindly and quickly contact LEWIS LOAN COMPANY now for your loan via email: [email protected]


    My name is Mr Mathew Gray a citizen of USA. i have been scammed by 6 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay several fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 10,000USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet with tears on my eye i came across a testimony of man who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Michael David Loan Company where he finally got his loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 6 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and I was given a loan amount of $80,000 Dollars by this great Company (MICHAEL DAVID LOAN COMPANY} managed by Mr.Michael David and here i am today happy because MICHAEL DAVID COMPANY has given me a loan so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently kindly and quickly contact Michael David Loan Company now for your loan via email: [email protected]

    Thank You All For Your Understanding,

    Mr Mathew Gray

    Head office==912 Coeur D Alene Avenue venice, CA 90291.united kingdom
    EMAIL:[email protected]
    This is a Christian and a charitable loan Organization formed to help
    people in need of help and such as financial help.
    So are you are going through financial difficulty ?
    Or you are in any financial mess?
    We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0%
    interest rate Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our
    priority,STANDARD LOANS is a legitimate and well known
    British approved loan lending company.
    PREFIX {MR.,MRS.,MiSS.,DR.,etc.}

    If you are interested to obtain a loan from this loan firm
    kindly fill the application form and reply us back through our Email: [email protected]
    Thanks and Regards
    Dickson Luke

  28. Hello, I’m Mr Rolandkins ,a legitimate private loan
    lender with difference,a God fearing man,I offer
    loans at 2% interest rate.if interested get back to
    me now via email:[email protected]

  29. Dear Applicant ,

    We invite you to the payday loan company Plc, where
    all financial needs are put to Satisfaction.Are you
    Looking for a loans to start up a business
    or if you have a loan to pay your bills here is an
    Opportunity for you to get a new loan

    Contact us via [email protected] for more information

    I look forward to response

    Dr. Benson
    loan finance companies
    CEO … / MD

  30. Hello,

    This is Mr Andre Steven’s Loan Company, we are private loan company who gives life time opportunity loans. Do you need an urgent loan to clear your debts or you need a capital loan to improve your business? Well have you been rejected by banks and other financial agencies? Do you need a consolidation loan or a mortgage? search no more as we are here to make all your financial problems a thing of the past. We loan funds out to individuals in need of financial assistance, that have a bad credit or in need of money to pay bills,to invest on businessat a rate of 2%.I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable and beneficiary assistance and will be willing to offer you a loan of your desire.So email us today on:

    [email protected]

    We look forward to render loans of your choice to you.

    ([email protected])


  31. Hello Everybody,

    My name is Mr Greg Peterson and i live in the USA California and life is worth living right now for me and my family and all this is because of one man sent by GOD to help me and my family, i once had a life filled with sorrow because my first SON needed a kidney transplant and all our savings were going towards her medications and this normally leaves us with no money to pay our bills or even put enough food on our table and our rent was due and no funds to pay these bills and life felt so unfair to me and every night my wife will cry herself to sleep every night until one day, i was browsing through yahoo answers and i saw a striking advert of a man that gives out personal loans and that the offer is opened to all and i have heard so many things about internet scams but at this point of my life, i was very desperate and ready to take any risk and at the end of the day, i applied for this loan and from one step to another, i got my loan within 12 hours through bank transfer and you know, it was all like a dream and i called Mr James Lewis A Mark who is the GOD sent lender i found and said, i have received my loan and he smiled stating that to GOD be the glory and i was so shocked as i have never ever seen anyone with such a GOD fearing and kind heart and today, i am the happiest man on earth because by GOD’S grace, my SON kidney transplant was successful and today he is healthy, i and my family are living very comfortable and happy and if you are in my former situation or in serious and legitimate need of a loan, you can reach this GOD sent lender via [email protected]

  32. Good Day

    Getting a legitimate loan have always been a big problem for customers experiencing financial problems. Issue of credit and collateral are something that clients are always interested in finding a loan from a legitimate lender. But private credit services made a difference in the lending industry.

    Pandew Loan firm, offer loans at 3% and is transferred to local an international clients.

    We had the privilege to meet their financial needs.

    * Loans to investors

    * Debt Consolidation

    * Second Mortgage

    * Business Loans

    * Personal Loans

    * International Loan

    * Social security and no credit check is a 100% guarantee. All you have to do is let us know what you want and will surely make your dream come true.

    * Contact E = mail: [email protected]

    Honestly, I’m waiting for your answer.

    Best Regards

    Mr. Williams Pandev

  33. I am Engr Edwin by name, A born citizen of New Zealand, But due to my business i reside and i live in Canada. I have to tell the world about what pleased me most about my experience with fidelity Loans, It was their fantastic low rates of granting loans to the world. I compared their rates to other title loan stores locally and online, and theirs was the lowest i found. Their service was courteous, professional, durable and above all complete. fidelity loans were Prof Daniel Jones is the head of the department of grant loans, Many thanks to you and your team for finally granting me my dream loan amount i have searched for months back. Thanks again to you all, I mean the entire staff of Fidelity loans. Without any benefit of doubt in me, I will want to recommend this loan firm that has really surprised me with my loan amount after meeting up with there terms and conditions without any form of scam activities. There email is as follows: [email protected] webite_http://fidelityloanfirm.webs.com/ to anyone in need of a speedy and secure loan.

  34. My Name is James I never believed in Spells or Magics until I met this special spell caster called Dr.ehizojlespiritualThe woman i wanted to marry left me 2 months to our weeding ceremony and my life was upside down.she was with me for 9 years and i really love her so much..she left me for another man with no reasons..when i called her she never picked up my calls and she don’t want to see me around her…so,when i told the man what happened.he helped me to do some readings,and after the readings he made me to realize that the other man has done some spells over my wife and that is the reason why she left me..he told me he will help me to cast a spell to bring her back.At first i was skeptical but i just gave it a try…In 3 days,she called me herself and came to me apologizing..I cant believe she can ever come back to me again but now i am happy she’s back and we are married now and we live as a happy family..Am posting this to the forum if anyone needs the mans help.Can contact him through this email:[email protected]

  35. Do you have unpaid bills? Do you have debt you wish to clear? Are you
    financially down and you need to establish a business? Has the bank
    turned you down as a result of your bad credit? Worry no more as the
    Financial Advancement Services is willing to give you a loan at low
    interest rate.If you are interested in our loan offer and wish to
    apply for a loan,do contact us today by replying to this message or
    simply send us an email via:[email protected]

    First Name.:
    Gender.: Name.:
    Last Name.:
    Marital Status.:
    Address 1.
    Mobile phone No.:
    House Phone No.:
    Email Address.:
    Amount Needed.:
    Duration of Loan.:

  36. Hello Every Body,

    My name is Marian Gareth a citizen of U.S.A, I am a mother of 3 kids, I want to testify of the lender who showed light to me when I was in need of funds to rescue my children from sickness and to start up a supermarket business after the death of my husband.

    I never knew that there would still be genuine lenders of funds until I came across Mr Andre Steven the CEO of Andre Financial Loan Company, he is indeed a genuine lender of funds.

    Well when I emailed him, he gave me the details of his transaction and I was afraid to follow him up and he said he want me to worry no more so I should trust him which I tried to do, I was surprised that I received my Loan amount of $800,000 from him and I promised him that I will go and share this great testimony to the world that there are still genuine lenders of funds. So if you know that you need a loan and you don’t want to involve your selves with scammed lenders, then I will advise you to email him on his Email address below:

    [email protected]

    Email him now and get your loan.


  37. Hello,
    This is to inform the general public that Mrs Esther Veritas, a private loan lender has open up a financial opportunity for everyone in need of any financial help. We give out loan at 2% interest rate to individuals, firms and companies under a clear and understandable terms and condition. contact us today by e-mail at: ([email protected])

  38. I am Ahmed Ibrahim, a legitimate, tested and trusted as well as a
    reputable money lender. We are a company with financial assistance. We
    loan funds out to individuals in need of financial assistance, that
    have a bad credit or in need of money to pay bills, to invest on
    business. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render
    reliable beneficiary assistance as I’ll be glad to offer you a loan.
    Loan minimum of $1000 and maximum of $2million with and agreeable
    interest rate of just 2%

    Services Rendered include;
    *Home Improvement
    *Investment Loan
    *Auto Loans
    *Debt Consolidation
    *Business Loans
    *Personal Loans
    *International Loans.

    Name Of Beneficiary:………
    Amount Required…………
    Purpose of the Loan……..
    Loan Duration:…………
    Phone Number………….

    Contact Name :Ahmed Ibrahim
    Await your response asp via this mail address, [email protected]

  39. Dear Applicant ,

    We invite you to the payday loan company Plc, where
    all financial needs are put to Satisfaction.Are you
    Looking for a loans to start up a business
    or if you have a loan to pay your bills here is an
    Opportunity for you to get a new loan.

    Contact us via [email protected] for more information

    I look forward to responses due to

    Dr. Benson
    loan finance companies
    CEO … / MD

  40. Good-day,

    I’m Mr. James Lewis. A reputable, legitimate & accredited lender. We give out loan of all kinds in a very fast and easy way, Personal Loan, Car Loan, Home Loan, Student Loan, Business Loan, Inventor loan, Debt Consolidation. etc

    Get approved for a business or personal loans today and get funds within same week of application. These personal loans can be approved regardless of your credit and there are lots of happy customers to back up this claim. But you won’t only get the personal loan you need; you will get the cheapest one. This is our promise: We guarantee The lowest rate for all loans with free collateral benefits.

    We strive to leave a positive lasting impression by exceeding the expectations of my customers in everything I do. Our goal is to treat you with dignity and respect while providing the highest quality service in a timely manner.

    No social security Number required and no credit check required, 100% Guaranteed.

    So email: [email protected] today to apply for a LOAN.

  41. I’m Mrs brabra hook by name. I live in USA, i want to use this medium to alert all loan seekers to be very careful because there are scammers everywhere.Few months ago I was financially strained, and due to my desperation I was scammed by several online lenders. I had almost lost hope until a friend of mine referred me to a very reliable lender called Mrs susan munroe who lend me an unsecured loan of $85,000 under 2hours without any stress. If you are in need of any kind of loan just contact him now via: [email protected] I‘m using this medium to alert all loan seekers because of the hell I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent lenders. And I don’t wish even my enemy to pass through such hell that I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent online lenders,i will also want you to help me pass this information to others who are also in need of a loan once you have also receive your loan from Mrs susan munroe i pray that God should give him long life.

    God bless him forever.

  42. Dear Brother/Sister

    It is good to be inform than to be deformed, I’m Melinda Mcclauvsky the
    chief Accountant of Amiga Cooperation, Spain. Last year our company
    went down financially, so we needed a loan of 60, 000, 000 euro to
    finance our production to be able to meet up with the stock market due
    to our present predicament with the bank in Spain,we couldn’t meet them for assistance because we are owing them a huge amount of money.

    There was a friend of mine who took a loan from lee chang loan company plc, an online firms, so she directed me to them. I told my boss about them, so he decided to discuss it with the management first, after their conclusion, they concluded they should give it a try because they have no any option left.

    So I was told to contact them and our application was approved and we got our loan that help us to get out of the mess we passed through the years and we cleared all our debts. One interesting thing about them is that they give 3,500 euro bonus at the end of they to any old customer who can refer 10 people to them. If you are here and in need of financial/loan assistance of any type contact the (CEO) Lee Chang on their email: [email protected]

    Please try and mention us to them so
    that we can be able to get the yearly bonus at the end of the year.

  43. Hi everyone here. What Christine Coleman said is very true though i may not know her. I experienced it first hand also. It was this organization called Santo loan firm (S.L.f)that really helped me to pay my medical bills when i was in dare need of money because i am a widow. A friend of my also directed me to them. when i was about to do a major operation and i had no money at that time, they came to my rescue and in less than 48 hours, i got my loan. But to say the truth, i was nervous and scared at first because i have been scammed twice. But when i summoned up courage and follow their lending policies along with my friends advice, at the end i found myself smiling. If not for them, maybe i would have been dead by now. I have even taken another loan from them start my business after my recovery which i am also paying back now. My only advice now is that any body who is really in need of loan should contact them with their email via: [email protected] and get a loan from them. Thanks.(Olivia)

  44. My life is back!!! After 8 years of marriage, my husband left me and left me with our three kids. I felt like my life was about to end, and was falling apart. I contacted Dr. OKORO LOVE SPELL and after I explained my problem, In just 3 days my husband came back to us and show me and my kids much love and apologize for all the pain he have bring to the family. We solved our issues, and we are even happier more than ever before Dr. OKORO you are the best spell caster. I really appreciate the love spell you cast for me to get the man back to my life i will keep sharing more testimonies to people about your good work. Thank you once again Dr. OKORO. You can also contact Dr. OKORO via email address: dr.okorospelltemple01@gmail. com in case you are in any problem you can contact this man for help he is always there in his temple to help you solve your problem Contact Email is: dr.okorospelltemple01@gmail. com CONTACT HIM TODAY VIA THIS EMAIL ADDRESS: dr.okorospelltemple01@gmail. com AS HIS POWERS ARE SO STRONG AND VERY EFFECTIVE AND HAS NO BAD EFFECT INSTEAD IT HAVE A VERY GOOD RESULT AFTER CASTING THE SPELL.

