By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges.
I have been wondering through the midst of this illegal alien crisis, I have been wondering why are we not seeing the 800 known FEMA camps being used to house these illegal alien immigrants. After all, the following paragraphs establish the fact that this is why the concept of FEMA camps came into being back in 1987. There is not a simple one sentence, or one paragraph answer to this question except to say the aftermath of what has begun serves to threaten every American citizen. In the following paragraphs I will systematically present the notion that there are two types of FEMA camps. There is the one FEMA camp for the present illegal aliens and there are the untouched 800 FEMA camps plus the use of public venues for you and me.
REX 84
When the REX 84 FEMA Camp program was created by people such as Lt. Col. Oliver North, who was both National Security Council White House Aide, and NSC liaison to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and John Brinkerhoff, the deputy director of “national preparedness” programs for FEMA’s role in the creation of the camps, our ultimate fate for future generations of Americans was sealed.
The existence of the Rex 84 plan was first revealed during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987, and subsequently reported by the Miami Herald on July 5, 1987.
” These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached.”
The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Since 1987 we have had an estimated 25-30 illegal aliens enter the United States and these camps were not used for “rounding up the mass exodus” of illegal aliens, nor, is this article suggesting that is what should have happened. Today, we have untold numbers crossing through the border. Estimates range from the government that there are merely 60,000 unaccompanied minors coming into the United States. Other observers believe that as many as 4 million may have illegally crossed the border since the beginning of this year. Regardless, the stable of 800 existing FEMA camps remain untouched.
NEWSFLASH: There Has Been a “Mass Exodus”
There has been a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens (who) have crossed the Mexican/US border. Why are they not being rounded up and detained in detention centers maintained by FEMA as established in REX 84 and reported in the news release in the Miami Herald? Instead, we are housing this mass exodus of illegal aliens in abandoned schools and buildings, warehouses, hotels and most interestingly, in make-shift prisons which can be hastily constructed.
I previously wrote an article in response to the intention of Congress to permit the military to indefinitely detain, without due process protections, American citizens for any reason, or for no reason whatsoever under the NDAA. In the previous article, I referenced the leaked memo from KBR manager, Bob Siefert, which was informing subcontractors to be prepared within 72 hours of notification to provide essential services to FEMA camps such as the installation of barbwire, blockades, personnel, food, water and sanitation services.
Below are some key provisions which are part of the impetus for activating the FEMA camps which are contained in the Siefert KBR memo.
“The Continental US will be broken up into five regions as indicated in the map below Services” will be required in each State within each region.” (Author’s note) Interestingly, the South was also broken up into five military districts during the military occupation of the South during the Reconstruction Era following the Civil War.
“(Contractors will) Establish services listed below within 72 hours for initial set-up and respond within 24 hours for incremental services. This is a CONTINGENCY PROJECT and it should be stressed that lead times will be short with critical requirements due to the nature of emergency responses. Subcontractors must be flexible and able to handle multiple, shifting priorities in an emergency environment.”
Additionally, the Siefert memo disturbingly calls for the installation of fencing and wire used for large scale detention of prisoners.
“Subcontractors will mobilize, transport, erect, install and demobilize temporary fencing, barricades, and associated equipment according to federal, state and local laws, codes and manufacturer installation instructions. The Subcontractor shall be able to mobilize and deploy key personnel(s) within four (4) hours of NTP to meet with KBR Site Manager at the Responder Support Camp (RSC) site in order to finalize the site design plan and acquire site specific design requirements and layout. Number of linear footage:
“Approximately 2,300LF for a 301 person camp after 36 hours of NTP”
“Approximately 3,600LF for 1,000 person camp after 72 hours of NTP”
The above timetables requested in responding to some unspecified crisis as well as fencing specifications listed above, is exactly what we are seeing in the construction of temporary FEMA detention centers in the above picture at Lindberg Field in San Diego and in several other locations around the Southwest.
The Seifert memo is significant because it demonstrates a number of facts being ignored in the mainstream media. First, the “sudden and surprising” immigration crisis is one in which this administration had been planning for this