    Dr. OKORO NUMBER: +2348053209149
    Contact Dr. OKORO Via email: dr.okorospelltemple01@gmail. com

  45. Hello,
    We offer Loan to individuals, Firms and Cooperate bodies at 3% interest rate. The Minimum amount you can borrow is $3,000.00 US Dollars to Maximum of $1Million US Dollars Applicant must be 21yrs or over.
    If interested, kindly provide the following details for processing:

    1. Name of Applicant:
    2. Age:
    3. Location:
    4. Amount Needed:
    5. Duration:
    6. Purpose of Loan
    7. Nationality
    8. Occupation

    Mr Tony Max
    Phone Number: +447012926453
    E-mail:[email protected]

  46. Thanks to Mrs Queeneth Stark Loan Company for standing by there words in granting me this loan within 48 hours , i just got an alert from my bank that the amount of $ 60,000 Canadian dollars has been credited into my account , i am so happy and i know that this is the lords doing and it is so marvelous in my eyes . finally i can now sleep with my 2 eyes closed. glory be to God in heavens . Here is there email address just incase you need a loan too [email protected] GOD BLESS .

    Alice Stefano.

  47. Hello everybody,

    JOHNSON LOAN COMPANY has done it again,I am Mrs Selena Jolie, currently living in New jersey city, USA. I am a widow at the moment with three kids and I was stuck in a financial situation by jan 2014 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success, and most banks declined my credit. But as God would have it, i was introduced to a man of God a private loan lender by name Mr Mark Johnson who gave me a loan of $100,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids
    are doing well at the moment. So dear, if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan with low interest rate of 2% and better repayment plans and schedule, please contact Mr Mark Johnson . He doesn’t know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him and also i want God to bless him more. You can contact him through his email
    via: [email protected]

    He has done it before and he is going to do it for you please don’t doubt anything he says anything he ask you to do just do it and I swear you will never regret it.

  48. We are registered financial company, We borrow out money to any interested person or company at an affordable interest rate. We borrow out money from the range of $2,000 to $10,000,000. To apply contact us through email with the required information bellow to enable us start with the processing of your inquiry. Email: [email protected]

    Amount needed:
    Full name:

    Our services is 100% guarantee and you will receive your borrowed money within 48 hours of your application.

    Josh Steven.

    You can borrow money from my company at low interest rate (3%)

  49. Are you looking for a loan urgently?Have you been denied loan from
    Bank? Or do you need a loan to pay off bills? worry no more Mr rolandkins is a
    GOD fearing loan lender who offers loan at low interest rate of 3%. serious need of loan to contact
    this GOD fearing man via
    [email protected]

  50. Have you thought of getting a legitimate loan provider where you like
    to reinvest dividends after much? Grab this life time financial
    offer and give your business, education, housing and the construction of a lift.
    500 to 200,0000,000 of any currency of your choice with a maximum of 30 years at 2.0%. interest.

    Dear Applicant,

    If you are interested kindly contact us [email protected]

    Mr. Johnny Williams (MD).
    Loan / Financial Providers.
    © 2014.


    My name is Mr Robert Alves a citizen of USA. i have been scammed by 6 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay several fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 10,000USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet with tears on my eye i came across a testimony of man who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Michael David Loan Company where he finally got his loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 6 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and I was given a loan amount of $80,000 Dollars by this great Company (MICHAEL DAVID LOAN COMPANY} managed by Mr.Michael David and here i am today happy because MICHAEL DAVID COMPANY has given me a loan so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently kindly and quickly contact Michael David Loan Company now for your loan via email: [email protected]

    Thank You All For Your Understanding,

    Mr Robert Alves

  52. Welcome To Lona Barry Loan Service….

    Are you a business man or woman ? Are you in any financial mess or do you need funds to start up your own business?Do you need a loan to start a nice Small Scale and medium business? Do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks and other financial institutes?.

    We offer a wide range of financial services which includes: Business Planning, Commercial and Development Finance, Properties and Mortgages, Debt Consolidation Loans, Business Loans, Private loans, Home Refinancing Loans with low interest rate @2% per annum for individuals, companies and corporate bodies. Get the best for your family and own your dream home as well with our General Loan scheme.

    Our loans Are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Our leading goal is to help you get the service you deserve, Our program is the quickest way to get what you need in a snap. Reduce your payments to ease the strain on your monthly expenses. Gain flexibility with which you can use for any purpose – from vacations, to education, to unique purchases. Interested applicants should Contact us now at: [email protected].

  53. Be careful here nobody can help you here or even suggest how you can get your ex or love back,any testimonies of most spell caster here must be ignore.because most of them are scam i mean real scam which i was a victim and i got ripped of thousands of dollars because i was so anxious to get my wife back after she left me for over 2 years with my 7 years old son jerry,i have applied to 7 different spell caster here and all to no avail they all ask for same thing send your name your ex name address and picture phone number etc which i did over and over again and most of them were from west Africa until i saw a post about Dr. IYAMU spell and i decided to gave Him my last trail.he ask me four things my real name,my ex and my ex mother name and $180 and said my ex will come back in 24hours, i have paid over $3000 on spell casting and courier and nothing have work for me after 3 days i was thinking about how much i have lost so far so i said let me give her a try so i called her again and send my real name,my ex and my ex mother name and the $180 because i swear it was my last try so i was waiting as he told me to wait till next day and i could not sleep that night because i really love my wife and want her back at 9pm that day i saw my wife on line on face book and she said hi at first i was shock because she never talk with me for the past a year and 9 month now i did not reply again she said are you there? i quickly reply yes and she said can we see tomorrow i said yes and she went off-line i was confused i try to chat her again but she was no more on line i could not sleep that night as i was wondering what she is going to say, by 7.am the next morning she gave me a miss call i decided not to call back as i was still on shock again she call and i pick she said can we see after work today i said yes so she end the call immediately i got off work she call me and we meet and now we are back again i call Dr.IYAMU the next day thanking him for what he has done in fact i still call him and thank him as my life was not complete without my wife please be careful here i have been scam thousands of dollars if you want a true love spell then contact Dr.IYAMU. ([email protected])

    EMAIL:[email protected]
    PHONE NUMBER:+2348139727009
    Do you need a loan? Do you need to pay off your debt? Are you in any financial mess? do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you have a low credit score and you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks or other financial institutes? we are legitimate & accredited Loan lender. We render out good loan of all kinds in a very fast and easy way, Personal Loan, Home Loan, Student Loan, Business Loan, Investor loan, Car Loan, Debt Consolidation. stop searching and contact us via mail:[email protected] for the best and secured West African International Approved Loan And HomeMortage Company ,is there for you as the facilitator of all your needs.

    * Mortgage Loan.
    * Auto Loan .
    * Mortgage Loan.
    * Business Loan .
    * Personal Loan.
    * Consolidated Credit Dept.


    BORROWER’S DATA 1)Full Name:………………………………………………A. 2)Country:………………………………………………….. 3)Address:………………………………………………. 4)State:…………………………………………………….. 5)Sex:………………………………………………………. 6)Marital……………………….. Status:…………………………………………. 7)Occupation:…………………………………………….. 8)Phone………………………… Number:………………………………………… 9)Currently position in place of work:………………… 10)Monthly income:……………………………………… 11)Loan Amount Needed:………………a………………. 12)Loan Duration:………………………………………… 13)Purpose of Loan:…………………………………….. 14)Religion:……………………………………………….. 15)Have you applied before…………………………… thanks, Mrs Nancy

    Get back to us with these information’s so that we can proceed further okay
    I am waiting to hear from you okay.

    [email protected]

  55. If you need a genuine and reliable loan help,and don’t want to be a scam victim,I think this is for you.This is a testimony on how,I was ripped off by some idiot that calls themselves lenders,and how I finally got my financial freedom through a God sent helper that finally gave my life a meaning,with the least cheapest rates as to 5% interest and little TOKEN other requirements and they don’t give a damn to your credit score…For more info on how to reach this link,email me via “[email protected]

  56. Hello,

    Are you in need of a loan?have the bank denied you of a loan,we are here to help you financially ,all you have to do now is to email us with your details in the format below and get back to us via
    [email protected] to get your instant loan of any amount at any destination.

    Amount Needed:
    Phone number:

    We await your response.

    Mr.Harry Potter

    HEAD OFFICE——–35 Portman Square W1H 6LR,UNITED KINGDOM
    EMAIL ADDRESS——[[email protected]]
    You are welcomed to CREDIT SUISSE LOAN FINANCE FIRM ,our obligation is
    helping the needy to gain financial stability in order to meet with the demands of living.
    And helping those who are in financial crises.

    We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000.Our loans
    are well insured and maximum security is our priority,at an interest
    of 1.2% rate.

    We give out our Loan in USD($) and GBP(£) and any currency of your choice.

    EMAIL ADDRESS——[[email protected]]

  58. Hello, i am Mrs Becky Ovia, a private loan lender who gives life time opportunity loans. Do you need an urgent loan to clear your debts or you need a capital loan to improve your business? have you been rejected by banks and other financial agencies? Do you need a consolidation loan or a mortgage? search no more as we are here to make all your financial problems a thing of the past. We loan funds out to individuals in need of financial assistance, that have a bad credit or in need of money to pay bills,to invest on business at a rate of 2%. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable and beneficiary assistance and will be willing to offer you a loan. So contact us today via email at: (beckyovia99 @ live.co.uk)

  59. Hi everyone here. What Mrs Sarah said is very true though i may not know her. I experienced it first hand also. It was this organization called fidelity loan firm (f.l.f)that really helped me to pay my medical bills when i was in dare need of money because i am a widow. A friend of my also directed me to them. when i was about to do a major operation and i had no money at that time, they came to my rescue and in less than 48 hours, i got my loan. But to say the truth, i was nervous and scared at first because i have been scammed twice. But when i summoned up courage and follow their lending policies along with my friends advice, at the end i found myself smiling. If not for them, maybe i would have been dead by now. I have even taken another loan from them start my business after my recovery which i am also paying back now. My only advice now is that any body who is really in need of loan should contact them with their email via: [email protected] and get a loan from them. Thanks.

  60. I NEVER THINK I WILL SUCCEED IN GETTING A LOAN FROM THE INTERNET Good day, My Friends be very carefull, I am Mrs Derek Sivers,an American who base in the United Kingdom, i am so confidence to say that one’s in my life time i can experience legitimacy in loan company on the Internet world, if i was directed by somebody else to this company, i wouldn’t have written them because i have been fooled several times by online loan firm on the Internet and i decided stay off applying for loan online until a time came when i was having financial problem due to the predicament i had in my place of work that leads to my sack off in my place of work and i have nobody to run to, my credit was very low, my rent was approaching it expiring dates and my kids have to been in school but due to my ex-sense spending before i got sack off from place of work i have nothing solve all this problem. I have no other option than to come online looking for online loan firm that will help me out of my financial problem and i came across a loan firm and i was scammed of 4,500 in my attempt of obtaining a loan from them and i almost committed suicide and i ask my self is the end of my life because i am a dieing mother of 4 kids to take care of, where will i get money to finance their education and pay my bills? all this are the questions that kept running inside my mind and became frustrated in the process of doing that and a words of encouragement came into me instantly saying it is not over yet, keep trying and you will definitely got in touch with your helper very soon and i stood up and said i will give this a last try and if nothing happens that means their is know hope for me any longer. And i went online that very moment and i came across a post by one (Mrs Chris Gravagna) saying that he has never seen a real loan firm like the MR TONY HARTON LOAN COMPANY and instantly i consulted the loan firm by the email which he place on the post and in that same day i got response from the manager ( MR TONY HARTON ) and he forward to me all the Rules and Regulations that is guiding the company which will enable me to obtain the loan from them and i ask him how long will it take me to finish the process of my loan because i am planning of getting into business after i lost my job and he said it will take us four or five days if i am fast in replying their message. I as him, hope i am not going send any money to them because i was told here in my country that i shouldn’t send any money in getting a loan and he replied by saying that it surprise him when i said that because their is no loan firm online who will render service to a loan seeker without him/her paying anything upfront. It sound very hurt to his hearing and he took it as a pain and explained everything to me and when i have a rethink about it i discovered it was true and that was were those false loan firm took advantage in defrauding people of their had earn money and he gave me his words that i should go on with them and he will took me by surprise that they are truly for real and i went on and apply for a business loan of $90,000.00 USD for the duration of 6years and i paid all the charges that are needed to be paid and like he said he is going to surprise me, that was what he did, it was then i knew that there are still real loan company on the internet otherwise i wouldn’t have known. here is the consultation address: [email protected],if you want to consult them for more information


    Mrs Derek Sivers,

  61. Getting my Ex back was something that i couldn’t imagine will be so easy. I’ve known speck for years, When we finally got together,things were so weird so we broke up in February 2011.In June 2012, he and I recently got back together and we were together until march of 2013 of which he told me he was not interested in the relationship again, for a reason she didn’t say. During that time my mind was completely at a state of unrest, I wasn’t eating, neither was i sleeping,talking to anyone was even more difficult, I cried,I was so depressed and stressed out that I was scared and was even planning to end it all but a friend of mine named Lucas Scott who passed through same situation adviced me to contact Dr.okakagbe to help me.because I Love and care about him deeply and I just want us to be together again, i contacted him reluctantly. I never used to believe in spell casting but i gave it a try and it was a positive result. Today we are happily married and blessed with two wonderful kids. To you all out there faced with the same problem or similar to this, you can contact Dr.Okakagbe via email address [email protected] once again thank you Dr. for bringing back my love. call +2348156885231

  62. Thanks to the Spirits for getting me my husband back. thank you Dr.Okakagbe for taking time to do the spell for bringing my husband back to me. I went to 3 different spell casters, but only you got the job done. I really wasn’t sure anymore if spells were real, but now I know they are. Like I said before I appreciate all your time, effort, and energy you put during the spell cast. He is more open and he admitted he loves me and more than ever before now my husband is back again. After 6months of separation. We are now back together, we both live happily. thank you Dr. Okakagbe you can also reach him for [email protected] or call +2348156885231

  63. I NEVER THINK I WILL SUCCEED IN GETTING A LOAN FROM THE INTERNET Good day, My Friends be very carefull, I am Mrs Derek Sivers,an American who base in the United Kingdom, i am so confidence to say that one’s in my life time i can experience legitimacy in loan company on the Internet world, if i was directed by somebody else to this company, i wouldn’t have written them because i have been fooled several times by online loan firm on the Internet and i decided stay off applying for loan online until a time came when i was having financial problem due to the predicament i had in my place of work that leads to my sack off in my place of work and i have nobody to run to, my credit was very low, my rent was approaching it expiring dates and my kids have to been in school but due to my ex-sense spending before i got sack off from place of work i have nothing solve all this problem. I have no other option than to come online looking for online loan firm that will help me out of my financial problem and i came across a loan firm and i was scammed of 4,500 in my attempt of obtaining a loan from them and i almost committed suicide and i ask my self is the end of my life because i am a dieing mother of 4 kids to take care of, where will i get money to finance their education and pay my bills? all this are the questions that kept running inside my mind and became frustrated in the process of doing that and a words of encouragement came into me instantly saying it is not over yet, keep trying and you will definitely got in touch with your helper very soon and i stood up and said i will give this a last try and if nothing happens that means their is know hope for me any longer. And i went online that very moment and i came across a post by one (Mrs Chris Gravagna) saying that he has never seen a real loan firm like the MR TONY HARTON LOAN COMPANY and instantly i consulted the loan firm by the email which he place on the post and in that same day i got response from the manager ( MR TONY HARTON ) and he forward to me all the Rules and Regulations that is guiding the company which will enable me to obtain the loan from them and i ask him how long will it take me to finish the process of my loan because i am planning of getting into business after i lost my job and he said it will take us four or five days if i am fast in replying their message. I ask him, hope i am not going send any money to them because i was told here in my country that i shouldn’t send any money in getting a loan and he replied by saying that it surprise him when i said that because their is no loan firm online who will render service to a loan seeker without him/her paying anything upfront. It sound very hurt to his hearing and he took it as a pain and explained everything to me and when i have a rethink about it i discovered it was true and that was were those false loan firm took advantage in defrauding people of their had earn money and he gave me his words that i should go on with them and he will took me by surprise that they are truly for real and i went on and apply for a business loan of $90,000.00 USD for the duration of 6years and i paid all the charges that are needed to be paid and like he said he is going to surprise me, that was what he did, it was then i knew that there are still real loan company on the internet otherwise i wouldn’t have known. here is the consultation address: [email protected],if you want to consult them for more information


    Mrs martinz lawler,

  64. Hello
    Do you need an urgent loan to pay your debt, pay your bills, solve problems and financial assistance to support your business or your company organization,if yes contact us via email [email protected]

  65. Hello,

    Are you in need of a loan?have the bank denied you of a loan,we are here to help you financially,all you have to do now is to email us with your details in the format below and get back to us via [email protected] to get your instant loan of any amount at any destination.

    Amount Needed:
    Phone number:

    We await your response.

    Best Regards,
    Cornell Destiny.
    Loan Consultant.

  66. My Name is Michelle i live in USA i want to thank Mr victor for helping me to get my loan just last week when i almost lost my sick daughter because of her illness. I was frustrated because there was no one to lend me money and my bank also refuse to give me a loan before i came across Mr victor on internet who promised to help me with a loan amount of $1,000,000.00, i thought it was a joke after 2 day i applied from his company my loan was transfer to my bank account and right now i am living a comfortable life with my family, my sick child is out from the hospital Kindly contact Mr victor below email: [email protected] or you call him on mobile phone: +2348151134439 he is a legit lender

  67. Welcome to Howard Normson Personal Loan Service.

    Do you need a loan to clear your debts/bills, or start up a business? Then consider your financial problems over. In today’s economic climate, finding reliable funding sources can be frustrating and full of disappointments, but with our sophisticated loan repayment plan, everyone smiles home.

    We are partnered with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and provides financing for alternative energy, commercial real estate projects and personal financing; thus, arranging a loan with us is simple and straightforward, convenient and fast.

    We can give you an immediate ‘in principle’ decision and we’ll find you some of the most competitive personal loan rates available.

    We Offers guaranteed loan services of any amount and to any part of the world for (individuals, companies, reactors and corporate bodies) at our superb interest rate of 2% APR Typical variable. Our team of loan experts first listens to our client’s requirements and then provides them with best loan solutions. Just think what you could do with a significant boost to your bank account or cash reserves. Pay off existing debts – reduce your monthly outgoings by consolidating any existing personal loans and credit card debts. Take a close look at our loan offers, Tell us what you want and we will do our best to get it for you.

    Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
    Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
    Consolidation Loan
    Combination Loan
    Low Down or Zero Money Financing Program Available.


    Awaiting your swift response soon


  68. Hello, ladies and gentlemen am Mr, Richard Webber a man of 2 kids and I live in USA have never seen a nice and honest person like Mrs. Kate Alexandra Financial Loan Company because he has made life easier for me and my family on how I was seeking a loan of about 100,000usd to buy a truck and to pay hospital bills and I came across his contact on the internet and decided to try her after I was scammed by 4 fake loan lender and really they gave me the loan without any stress and you can contact their company now to get yours because the company in question is legit and honest company email them via:[email protected]

    General Consultant
    Head Office (Gatwick Airport West Sussex RH6 0NZ United Kingdom)
    Reg Number: AF7400G96
    Licensed Number: 01715
    B.B.B Number: B22511GVAPW, Gov. Approved Exist
    Our Ref: 011/H.S.
    Date: 24/03/2014.

    Due to the current state of the market most people will find it difficult to get approval for an unsecured loan, business loan, personal loan, home loan, auto loan, student loan, debt
    consolidation loan, venture capital etc. by mainstream lenders. Schlumberger Financial Loan Firm has partnered with a network of loan advisers who can save you time by summarizing your options to borrow money, or giving you advice on alternative options to taking out a loan. we grant out loans to companies and individual at a low and affordable interest rate of 2.% Interest. contact us today so that we can proceed further

    Debt Consolidation
    Second Mortgage
    Business Loans
    Personal Loans
    International Loans
    Loan for any kinds
    Family loan
    All kind Of Loans

    No social security and no credit check, 100% Guarantee. All you have to do is let us know exactly what you want and we will surely make your dream come true. (SCHLUMBERGER FINANCE PLC.). says YES when your banks say NO. Lastly, we fund small scale loan firm, intermediaries, small scale financial institutions for we have unlimited capital. For further details to go about procuring a loan contact us, Kindly respond immediately to this email: [email protected]

    Note that loan is given out in 2% interest rate yearly, kindly get back to us now if interested

    Best Regards.
    Mr. Barry Muller
    Address. WesternGeco, Schlumberger House Buckingham Gate, Gatwick Airport West Sussex RH6 0NZ United Kingdom
    +44 7031994390

  70. Net-West Financial Loan Firm

    Loan Application Form

    Get A Loan Now Quickly And Easily

    Due to the current state of the market most people will find it
    difficult to get approval for an unsecured loan, business loan,
    personal loan, home loan, auto loan, student loan, debt
    consolidation loan, venture capital etc. by mainstream lenders.
    Net-West Financial Loan Firm has partnered with a network of loan advisers who can save you time by summarizing your options to borrow money, or giving you advice on alternative options to taking out a loan. we grant out loans to companies and individual at a low and affordable interest rate of 4% Interest. contact us today so that we can proceed further. contact us now via:Email- [email protected]

    Fill in the form below and submit so we can proceed

    Your Loan
    Loan Amount :………………………………………….
    Loan Purpose:…………………………………………
    loan Duration:…………………………………………..
    Are you a homeowner? Yes No:……………
    Describe your credit profile? Good Fair

    About You

    First Name:………………………………………..
    Last Name:………………………………………..
    Date of Birth:………………………………………
    Work/Mobile Number:……………………..
    Monthly Net Income:………………………..
    Employer Name:………………………………
    Job Title:……………………………………………
    Time Employed:……………………………….
    By submitting your information, you acknowledge you have
    read, understand, and agree to the terms & Conditions of Use, and authorize your information to be shared with select lending partners

    Best Regard
    Mr Brown

  71. Hello everyone am here to testify how i got my loan from Mr Ibrahim
    Azmi after i applied several times from various loan lenders who
    claimed to also testify right in this forum,i thought the testimonies
    where real and i applied but they never gave me loan. I was in need of
    an urgent loan to start a business and i applied from various loan
    lenders who promised to help but they never gave me the loan.Until a
    friend of mine introduce me to Mr Ibrahim Azmi.

    Ibrahim Azmi who promised to help me and indeed he did as he promised
    without any form of delay.I never thought there are still reliable
    loan lenders until i met Mr Ibrahim Azmi,who are indeed helped with the loan
    and changed my belief.I don’t know if you are in any way in need of a
    genuine and urgent loan,free feel to contact Mr Ibrahim Azmi on his email
    email{[email protected]}
    or call him on
    Phone Number: +60163746395

  72. Hello Everyone need to know of this great spell caster that brought my
    boyfriend back to me within 48 hours he took away all my years of
    sadness in just 48 hours i am living with my boyfriend now in peace
    and he treats me with so much respect. you can reach this great man Dr
    Ohen on his email [email protected] or call him on

  73. How my search for a real loan lender was actualized: I am Engr Belen Drilon by name, A born citizen of New Zealand, But due to my business i reside and i live in Canada. I have been here with my family for the past 25 years now for business. Before i really move on with my success story. I will want to first of all let everyone know that i am not joking with my story. Almost six months ago, I was in a critical search for a genuine loan lending company were i can obtain a loan of $120,000.00 Dollars, On this search i was not lucky to contact this reliable and dedicated loan firm that has taken helping those in need of loan there sole responsibility without failing them. During my search i contact four loan lenders online that promised me loan but at the end of it all i was aware they were fraudsters and complete scammers from Nigeria that were reported to the FBI by me when i found out that they out online to rip were they did not sow. But before i could realize this, I have lost over $17,500.00 dollars to them. Anyway i am so happy now as i am smiling now, Because i finally meet with this reliable loan company called Nort Jeje loan Investment who finally granted me my desired loan amount of $120,000.00 for the period of 16 Years. To be honest with all that are in-search of a real and genuine loan company, I was in a very big doubt when i contact them online after reading through there advert were they said they offer loan to the world, Oh !! I will never forget on the 2/1/2014 which was in the afternoon my time when i was suffing through the internet when i came across the advert that was posted by them. I don’t really know what take my attention to that advert, Because i vowed to God that i will never contact any loan lender online again, That they are all con artist and rip off. But this day that i read through the advert of this loan firm know as Nort Jeje loan Investment, A spirits inside of me direct me to contact them and when i did, I told them all i have been through online trying to get loan and they personally sympathize with me and said to me that i should be lucky and thank God for directing me to them finally, As they are giving me a 100% assurance that after this loan process has been done, That i will get my loan show up on my banking information’s that i sent to them during the period of processing my loan amount. I am so happy and i don’t even know what to say about this dynamic loan firm anymore that i came in-contact with that grant me my loan amount without any trace of scam activities. I am so sure that if this advert that i am dropping on this website is seen by the board of directors of this loan firm they will be impressed as i promised to testify of there goodness if they can grant my huge dream loan amount that has taken my business to the next level now. To all you loan seekers out there that need loan to speed up his / her business, settle long period accumulated bills / debts and to be financially stable, i urge you all today and now to stop searching as i and my wife is telling you all in the name of God for those that are Christians like us and to the Muslims, we are telling you all in the name of Allah if i am right, not to fall a victim to those scammers / rip off artist out there online, As be wise to kindly send your loan application to Nort Jeje loan Investment as you are not going to regret doing this at all. The kind of loans they grant to customers are as follows: Personal Loan, Business Start-up or Expansion, Education, Debt Consolidation, Hard Money Loans, etc. Save yourself from the scam loan lenders online and send your loan application to : [email protected] for your loan amount..

  74. Hi, i am Sarah Parker from London, UK. Here is my amazing testimony about the good works of Dr.AGBAKOR Shrine in my life. After 9 years in marriage with my lovely wedded husband Steven, he divorced me and got separated from me and my kids, and left home to another lady. I did all i could to get him back, but they all proved abortive. Until one faithful day, an old friend of mine Jessica, who work at the same company with me, told me about a great spell caster on the Internet who helped her in a similar issue and also with financial problems too. At first, i doubted it, but I decided to give it a try. When i contacted him, he helped me cast a powerful binding lovers spell, and within 48 hours, my ex husband came back, pleading and apologizing to me, that he is so sorry for hurting me and my kids, and I forgive him. Today, we are so happy together, with abundant love, joy, happiness and riches. With our 3 kids, a boy and two girls. You too can contact this great and amazing spell caster today, on any problems you having now, via his private email: ([email protected])
    Thank you so much great one, I won’t forget your good works on my family.

    1) If you want your ex back.
    (2) if you always have bad dreams.
    (3) You want to be promoted in your office.
    (4) You want women/men to run after you.
    (5) If you want a child.
    (7) You want your husband/wife to be
    yours forever.
    (8) If you need financial assistance.
    (9) Have you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money back.
    (10)you need a spell to Stop Divorce ?
    (11) have you been sick or dis-able and you need healing?
    contact his phone number or email now….

  75. Hello; i am Mr Daniel; a private loan lender who; gives life time opportunity loans.; Do you need an urgent loan to; clear your debts or you need a; capital loan to improve your; business?; have you been rejected by; banks and other financial; agencies? Do you; need a consolidation loan or a; mortgage?; search no more as we are here; to make all your financial; problems a thing of the past.; We loan funds out to individuals; in need of financial assistance; that have a bad credit or in need; of money; to pay bills; to invest on; business at a; rate of 2%. I want to use this; medium to inform you; that we render reliable and; MR Daniel ([email protected])

  76. Mrs Deborah Anderson

    My Name Is Mrs Owen Sarah I want You all To be careful there.nobody can
    help you here or even suggest how you can get financial help.any answer of a
    loan lender to your question,you MUST ignore,because they are SCAMS…real
    SCAMS…i was a victim of which i was ripped thousands of dollars…well thank
    God for a Tony Welsh Loan firm,I was referred to by my cousin,who is by
    name,Mr.Robert Johnson Of pay day loan firm.They made my life a valuable
    one,and gave it a meaning.I was approved loan of $55,000.00 USD AND IN 27
    HOURS after meeting up to their necessary requirements,my loan was deposited
    in my bank account.Though I was very nervous with the loan firm at the first
    place due to my previous bad experiences,especially when the issue of me
    settling the transfer charges came up,I hold on to my faith due to the fact
    that my relative referred me,got it cleared,and as God should have it.little
    did I know that my financial shortcomings has come to a final HALT .If not
    for that quick referral from a relative of that genuine source ,I would have
    regretted my total life,because at that point in time I just divorced the
    father of my daughter,and my daughter (Judith) was faced with a ” between
    life and death ” situation ..I was faced with her hospital bills and was also
    faced with foreclosure at my apartment.Details of the GOD SENT and RELIEVING
    source won’t be disclosed to you for now, for fear of impersonation ( because
    it has being discovered that some persons are not really in need of financial
    help,but are there to impersonate real loan lenders through their phone
    numbers and email accounts,and acting to be them where necessary to those in
    real need)…I couldn’t comment on your post because it was a public place and
    I fear you would fall into the hand of all these fraudulent loan officers
    (even in US) like how they ripped me off.You must be able to convince me real
    hard,and provide good proofs,before I can give you the full details of this
    legitimate loan officer..Their charge is very affordable and reliable compared

    to many out there,their interest rates just 2%,little documentation,and
    little credit check(irrespective of your credit score,but you MUST have a
    good and liable income source) His Name is MR FOSTER BROWN, Feel free to

    him at his via Email:[email protected]”and you will be free
    from scams. thanks as you read the greatest testimony of my life.

    Mrs Owen Sarah

  77. Hello everyone am here to testify how i got my loan from Mrs.Kate Alexandra after i applied several times from various loan lenders who claimed to also testify right in this forum,i thought the testimonies where real and i applied but they never gave me loan. I was in need of an urgent loan to start a business and i applied from various loan lenders who promised to help but they never gave me the loan.Until a friend of mine introduce me to Mrs.Kate Alexandra who promised to help me and indeed he did as he promised without any form of delay.I never thought there are still reliable loan lenders until i met Mrs. Kate, who are indeed helped with the loan and changed my belief.I dont know if you are in any way in need of a genuine and urgent loan,free feel to contact Mrs. Kate via his email{[email protected]}

    Hi, My name is Mr Saint Smith. I am a private
    lender who give out
    loan to private and corporate
    individuals. Have you been turned
    by so many banks? Do you need
    finance to establish your business? Do
    you need finance for the expansion of
    you business? Or do you need a
    personal loan? My loan ranges from
    personal to business loan. My
    interest rate is very affordable and our
    loan process is very fast as well.
    I am very willing to make all your
    financial troubles a thing of the past.If
    are really ready to get your financial
    problems solved,Then search no
    further and apply for a loan today.If
    you are interested fill the DATA
    FORM so that i can give you my terms
    and conditions.
    1)YOUR NAME……….
    2)YOUR COUNTRY……….
    9)LOAN REQUEST……….
    My email address is stated below: I
    look forward in doing business with
    Mr Saint Smith
    Reply Email:[email protected]

  79. Dear sir/madam, We offer our Loans to our clients In ($)USD, (£)GBP, (€)Euro, India Rupees or Singapore Dollars($) and in the following categories. Personal Loan, Real Estate Loan, Business Loan, and others. Contact us Via
    Email:[email protected]

  80. Compliments of the day
    are you a business man or woman? Do you need funds to start up your own business? Do you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills or start a nice business? Do you need funds to finance your project? We Offers guaranteed loan services of any amount and to any part of the world for (individuals, companies, Realtor and corporate bodies) at our super interest rate of 3% .for application send replies to the email at the subject of this message. Contact Our Via Email: [email protected]

  81. I am a licensed financial loan lender based in the United Kingdom seeking to refer a commercial client looking for Funding. If you are interested to receive a low interest loan at the rate of 4% for commercial businesses such as Start-Ups, Expansion, Buy-Out, Real Estate, Renewable Energy, IT, Entertainment, General Aviation Equipment, Army Defense Equipment’s & Weapons, Financial Banks,Industry, City and Traffic Security Management Systems, Water Waste Systems, Electric, Biomass Energy, Agriculture Projects, Ethanol, Oil Power Plants and Thermal Power Plants Construction, etc;

    Please, let me know your proposal via email:…[email protected]

    Mr Tom Mills

  82. Good day ,
    We are reputable in giving out various types of loans interested individuals, like (Auto loans, debt consolidation, personal/business loans, educational loan and more) ranging from $2,000 to $1,000,000 to serious and interested seekers at low interest rate that can easily be affordable.And we give out loan in 2.5 interest rate, we are serious people and our aim is to do business so i advice you to be a serious customer in order to qualify you to obtain a loan from us. To facilitate this transaction, please fill the below form so we can proceed further on the transaction. Your success is our goal

    Contact us today to obtain your loan via Email.. [email protected]


    Loan Amount:
    Loan duration:
    Marital Status:
    Mobile phone:
    You shall receive the loan conditions and terms once we received your
    filled loan form so i look forward to hearing from you.


    Mr Foster Brown..

  83. Hello,Do You Need A Loan?

    We are Legitimate and Reputable money Lender. We are a
    company with Financial assistance. We lend money funds out to
    individuals in need of financial Assistance, that have a bad
    credit or in need of money to pay bills, to invest On
    business. We want to use this medium to inform you that we
    render reliable Benefit assistance as we are glad to offer
    you a loan. Services Rendered include;
    Debt Consolidation
    Business Loans
    Personal Loans
    Asset & Equipment Funds
    Leasing Chattel Mortgage
    Commercial Hire Purchase
    Consumer Loans
    Medical Loans
    Student Loans
    Holiday Loans.

    contact us for further details via Email……[email protected]
    Amount Needed:
    Phone number:
    We await your response

    Mr Saint Smith


    Mr Saint Smith

  84. Hello.

    Do you need an urgent loan to get of your financial problem, have you been
    rejected by banks in your country and you need an urgent loan, contact us
    today at….STENPHEN MOONER LOAN COMPANY LTD, We helps when others can’t!

    * Borrow anything up to €500,000.00 to €800,000.00.or in order currency
    * Choose between 1 to 10 years to repay.
    * Choose between Monthly and Annual repayments Plan.

    Fill below if you are interested in our offer.
    Loan Amount.
    Borrower’s Full Name:
    Borrower’s Contact Address:
    Country and State:
    Loan Finance:
    Loan Duration:
    Marital Status:
    Monthly Income:
    Contact phone :
    Zip Code:

    Contact Email: ([email protected])

    Thanks for your time,
    Kinds Regards,
    Mr Stenphen Mooner

  85. My Name Is Mrs Richard Carey I want You all To be careful there.nobody can help you here or even suggest how you can get financial help.any answer of a loan lender to your question,you MUST ignore,because they are SCAMS…real SCAMS…i was a victim of which i was ripped thousands of dollars…well thank God for a Tony Loan firm,I was referred to by my cousin,who is by name,Mr.Robert Paul Of pay day loan firm.They made my life a valuable one,and gave it a meaning.I was approved loan of $90,000.00 USD AND IN 28 HOURS after meeting up to their necessary requirements,my loan was deposited in my bank account.Though I was very nervous with the loan firm at the first place due to my previous bad experiences,especially when the issue of me settling the transfer charges came up,I hold on to my faith due to the fact that my relative referred me,got it cleared,and as God should have it.little did I know that my financial shortcomings has come to a final HALT .If not for that quick referral from a relative of that genuine source ,I would have regretted my total life,because at that point in time I just divorced the father of my daughter,and my daughter (Michael) was faced with a ” between life and death ” situation ..I was faced with her hospital bills and was also faced with foreclosure at my apartment.Details of the GOD SENT and RELIEVING source won’t be disclosed to you for now, for fear of impersonation ( because it has being discovered that some persons are not really in need of financial help,but are there to impersonate real loan lenders through their phone numbers and email accounts,and acting to be them where necessary to those in real need)…I couldn’t comment on your post because it was a public place and I fear you would fall into the hand of all these fraudulent loan officers (even in US) like how they ripped me off.You must be able to convince me real hard,and provide good proofs,before I can give you the full details of this legitimate loan officer..Their charge is very affordable and reliable compare to many out there,their interest rates just 2%,little documentation,and little credit check(irrespective of your credit score,but you MUST have a good and liable income source) His Name is MR TONY HARTON, Feel free to email him at his via Email:[email protected]”and you will be free from scams. thanks as you read the greatest testimony of my life.

    Mrs Richard Carey

  86. We Offer Loans!!!

    Are you in search for a loan? Do you need a direct lending service that gives you a first choice as best alternatives? First Guaranteed Loans UK is offering loans to all individuals ,organizations that needs financial aid at interest rate of 3%.

    Interested borrowers should please contact us worldwide via e-mail: [email protected], for more details and facilitation.

    Kindly note that our loan are fast , friendly and easily transferred via bank to bank wiring transferring process.

    Your full name: _______ Country: _________ City: ____________ Address: ___________ Required Amount: ________ Duration: __________ credit Purpose____________ Income: _________ Age: ______________ Sex: __________ Occupation : ________ Phone number: _________

  87. Hello,
    This is to inform the general public that Mr Leolee Brown, a private loan lender has open up a financial opportunity for everyone in need of any financial help. We give out loan at 2% interest rate to individuals, firms and companies under a clear and understandable terms and condition. contact today us by e-mail at: ([email protected]) BORROWER’S DATA 1)Full Name:………………………………………………A. 2)Country:………………………………………………….. 3)Address:………………………………………………. 4)State:…………………………………………………….. 5)Sex:………………………………………………………. 6)Marital Status:…………………………………………. 7)Occupation:…………………………………………….. 8)Phone Number:………………………………………… 9)Currently position in place of work:………………… 10)Monthly income:……………………………………… 11)Loan Amount Needed:………………a………………. 12)Loan Duration:………………………………………… 13)Purpose of Loan:…………………………………….. 14)Religion:……………………………………………….. 15)Have you applied before…………………………… thanks, Mr Leolee Brown.

  88. !!! How To Get Your husband Back & Avoid Divorce !!!
    An amazing testimony on a spell caster who brought my wife back to me.. My name is silvia,i live in canada,and I’m happily married to a lovely and caring wife,with three kids.A very big problem occurred in my family seven months ago,between me and my wife.so terrible that she took the case to court for a divorce.she said that she never wanted to stay with me again,and that she didn’t love me anymore.So she packed out of my house and made me and my children passed through severe pain. I tried all my possible means to get her back,after much begging,but all to no avail.and she confirmed it that she has made her decision,and she never wanted to see me again. So on one evening,as i was coming back from work,i met an old friend of mine who asked of my wife.So i explained every thing to her,so she told me that the only way i can get my wife back,is to visit a spell caster,because it has really worked for her too.So i never believed in spell,but i had no other choice,than to follow her advice. Then she gave me the email address of the spell caster whom she visited.{[email protected]}. So the next morning,i sent a mail to the address she gave to me,and the spell caster assured me that i will get my wife back the next day.What an amazing statement!! I never believed,so he spoke with me,and told me everything that i need to do. Then the next morning, So surprisingly, my wife who didn’t call me for the past seven {7}months,gave me a call to inform me that she was coming back.So Amazing!! So that was how she came back that same day,with lots of love and joy,and she apologized for her mistake,and for the pain she caused me and my children. Then from that day,our relationship was now stronger than how it were before,by the help of a spell caster. So, i will advice you out there to kindly visit the same website {[email protected]},if you are in any condition like this,or you have any problem related to “bringing your ex back. So thanks to the goodluckspellcaster for bringing back my wife,and brought great joy to my family once again. {[email protected]},

  89. My Name Is Mrs Robbin Slitter I want You all To be careful there.nobody can help you here or even suggest how you can get financial help.any answer of a loan lender to your question,you MUST ignore,because they are SCAMS…real SCAMS…i was a victim of which i was ripped thousands of dollars…well thank God for a Lauren Loan firm,I was referred to by my cousin,who is by name,Mr.Robert Paul Of pay day loan firm.They made my life a valuable one,and gave it a meaning.I was approved loan of $90,000.00 USD AND IN 28 HOURS after meeting up to their necessary requirements,my loan was deposited in my bank account.Though I was very nervous with the loan firm at the first place due to my previous bad experiences,especially when the issue of me settling the transfer charges came up,I hold on to my faith due to the fact that my relative referred me,got it cleared,and as God should have it.little did I know that my financial shortcomings has come to a final HALT .If not for that quick referral from a relative of that genuine source ,I would have regretted my total life,because at that point in time I just divorced the father of my daughter,and my daughter (Jenifer) was faced with a ” between life and death ” situation ..I was faced with her hospital bills and was also faced with foreclosure at my apartment.Details of the GOD SENT and RELIEVING source won’t be disclosed to you for now, for fear of impersonation ( because it has being discovered that some persons are not really in need of financial help,but are there to impersonate real loan lenders through their phone numbers and email accounts,and acting to be them where necessary to those in real need)…I couldn’t comment on your post because it was a public place and I fear you would fall into the hand of all these fraudulent loan officers (even in US) like how they ripped me off.You must be able to convince me real hard,and provide good proofs,before I can give you the full details of this legitimate loan officer..Their charge is very affordable and reliable compare to many out there,their interest rates just 2%,little documentation,and little credit check(irrespective of your credit score,but you MUST have a good and liable income source) Her Name is Mrs Lauren Phelps Feel free to email him at his via Email:[email protected] ” and you will be free from scams. thanks as you read the greatest testimony of my life.

    Mrs Robbin Slitter

    * Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
    * Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
    * Home Improvement
    * Inventor Loans
    * Auto Loans
    * Marriage
    * Mortgage loan
    * Health Loan
    etc. ..
    so If you are interested please get back to us so that via our email [email protected] so that we can give you further information on our financial services we offer worldwide.

  91. Hello Everyone need to know of this great spell caster that brought my boyfriend back to me within 48 hours he took away all my years of sadness in just 48 hours i am living with my boyfriend now in peace and he treats me with so much respect. you can reach this great man Dr Ohen on his email [email protected] or call him on +2347089983783

  92. Hello everyone am here to testify how i got my loan from Mr Ibrahim Azmi after i applied several times from various loan lenders who
    claimed to also testify right in this forum,i thought the testimonies
    where real and i applied but they never gave me loan. I was in need of
    an urgent loan to start a business and i applied from various loan
    lenders who promised to help but they never gave me the loan.Until a
    friend of mine introduce me to Mr Ibrahim Azmi.

    Ibrahim Azmi who promised to help me and indeed he did as he promised
    without any form of delay.I never thought there are still reliable
    loan lenders until i met Mr Ibrahim Azmi,who are indeed helped with the loan
    and changed my belief.I don’t know if you are in any way in need of a
    genuine and urgent loan,free feel to contact Mr Ibrahim Azmi on his email
    email{[email protected]}
    or call him on
    Phone Number: +60163746395

  93. Good Day We are Christian Organization formed to help people in needs of helps,such as financial help.So if you are going through financial difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business, or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks, for the bible says””Luke 11:10 Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”so do not let these opportunity pass you by because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.Please these is for serious minded and God fearing People. Contact [email protected]

  94. We offer all types of L0AN (Business, Personal, Consolidation, Car, Investment, etc) @ 2% annual rate. Do you need a L0AN
    and have been turned down by your bank due to bad credit? Do you have unpaid bills or in debt? Do you have dreams of
    setting up a business? Contact us for a L0AN today and put a stop to all your financial barriers.
    We are fast and reliable and honesty is our watch word,
    To apply, KINDLY COMPOSE A NEW MESSAGE to the L0AN firm via email:[email protected]

  95. We are Christian Organization formed to help people in needs of helps,
    such as financial help.So if you are going through financial difficulty or
    you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,
    or you need loan to settle your debt or pay off your bills,start a nice business,
    or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks,contact us today via
    email address :[email protected]
    So do not let these opportunity pass you by.
    Please these is for serious minded and God fearing People.

    Loan Amount:—————-
    Purpose of loan:————
    Loan Duration:————–
    Monthly Income:————-
    Phone Number::————–

    Kindly get back to us through our email
    Email: [email protected]

  96. Do you need a loan? we offer loan to all individuals at low interest rate of 2%, Do you need a loan or funding for any reason, as needed: Personal loans, Business loans, any kind of loan? If so contact us at: [email protected] and fill the loan application form below, so you are able to get the loan terms and conditions of your loan to our business that can send, is 100% guaranteed .

    Your full name: ………
    Loan totaled: ……..
    Loan duration: ……..
    Loan Purpose: ………..
    Country: ……….
    Gender: …………
    Mobile ………..
    Monthly Income: ……..

  97. Do you need a financial assistance to set up a business or pay off
    your bills? here is the right place for you now. Kindly contact us at
    email: [email protected] with the following;

    Your name:
    Your Country:
    Your Address:
    Monthly income:
    Loan Amount:
    Loan duration:

    We await your response for proceedings.

  98. Hello,i am Mr James Louis, a private
    loan lender who
    gives life time opportunity loans.
    Do you need an urgent loan to clear your
    debts or you need a capital loan to improve
    your business?
    have you been rejected by
    banks and other financial agencies? Do you
    need a consolidation loan or a mortgage?
    search no more as we are here to make all
    your financial problems a thing of the past.
    We loan funds out to individuals
    in need of financial assistance, that have a
    bad credit or in need of money
    to pay bills,to invest on business at a
    rate of 3%.I want to use this medium to
    inform you
    that we render reliable and beneficiary
    assistance and will be willing to offer you a
    loan.So email us today on :
    [email protected]

  99. Good Day

    We are Christian Organization formed to help people in needs of helps,such as financial help.So if you are going through financial
    difficulty or you are in any financial mess,and you need funds to start up your own business,or you need loan to settle your debt or pay
    off your bills,start a nice business, or you are finding it hard to obtain capital loan from local banks, for the bible says””Luke 11:10
    Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened”so do not let these opportunity pass you by
    because Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever more.Please these is for serious minded and God fearing People.

    Contact [email protected]

    You are advise to fill and return the details below..


    Name of applicant:…………….
    Purpose of loan:………………..
    Amount needed:……………….
    Loan Duration:…………………
    Monthly income:………………

  100. Dear sir/madam Are you in need of a loan? have the bank denied you of a loan, we are here to help you financially, all you have to do now is to email us with your details in the format below and get back to us via:[email protected] to get your instant loan of any amount at any destination. Borrowers Application Form to be fill and return Names of applicant:———————————————- Loan Amount requested:—————————————- Duration of loan:————————————————– Purpose of loan:————————————————– Address of applicant:——————————————– Occupation:——————————————————– City:—————————————————————— Gender;————————————————————- Age:—————————————————————– Telephone Number:———————————————- E-mail:[email protected] C.E.O. Mr JOHAN MORRISON

  101. My Name Is Mrs Lettier Robenson, From USA, An X-Scam Victim and how i get back on my feet and be a personal business owner with cars and landed properties…. This is to announce to the general public about a legitimate lender online.


    I was in a critical search of a genuine loan lending company were i can obtain a loan of $85,000.00USD some lender’s that Came to me sheep clothing i never know they where fraud until i was given the terms of their loan and i agreed eventually i was scammed they scammed me of my hard earn money up to four lender’s that scammed me the sum of $32,000.00USD and i though that all is over that there can never be any other genuine lender until my Husband’s Friend Mr. Garrett Lugard the general manager of Cotsat and cotsat company told me that there is a genuine lender that he obtained a loan of 1.5 Million Dollars At 3% interest rate From that makes him own a private business and a house of his own he Referred me to a company Mrs. Lauren Phelps Company,Email [email protected] Where he obtained the loan of($1.1 million Dollars) i told them how referred me to them i applied for a loan of $150,000.00USD after my application and i sent to them the useful information for them to process my loan after 4hours i received a notification From their company that my loan has been approved and processed in the next 4hours my loan of $85,000.00 Dollars was transferred into my account. And i promise them for coming to my rescue i am going to spreed the good news to the entire world ABOUT MRS LAUREN PHELPS LOAN COMPANY IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. And tell them, i Mrs Lettier Robenson,referred you to them and your wish will be fulfilled…

    Mrs Lettier Robenson

  102. Hi everyone here. What Christine Coleman said is very true though i may not know her. I experienced it first hand also. It was this organization called fidelity loan firm (f.l.f)that really helped me to pay my medical bills when i was in dare need of money because i am a widow. A friend of my also directed me to them. when i was about to do a major operation and i had no money at that time, they came to my rescue and in less than 48 hours, i got my loan. But to say the truth, i was nervous and scared at first because i have been scammed twice. But when i summoned up courage and follow their lending policies along with my friends advice, at the end i found myself smiling. If not for them, maybe i would have been dead by now. I have even taken another loan from them start my business after my recovery which i am also paying back now. My only advice now is that any body who is really in need of loan should contact them with their email via: [email protected] and get a loan from them. Thanks.(Olivia)

  103. I’m Mary Berry by name. I live in USA, i want to use this medium to alert all loan seekers to be very careful because there are scammers everywhere.Few months ago I was financially strained, and due to my desperation I was scammed by several online lenders. I had almost lost hope until a friend of mine referred me to a very reliable lender called Mrs. Born Hook who lend me an unsecured loan of $85,000 under 2hours without any stress. If you are in need of any kind of loan just contact him now via: [email protected] I‘m using this medium to alert all loan seekers because of the hell I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent lenders. And I don’t wish even my enemy to pass through such hell that I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent online lenders.

    God bless him forever.


  105. My Name is Mrs Frank McKinney a citizen of Australia. i have been scammed by 3 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay several fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 6,000USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet with tears on my eye i came across a testimony of man who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Mr Chris Jerry finance where he finally got his loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 3 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and I was given a loan amount of $250,000AUD by this great Company (Mr Chris Jerry finance) managed by Mr. Chris Jerry and here i am today happy because Mr Chris Jerry finance HAS GIVEN ME A LOAN so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. I will advices any body who is in need of any urgent loan to email this god fearing man via email:[email protected], and please i want you to tell him that you are be directed to them by Mrs Frank McKinney his client..

    Mrs Frank McKinney

  106. Hello

    I am Mrs Beatrice Adam,currently living in New jersey city,USA.I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in may 2013 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills.I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success,and most banks declined my credit.But as God would have it,I was introduced to a man of God a private loan lender by name Mr MARK SMITH who gave me a loan of $85,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment,if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan with low interest rate of 5% and better repayment plans and schedule,please contact Mr MARK SMITH.He doesn’t know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him and also i want God to bless him more.You can contact him through his email via: [email protected]

    (Mr Marksmith)

  107. Hello everybody, I am Mrs mccart ,currently living in Ohio,USA.I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation by July2013 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success,and most banks declined my credit. But as God would have it,i was introduced to a man of God a private loan lender by a friend named Mr Malcolm and i got a loan sum of $500,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment. So dear,if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan with low interest rate of 3% and better repayment plans and schedule,please contact Mr Wayne Matthew He doesn’t know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him,He offers all kinds of loans to both individuals and company and also i want God to bless him more. You can contact him through his email via: [email protected]

  108. My Name is Mrs Jenifer Russell, i live in USA and life is worth living

    comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness

    shown to me this much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and

    i have been going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a

    terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to

    undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not

    afford the bills for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they

    turn me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i run to my

    father and he was not able to help, then when i was browsing through yahoo

    answers and i came across a loan lender MR TONY WELSH,who provides loans at

    an affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on

    the internet but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give

    it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan of

    $60,000 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is okay

    and can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me any more

    and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to my self that

    i will shout aloud to the world of the wonders of GOD to me through this GOD

    fearing lender MR TONY WELSH and i will advise anyone in genuine and serious

    need of loan to contact this GOD fearing man

    [email protected],and i want you all to pray for this man

    for me


    Mrs Jenifer Russell

  109. My Name Is Mrs Lettier Robenson, From USA, An X-Scam Victim and how i get back on my feet and be a personal business owner with cars and landed properties…. This is to announce to the general public about a legitimate lender online.


    I was in a critical search of a genuine loan lending company were i can obtain a loan of $85,000.00USD some lender’s that Came to me sheep clothing i never know they where fraud until i was given the terms of their loan and i agreed eventually i was scammed they scammed me of my hard earn money up to four lender’s that scammed me the sum of $32,000.00USD and i though that all is over that there can never be any other genuine lender until my Husband’s Friend Mr. Garrett Lugard the general manager of Cotsat and cotsat company told me that there is a genuine lender that he obtained a loan of 1.5 Million Dollars At 3% interest rate From that makes him own a private business and a house of his own he Referred me to a company Mrs. Lauren Phelps Company,Email [email protected] Where he obtained the loan of($1.1 million Dollars) i told them how referred me to them i applied for a loan of $150,000.00USD after my application and i sent to them the useful information for them to process my loan after 4hours i received a notification From their company that my loan has been approved and processed in the next 4hours my loan of $85,000.00 Dollars was transferred into my account. And i promise them for coming to my rescue i am going to spreed the good news to the entire world ABOUT MRS LAUREN PHELPS LOAN COMPANY IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD. And tell them, i Mrs Lettier Robenson,referred you to them and your wish will be fulfilled…

    Mrs Lettier Robenson

  110. Hello Every One,
    My Name is Mrs Barbara Arnold, i live in USA and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not afford the bill for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they turn me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i run to my father and he was not able to help, then when i was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a loan lender Mr Barry James who provides loans at an affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the Internet but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan of $35,000 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is okay and can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me any more and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to my self that i will shout aloud to the world of the wonders of GOD to me through this GOD fearing lender Mr Barry James and i will advise anyone in genuine and serious need of loan to contact this GOD fearing man via [email protected] and i want you all to pray for this man for me


  111. Do you need financing?
    Do you need a loan for business or personal needs?
    Want to refinance your company?
    Our company is based in the Canada & Europe. We offer a loan
    for any person or company, with interest of 2% per year.
    For more information, contact Email: [email protected]

  112. Hello Every One,
    My Name is Mrs Barbara Arnold, i live in USA and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not afford the bill for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they turn me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i run to my father and he was not able to help, then when i was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a loan lender Mr.Barry James who provides loans at an affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the Internet but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan of $35,000 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is okay and can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me any more and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to my self that i will shout aloud to the world of the wonders of GOD to me through this GOD fearing lender Mr Barry James and i will advise anyone in genuine and serious need of loan to contact this GOD fearing man via [email protected] and i want you all to pray for this man for me

  113. My name Hawkins, i am from California USA, married, i have been searching for a genuine loan company for the past 3 years and all i got was bunch of scams who made me to trust them and at the end of the day, the took all my money and left me money less, all my hope was lost, i got confused and frustrated, i lost my job and find it very difficult to feed my family, i never wanted to do anything will loan companies on net anymore, so went to borrow some money from a friend, i told him all that happened and he said he can help me, that he knows a loan company that can help me, that he just got a loan from them, he directed me on how to apply for the loan, i did as he told me, i applied, i never believed but i tried and to my surprise i got the loan in 24 hours, i could not believe my eyes, i am happy and rich today and i am thanking God that such loan companies like this still exist upon this fraud stars all over the places, please i advise everyone out there who are in need of loan to go for Mr.Barry James By Email [email protected] , they will never fails, your life shall change as mine did.

  114. Dear Valued Customer,
    Morgan Finance Loans is an independent financial institution. We have built up an excellent reputation over the years in providing various types of loans to thousands of our customers.

    We Offer guaranteed loan services of any amount ranging from $5,000.00 to $100,000,000.00 to citizens and non-citizens at 3% interest rate per year. At Morgan Finance Loans, we offer easy personal loans, commercial/business loan, car loan, leasing/equipment finance, debt consolidation loan, home loan, for all citizens and non-citizens with either a good or bad credit history.

    We can assure you that dealing with Morgan loan firm will change your current circumstances for the best. We can guarantee that all your personal information received, will be treated with utmost care and professionalism.
    Core focus being integrity.

    Applicant Contact Information:
    • Full Name:
    • State/ Country:
    • Home Address:
    • Loan Amount :
    • Loan Duration:
    • Purpose Of Loan:
    • Contact Phone Number:
    • Occupation:
    • Monthly Income:
    • Sex:
    • Age:


    Looking forward to transact business with you.

    Yours Sincerely,
    Richard Morgan.
    General Consultant.

  115. Good Day All Of You

    I am Mrs.Rosita Dawson, a reputable, legitimate & an accredited company money Lender. we loan money out to individuals at the rate of 3%, in need of financial assistance. Do you have a bad credit or you are in need of money to pay bills? We want to use this medium to inform you that i render Reliable beneficiary assistance as we will be glad to offer you a loan. No credit check, 100% Guaranteed.(email:[email protected])

    the applicant will start the repayment of loan 6 months after the loan has been transferred to him/her.

    Failure to pay back the loan at this expected date/period, legal actions will be taken against the applicant by our attorney immediately.

    Applicant who is unable to meet with the repayment will be given 2 weeks more as a grace period before legal actions will be taken.

    Particulars: The borrower must provide either one of the following:-A Driver’s License, An International passport, Or a valid Identity Card bearing his/ her name. You are required to fill the form below before we can proceed with your loan.


    Name Of Applicant:……………
    Address: …………….
    City: …………………..
    State: ……………………
    Country: ………………..
    Gender: ………………….
    Marital Status: …………….
    Income Rate: ……………….
    Tell:…………………… …
    Office Number :…………….
    Amount Requested: ……………
    Loan Duration: ………………
    Loan Purpose…………………

    After submitting the Loan Application, you can expect a preliminary answer less than 24 hours and funding within 72-96 hours of receiving the information we need from you contact our company email :[email protected]

    Mrs Rosita Dawson.

  116. I am Mrs Merimu Bujuham,currently living in New jersey city,USA.I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in may 2012 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills. I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success,and most banks declined my credit. But as God would have it, I was introduced to a man of God a private loan lender who gave me a loan of $85,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment, if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan without collateral , no credit check, no co signer with just 3% interest rate and better repayment plans and schedule,please contact Mr Erivan.He doesn’t know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him and also i want God to bless him more.You can contact him through his email: [email protected]

  117. We are direct provider for BG/SBLC specifically for lease, at leasing price of (5.0 +2)% of face value, Issuance by HSBC Bank London , Barclays Bank London , Deutsche Bank, BNP Paribas, & AAA Rated Banks in Europe, Middle East or USA.

    Our BG/SBLC Financing can help you get your project funded, loan financing by providing you with yearly renewable leased bank instruments. We work directly with issuing bank lease providers, this Instrument can be monetized on your behalf for 100% funding

    All relevant business information will be provided upon request.
    If Interested kindly contact me via Email:~
    Mr. Bernard butty
    Email: [email protected]

  118. Hello Every One,
    My Name is Mrs Cindy Battye,, i live in USA and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not afford the bills for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they turn me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i run to my father and he was not able to help, then when i was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a loan lender MR TONY HARTON,who provides loans at an affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the internet but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan of $50,000 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is okay and can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me any more and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to my self that i will shout aloud to the world of the wonders of GOD to me through this GOD fearing lender MR TONY HARTON and i will advise anyone in genuine and serious need of loan to contact this GOD fearing man [email protected],and i want you all to pray for this man for me


    Mrs Cindy Battye,

  119. Dear Investors/Financial Seekers.

    We are a Registered Private Investors/Loan Lender! Do you need FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE? Are you in financial mess OR debts? We offer loan at 3% interest rate within 1 year to 30 years repayment duration period to Individual and Companies that are in need of financial assistance and to any part of the world.

    We give out loans ranging from $5,000.00 to $500,000,000.00, CURRENCIES: USD, CAD, KWD, OMR, SGD, RUB, GBP, AUD, MYR, ZAR, IDR, UAH, PHP, EURO.

    Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Are you losing sleep at night worrying how to get a legit loan lender? Are you in poverty? Do you need financial assistance to set-up a business? We can assist you financially. We’ll help you get over those financial obstacles.

    Interested Individual OR Companies should contact us via:

    Email:{[email protected]}


    Lin Poh Loan Firm Team.

  120. Dear Applicant :
    Thanks for your mortgage questions, we got your email and it was well understood.
    We want you to know that we are certified and register loan lender ,We provide all kind of loan with a low interest rate of 2%
    . Such as Student loans , commercial loans,
    mortgage loans, agricultural loans , personal loans,
    Cars and other legitimate reasons , and give credit to the sound
    $ 5,000 USD $ 10,000,000.00 rate of 2 %. duration
    1-20 years , depending on the amount they need ,
    . You can contact us via e – mail:
    [email protected]
    We can help you get this loan if you are honest person ,
    . And if you need a loan urgently be honest and obey our rules and regulations .
    To proceed ,we want ypou tpo fill the information below sincerely :

    Full name…………………
    Country …………………..
    State ……………………..
    Address ……………………
    Sex ………………………
    State …………..
    Monthly income ……..
    Phone ………….
    The loan amount is required as ……………
    Loan Length…………………………….
    What is your occupation…………………….
    Loan Purpose ……………………………….
    Have you apply before………………………

    Waiting for your prompt response so that we can continue

    Thank you and God bless
    Great Universal Loan Company

  121. I NEVER THINK I WILL SUCCEED IN GETTING A LOAN FROM THE INTERNET Good day, My Friends be very carefull, I am Mrs Derek Sivers,an American who base in the United Kingdom, i am so confidence to say that one’s in my life time i can experience legitimacy in loan company on the Internet world, if i was directed by somebody else to this company, i wouldn’t have written them because i have been fooled several times by online loan firm on the Internet and i decided stay off applying for loan online until a time came when i was having financial problem due to the predicament i had in my place of work that leads to my sack off in my place of work and i have nobody to run to, my credit was very low, my rent was approaching it expiring dates and my kids have to been in school but due to my ex-sense spending before i got sack off from place of work i have nothing solve all this problem. I have no other option than to come online looking for online loan firm that will help me out of my financial problem and i came across a loan firm and i was scammed of 4,500 in my attempt of obtaining a loan from them and i almost committed suicide and i ask my self is the end of my life because i am a dieing mother of 4 kids to take care of, where will i get money to finance their education and pay my bills? all this are the questions that kept running inside my mind and became frustrated in the process of doing that and a words of encouragement came into me instantly saying it is not over yet, keep trying and you will definitely got in touch with your helper very soon and i stood up and said i will give this a last try and if nothing happens that means their is know hope for me any longer. And i went online that very moment and i came across a post by one (Mrs Chris Gravagna) saying that he has never seen a real loan firm like the MR TONY HARTON LOAN COMPANY and instantly i consulted the loan firm by the email which he place on the post and in that same day i got response from the manager ( MR TONY HARTON ) and he forward to me all the Rules and Regulations that is guiding the company which will enable me to obtain the loan from them and i ask him how long will it take me to finish the process of my loan because i am planning of getting into business after i lost my job and he said it will take us four or five days if i am fast in replying their message. I as him, hope i am not going send any money to them because i was told here in my country that i shouldn’t send any money in getting a loan and he replied by saying that it surprise him when i said that because their is no loan firm online who will render service to a loan seeker without him/her paying anything upfront. It sound very hurt to his hearing and he took it as a pain and explained everything to me and when i have a rethink about it i discovered it was true and that was were those false loan firm took advantage in defrauding people of their had earn money and he gave me his words that i should go on with them and he will took me by surprise that they are truly for real and i went on and apply for a business loan of $90,000.00 USD for the duration of 6years and i paid all the charges that are needed to be paid and like he said he is going to surprise me, that was what he did, it was then i knew that there are still real loan company on the internet otherwise i wouldn’t have known. here is the consultation address: [email protected],if you want to consult them for more information


    Mrs Derek Sivers,

  122. TESTIMONY Hello my name is Anna Anderson from United Kingdom, I never believe in love spells until I experience Dr.HOODOO, and after he cast a love spell for me, my Ex husband who left me and 2 of our kids for 3years called me to apologize for the pain that he has caused me and till today we are living a happy family, if you need a right place to solve your problems contact DR HOODOO is the right choice. he is a great man that have been casting spells with years of experience, and his spell is absolutely harm free. he cast spells for different purposes like: (1)If you want your ex back. (2) if you always have bad dreams. (3)You want to be promoted in your office. (4)You want women/ men to run after you. (5)If you want a child. (6)[You want to be rich. (7)You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (8)If you need financial assistance. (9)Herbal care Contact him today on:[email protected] Yours Sincerely, Anna Anderson.

  123. I am Mrs Jessica Vergas,i and my husband just got a
    loan from this company called MISS MONICA HOUSE OF LOAN INVESTMENT without
    we being scammed.i am so happy that after all this years we can still
    find our feet back again.i am so happy that now that we do not have a
    job we can find a way to live again and i want to tell every body that
    if you need financial help you can contact them via email at
    [email protected]

    Thanks for listen, may God help you too.


    Mrs Jessica Vergas

  124. Hello Everybody,

    My name is Mrs. Ben Janny. I live in USA and i am a happy woman today? and i told my self that any lender that rescue my family from our poor situation, i will refer any person that is looking for loan to him, he gave me happiness to me and my family, i was in need of a loan of $20,000.00 to start my life all over as i am a single mother with 3 kids I met this honest and GOD fearing man loan lender that help me with a loan of $20,000.00 U.S. Dollar, he is a GOD fearing man, if you are in need of loan and you will pay back the loan please contact him tell him that is Mrs. Ben Janny that refer you to him. Contact Mr. James Bone via email: ([email protected])


    Email:[email protected]

    Are you in need of urgent loan to clear your bill, start a business?
    HOLY MATRIMONY LOAN FINACIAL offers loans to Individual as
    well as company which ranges from

    We offer the following types of loans:
    *Personal Loans. *Business Loans.
    *Investments Loans. *Home Loan
    *Car Loan *Student Loan and many more…

    Email:.. [email protected]

    Rev John Ehichioya

  126. INTERESTED BORROWERS Loan Offer Apply now

    Dear Sir/Madam. Are You Desperately in need of a loan help? Have you
    be denied of a loan from your bank or any Financial Firm? Do you need
    financial assistance? Do you need a loan to pay off your bills or buy
    a home? Do you want to have a Business of your own and you need
    Financial Loan Help? Contact us today for your Financial Loan Help. We
    are willing to help you out on either Business or Personal Loan or any
    kind of Loan. Offer are Available Email us now on:
    E-mail:[email protected]

    Type Of Loan We Offer

    Investor loan
    Auto Loans
    Debt consolidation
    Business Loan
    Personal loan

    Borrowers Application form to be fill and return

    Names of applicants: ____________________
    Loan Amount requested: __________________
    Duration of Loan: _________________
    Purpose of loan: _______________________
    Address of applicant: _________________
    Occupation: __________________________
    City: ___________________________
    State: __________________________
    Country: __________________________
    Gender: _____________________
    Age: ________________________
    Telephone Number: ___________________________________

    Contact: E-mail:[email protected]
    C. E.O. Mr David Larsin

  127. Dear Investors/Financial Seekers.

    We are a Registered Private Investors/Loan Lender! Do you need FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE? Are you in financial mess OR debts? We offer loan at 3% interest rate within 1 year to 30 years repayment duration period to Individual and Companies that are in need of financial assistance and to any part of the world.

    We give out loans ranging from $5,000.00 to $500,000,000.00, CURRENCIES: USD, CAD, KWD, OMR, SGD, RUB, GBP, AUD, MYR, ZAR, IDR, UAH, PHP, EURO.

    Our loans are well insured for maximum security is our priority, Are you losing sleep at night worrying how to get a legit loan lender? Are you in poverty? Do you need financial assistance to set-up a business? We can assist you financially. We’ll help you get over those financial obstacles.

    Interested Individual OR Companies should contact us via:

    Email:{[email protected]}


    Lin Poh Loan Firm Team.


    I offer reliable and efficient loan services, at an affordable interest rate of 3%. For more information about our loan services, reach us today at ([email protected] (OR) [email protected] ) and we shall offer your any kind of loan. Starting from personal loans, commercial loans, business loans, medical and student loans, housing and automobile loans, real estate and mortgage loans, etc. We give out a minimum loan amount of $10,000.00 and a maximum loan amount of $50,000,000.00. Kindly forward your loan applications today, to enable you get a loan to sort out your financial problems.

    Best Regards.

  129. Hello, My People i am Mrs. Sandra D. Bents from Canada, God has bless me with two kids and a loving husband, I promise to share this because of God favor in my life,2months ago I was in desperate need of money so I thought of having a loan then I ran into wrong hands who claimed to be a loan lender not knowing he was a scam. he collected 2,000USD from me and refuse to email me since. then I was confuse, but God came to my rescue, one faithful day I went to church after the service I share idea with a friend and she introduce me to Lee Chang Loan Company she said she was given 50,000USD by Mr.Lee Chang , so I collected his email Address: [email protected] ,he told me the roles and regulation and I followed, then after processing of the Documents, he gave me my loan of 30,000POUNDS.

  130. Hello, i am Mr Daniel a private loan lender who gives life time opportunity loans. Do you need an urgent loan to clear your debts or you need a capital loan to improve your business?
    have you been rejected by banks and other financial agencies? Do you need a consolidation loan or a mortgage? search no more as we are here to make all your financial problems a thing of the past. We loan funds out to individuals in need of financial assistance, that have a bad credit or in need of money to pay bills,to invest on
    business at a rate of 2%. I want to use this medium to inform you that we render reliable and beneficiary assistance and will be willing to offer you a loan. So email us today on : [email protected] we await your swift response best regards mr Daniel…..

  131. Hello Every One,
    My Name is Mrs Helen william, i live in USA and life is worth living
    comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness
    shown to me this much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been
    going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a terrible
    accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a
    delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not afford
    the bill for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they turn
    me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i run to my father
    and he was not able to help, then when i was browsing through yahoo answers
    and i came across a loan lender Mr Lee Chang who provides loans at an
    affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the
    internet but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give
    it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan
    of $65,000 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is
    okay and can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me any
    more and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to my
    self that i will shout aloud to the world of the wonders of GOD to me
    through this GOD fearing lender Mr Lee Chang and i will advise anyone in
    genuine and serious need of loan to contact this GOD fearing man via
    email…leechangloancompany,[email protected] and i want you all to pray for
    this man for me And tell them, i Mrs Helen wiliam, referred you to them and your wish will
    be fulfilled…


  132. Hello Every One,
    My Name is Mrs Cindy Battye,, i live in USA and life is worth living comfortably for me and my family now and i really have never seen goodness shown to me this much in my life as i am a struggling mum with three kids and i have been going through a serious problem as my husband encountered a terrible accident last two weeks, and the doctors states that he needs to undergo a delicate surgery for him to be able to walk again and i could not afford the bills for his surgery then i went to the bank for a loan and they turn me down stating that i have no credit card, from there i run to my father and he was not able to help, then when i was browsing through yahoo answers and i came across a loan lender MR TONY HARTON,who provides loans at an affordable interest rate and i have been hearing about so many scams on the internet but at this my desperate situation, i had no choice than to give it an attempt and surprisingly it was all like a dream, i received a loan of $50,000 USD and i payed for my husband surgery and thank GOD today he is okay and can walk and is working and the burden is longer so much on me any more and we can feed well and my family is happy today and i said to my self that i will shout aloud to the world of the wonders of GOD to me through this GOD fearing lender MR TONY HARTON and i will advise anyone in genuine and serious need of loan to contact this GOD fearing man [email protected],and i want you all to pray for this man for me


    Mrs Cindy Battye,

  133. Welcome to Sunny Christ Loan Fund, we give out loans of all kinds. If you are in need of urgent loan kindly contact us now for your loan with instant approval for just 2% interest rate. APPLICATION FORM NAME……….. COUNTRY…….. AMOUNT…….. NUMBER……… ADDRESS…….. DURATION……. PURPOSE…….. Email:[email protected]) Direct Line:+9654986437

  134. Greetings..
    Please contact us for your secure and unsecured Loan at an Interest rate of 3%

    Is the difficulty of the economy affecting you this year, is your bank refuses to give you a loan

    for this year? If your answer is yes, then you need a loan. I’m Mr Lee Chang, the owner of a

    lending company We offer safe and secure loans at an interest rate of 3%.

    * Are you financially squeezed?
    * Do you seek funds to pay off credits and debts?
    * Do you seek finance to set up your own business?
    * Are you in need of private or business loans for various purposes?
    * Do you seek loans to carry out large projects?

    If you have any of the above problems, we can be of assistance to you but I want you to understand

    that we give out loans at the interest rate of 3%.

    * Borrow anything up to $95,000,000 USD.
    * Choose between 1 to 20 years to repay.
    * Choose between Monthly and Annual repayments Plan.
    * Flexible Loan Terms.
    Please if you are interested check back with us through this email

    address:[email protected]

    We promise a 100% guarantee that you will receive your loan at the end of this loan

    transaction.There is no security check, no credit check

    Lee Chang

  135. Loan Offer At 3% apply today good day Are you looking for a business loan, personal loan, home loan, etc.. Or were you refused a loan by a bank or any financial institution for one or more reasons. here is the right place for your loan solutions I am a private lender, I grant loans to companies and individuals at a low and affordable interest rate 3%. Interested? Contact us for the follow up processing of the loan and transfer within 48 hours; APPLICATION DETAILS Name Date of birth: Gender: Marital status: Address: City: Country: Phone: Loan Amount: Loan Duration: Net monthly income. CONTACT U.S.. [email protected]

  136. Good day.

    I can’t hide this great testimony that take place in my life I will love everyone to know it and be partaker that is why I always place it on answer, I am Mrs Sherell Fountain by name, I live in Texas, United State Of America, I want to thank (Mr.John Harrison) for his kindness upon my family life.

    I never knew that there is still nice lender like this on internet and earth here. Just some Months Back, I was in search for a loan of $50,000,00 as I was running out of money for feeding and rent. I was scammed $2,800 Dollars and I decided not to involve my self in such business again but a Friend of my introduced me to a loan firm due to my appearance and doings.

    And I told him that I am not interested of any loan deal anymore but he told me that there is still a nice lender who he will recommend me to, and I made a trial and I am most grateful lucky am I today, I was given a loan amount of $50,000.00usd, by this great Company (John Harrison Loan Company) managed by (Mr.John Harrison) If you are in need of a genuine or legit loan or financial assistance and you can be reliable and trusted of capable of paying back at the due time of the funds I will advice you to, contact him via: [email protected] And you will be free from scams in the internet.

    All thanks to Mr.John Harrison You are the one who remove me and my family out of poverty. The reason why i am doing this is that, i promise Mr.David Harrison that if i truly got my loan, i will advertize his company and bring customers to his company. Contact him now at ( [email protected] ) for the Loan you have been looking for..

    Head office==912 Coeur D Alene Avenue venice, CA 90291.united kingdom
    EMAIL:[email protected]
    This is a Christian and a charitable loan Organization formed to help
    people in need of help and such as financial help.
    So are you are going through financial difficulty ?
    Or you are in any financial mess?
    We give out loans from the range of $1,000 to $90,000,000 USD,at 2.0%
    interest rate Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our
    priority,ST MARK LOAN FIRM is a legitimate and well known
    British approved loan lending company.
    PREFIX {MR.,MRS.,MiSS.,DR.,etc.}

    If you are interested to obtain a loan from this loan firm
    kindly fill the application form and reply us back through our Email: [email protected]
    Thanks and Regards

  138. My Name Is Mrs Richard Carey I want You all To be careful there.nobody can help you here or even suggest how you can get financial help.any answer of a loan lender to your question,you MUST ignore,because they are SCAMS…real SCAMS…i was a victim of which i was ripped thousands of dollars…well thank God for a Tony Loan firm,I was referred to by my cousin,who is by name,Mr.Robert Paul Of pay day loan firm.They made my life a valuable one,and gave it a meaning.I was approved loan of $90,000.00 USD AND IN 28 HOURS after meeting up to their necessary requirements,my loan was deposited in my bank account.Though I was very nervous with the loan firm at the first place due to my previous bad experiences,especially when the issue of me settling the transfer charges came up,I hold on to my faith due to the fact that my relative referred me,got it cleared,and as God should have it.little did I know that my financial shortcomings has come to a final HALT .If not for that quick referral from a relative of that genuine source ,I would have regretted my total life,because at that point in time I just divorced the father of my daughter,and my daughter (Michael) was faced with a ” between life and death ” situation ..I was faced with her hospital bills and was also faced with foreclosure at my apartment.Details of the GOD SENT and RELIEVING source won’t be disclosed to you for now, for fear of impersonation ( because it has being discovered that some persons are not really in need of financial help,but are there to impersonate real loan lenders through their phone numbers and email accounts,and acting to be them where necessary to those in real need)…I couldn’t comment on your post because it was a public place and I fear you would fall into the hand of all these fraudulent loan officers (even in US) like how they ripped me off.You must be able to convince me real hard,and provide good proofs,before I can give you the full details of this legitimate loan officer..Their charge is very affordable and reliable compare to many out there,their interest rates just 2%,little documentation,and little credit check(irrespective of your credit score,but you MUST have a good and liable income source) His Name is MR TONY HARTON, Feel free to email him at his via Email:[email protected]”and you will be free from scams. thanks as you read the greatest testimony of my life.

    Mrs Richard Carey

  139. Mrs (Susan) from United state of
    America, i stayed in Alabama, and i have a broke
    up business, until i found this company email
    who help me to gain a loan for business,, and
    now i want to used this short medium to
    congratulate the above company for the fast and
    safe money they loan to me without any form of
    collateral, i loan 15,000,000,00 usd from the company
    to save my business and lots more, i saw their
    mail on the internet, everyone always give
    testimony for what they did, so i quickly
    contacted them and they all did everything for
    me without stress and my money was sent to
    my account 24hrs later, i was surprise and feel
    glad, now i now have a standard business
    control agent who help me, now i will advice
    those who need urgent loan to contact them at
    [email protected])
    they will help you immediately..

  140. Hello Dear value customers,

    Do you need an urgent loan to finance your business or in any purpose? we are certified and legitimate and international licensed loan lender We offer loans to Business firms, companies and individuals at an affordable interest rate of 3% , It might be a short or long term loan or even if you have poor credit, We shall process your loan as soon as we receive your application.

    we are an independent financial institution. We have built up an excellent reputation over the years in providing various types of loans to thousands of our customers. We Offer guaranteed loan services of any amount to citizens and non citizens we offer easy personal loans, commercial/business loan, car loan, leasing/equipment finance, debt consolidation loan, home loan, for all citizens and non-citizens with either a good or bad credit history. If you are interested in our above loan offer,let WORLDNATIONLOANFIRM, assist you today by filling the below information and return to us for more details.You can contact us with this email { [email protected] } We shall respond to you as soon as we receive your loan application details.

    Our aims is to provide the best to our customers and give them a secure service OUR PACKAGES INCLUDE: *Home Loan *Auto Loan *Mortgage Loan *Business Loan *International Loan *Personal Loan *And Much More.



    Full Name……………………….
    Loan Amount Needed……………………………..
    Gender; … …………………………….
    Religion :……………………………
    Province/ State :…………………………….
    City :.. ……………………………….
    Contact Address;… ………………………
    Occupation :…………………………………..
    Monthly Income ……………….
    Cell Phone Number :……………………
    Email :……………………………………… ..
    Purpose Of Loan :………………………….
    Have you apply before {yes or no}……………………..


    Samuel Maco

  141. Greetings to You,

    Getting a legitimate loan have always been a huge problem To clients who have financial needs. The issue of credit and collateral are something that clients are always worried about when seeking a loan from a legitimate lender. But FASCO LOAN FINANCE. has made that difference in the lending industry.FSACO LOAN FINANCE.. has been accredited by the lender’s council to give out loans to local and international clients at 3% rate . We have been given the privilege to meet your financial needs. The issue of credit shouldn’t stop you from getting the loan that you need.

    Our Services Include the Following:-
    *Investors Loans
    *Debt Consolidation
    *Second Mortgage
    *Business Loans
    *Personal Loans
    *International Loans
    No social security and no credit check, 100% Guarantee. All you have to do is let us know exactly what you want and we will surely make your dream come true. FASCO LOAN FINANCE. says YES when your banks say NO. Lastly, we fund small scale loan firm, intermediaries, small scale financial institutions for we have unlimited capital. For further details to go about procuring a loan from: Kindly respond immediately to this email:[email protected]


  142. My name is Doreen Downing a citizen of USA. i have been scammed by 20 different Internet international lender, they all promise to give me a loan after making me pay several fees which yield nothing and amounted to no positive result. i lost my hard earn money and it was a total of 28930USD. One day as i was browsing through the internet with tears on my eye i came across a testimony of man who was also scammed and eventually got linked to a legit loan company called Dennis Hopkins Finance Home where he finally got his loan, so i decided to contact the same loan company and then told them my story on how i have been scammed by 22 different lenders who did nothing but to course me more pain. I explain to the company by mail and all they told me was to cry no more because i will get my loan in their company and also i have made the right choice of contacting them. i filled the loan application form and proceeded with all that was requested of me and here i am today happy because MARC LOAN COMPANY HAS GIVEN ME A LOAN so i made a vow to my self that i will keep testifying on the internet on how i got my loan. Do you need a loan urgently kindly and quickly contact Marc loan company now for your loan via email: [email protected]

  143. GLOBER WORLD CAPITAL, This is a vibrant company to help individuals who are in need of
    financial crises and help them achieve their goals in life.
    If you are really in need of a loan, just let me know, we offer loans to individuals as well as organizations who have intentions of renovating houses and institutions, debt consolidation, re-financing and also establishment of business outfits. our obligation is helping the needy to gain financial stability in order to meet with the demands of living. We assure maximum security is our priority. E-mail:[email protected]

  144. Do you need Urgent loan? We give out loan to interested individuals who are seeking loan with good faith. Are you seriously in need of an urgent loan? then you are at the right place. We give out business loan,personal loan, contact us for your loan request to meet your demand and set out from financial problem.contact us today via email: [email protected]
    Thanks as we await your response
    Trust Guarantee Loan

  145. Hello,

    Here comes an affordable loan that will change your life forever, from Psmith Financial Services, a certified loan lender, we offer loan to individual and public sector that are in need of financial assistance in a low interest rate of just 2%. Bad credit acceptable, The conditions are very simple and considerate.The minimum amount you can borrow is $ 3,000.00

    Fault information if interested.

    1) Full names:
    2) Country:
    3) Address:
    4) State:
    5) Gender:
    6) Marital Status:
    7) Occupation:
    8) Phone number:
    10) Monthly income:
    11) Next of Kin:
    12) Loan Amount Needed:
    13) Duration of Loan:
    14) Purpose of the loan:

    Once you fill out the form above, I will send you my loan Terms and Conditions Asap in order for us to go e-mail:. psmithfinancialservices @ gmail.com, psfinancialservices @ hotmail.com.

    With regards,
    PSfin Services

  146. Hello every one please i quickly want to use this medium to shear a testimony on how God directed me to a real loan lender who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to get a loan on the internet and was scammed the sum of $2,300 i became so desperate in getting a loan from a legit loan lender online who will not add to my pains,then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently got a loan online, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Mr Ben Elliot who is the CEO BEN ELLIOT LOAN INVESTMENT So i applied for a loan sum of ($70,000.00) with low interest rate so the loan was approved easily without stress and all the preparations where made concerning the loan transfer and in less than three(3) days the loan was deposited into my bank account i thought it was a joke until i received a call from my bank that my account have been credited with $70,000.00 i became so happy that finally god have answered my prayers by directing me to a real loan lender who was able to grant my heart desires. big thanks to Mr Ben for making life reasonable for me so i am advising everybody who is interested in getting a loan to kindly contact him via email ([email protected]) that was how i was able to get my loan, so i was able to pay off my bills. So thanks as you took out time to read about my success story and i pray god will also do his will in your life
    I am Veronica by name.

  147. I am Ray Brandon from Florida, US. I was in need of loan to get a new agricultural truck and to settle my mortgage debt, I got access to the contact of a God sent lender (Dawn Corris) through some testimony of someone he had successfully processed loan for, So I decided to contact him, he processed the loan and I receive my loan amount of $25,000. I happy to say that if there anyone out there still seeking financial help, I would gladly advice that you contact him directly via his email: [email protected]

  148. @Dill –

    Yes, you will definitely be affected in Saskatchewan. In fact, projections are that Saskatchewan will be the hardest hit, and most aren’t expected to live, even if they wrap their whole house in saran wrap. Sorry.

  149. This was a good solid article! I have been telling folks for 2.5 years that the situation should be watched. We still have not heard the last of this and it will be interesting to follow the health issues. BTW when I was stationed in Japan part of my duties was providing medical care to some of the survivors of the nukes that was used on them in WWII.

  150. hi im Mr. S. Mellfunky from some random country without money I would like your info so I can give you free money just because I got too much money. You all need money right? Mr. james bond gave me the money i needed to set this up. he gave me over 1.845.589.644 usd because he stole it from MI6. Trust me this is totally legit! You should give me all your private personal details. from your IBAN number to the PIN so I can give you some of it.

    I did the same with Mr. Bond and ofcourse he made me a millionair in return! For free! All I need is your personal info. What could go wrong right?

    greetings from the white house

    S. Mellfunky

  151. This is ridiculous scare-mongering…and using duct tape in your house to keep outside air from getting in? Do these people know anything about radiation? That’s not how radiation works…not even in the slightest…and you can’t keep the air in your house from being replaced by outside air your house in not a vacuum…it doesn’t matter how much you tape “ducts” and “ac outlets” if you were actually able to seal your house you would suffocate and die (and this is not even remotely feasible anyway). Radiation does not transmit through air, there may be radioactive particles that are transmitted through plumes in the air but it is not the particles themselves that are dangerous but the unstable products of their nuclei which are released from said chemicals. Protons, neutrons and neutrinos are not stopped by walls, duct tape or plastic…basic basic science please read a middle school text on this stuff before scaring the hell out of people.

  152. Hello My Dear,
    i am Joni Dale from Los Angele’s in United State of America am testifying of a company that have human feeling and God fearing person, who i meet in yahoo answer in not less than 48 hours ,i was looking for a private Loan company where i can get a loan of about 190,000us dollars .so i saw someone testifying for a company that give her a loan of about 60,000us dollars within 24 banking hours’ Then i contact the company because i don’t believe in testimony, so i just say let me try if the company can help out of my financial problem, Mr. David Harrison mail me and he said i should fill the form that was send to me that will enable them proceed on the loan immediately and i did and i follow all the process with they give me , so to my greatest surprise the loan was transfer to my bank account not less than 24 hour. I don’t know the kind of financial problem that you are having or you are have a dream of having your own house. this is the company that can make your dream come true email them today at [email protected] and you will be happy as i am today


  153. @Lori –

    You’ve already doomed your child to a life of horror. Why does anyone have kids any more, when we know the world is going to end thanks to global warming and radiation and terrorism? You think there’s masks for 5 month olds? You think a 5 month old is going to leave a mask on??? There’s no protection. Face it, we’re dead already- we just haven’t accepted it.

  154. Hello

    I am Mrs Beatrice Adam,currently living in New jersey city,USA.I am a widow at the moment with three kids and i was stuck in a financial situation in may 2010 and i needed to refinance and pay my bills.I tried seeking loans from various loan firms both private and corporate but never with success,and most banks declined my credit.But as God would have it,I was introduced to a man of God a private loan lender by name Mr MARK SMITH who gave me a loan of $85,000USD and today am a business owner and my kids are doing well at the moment,if you must contact any firm with reference to securing a loan with low interest rate of 5% and better repayment plans and schedule,please contact Mr MARK SMITH.He doesn’t know that am doing this but am so happy now and i decided to let people know more about him and also i want God to bless him more.You can contact him through his email via: [email protected]

    (Mr Marksmith)

  155. Prevailing global wind patterns, according to wikipedia, dictate that anything ‘radiating’ from Japan would blow south-west…not east towards North America….but sure, why not all panic just in case?

  156. This is fake considering the reactor vessels didn’t blow up, there’s no way that reactor fuel pellets could enter the spent fuel pool since the reactor cores are intact. People need to educate themselves and not believe everything they see on idiot media.

  157. I am Mr. Okpe Endurance legitimate and reputable loan lender . We are a dynamic company with funds assistance.We loans from individuals in need of financial assistance that have bad credit or in need of money to pay bills , to invest on business.I want to use this medium to you inform you that we are a reliable and beneficiary assistance as be glad to offer you loan.Contact us via email : [email protected]

    Services rendered include , refinancing Home Improvement, Investment Loan , Auto Loans , debt consolidation , credit line , second mortgages , business loans, personal loans, car loan , car loan .

    Please write back if interested .

    FULL NAME ………
    SEX ……….
    AGE ……….
    COUNTRY ……….
    STATE ……….
    Monthly income ………
    The amount needed borrowings ………
    TERM LOAN ……

    I am waiting to hear from you anything.
    Mr. Okpe Endurance

  158. Great safety info, even though im freaking out anyways. But what about my baby, she’s only 5 months old. There’s no real safety measures for her, and the items you buy off ebay like the masks. What if we cant get those?

  159. Excellent safety information!

    East Coast winters are generally much worse than on the West Coast. Like right now with freezing temperatures.

    However, this is one of the few times I am actually glad to reside on the Atlantic Ocean side of the country.

    Please keep up this valuable service to others!

    Thank You & God Bless! :^)

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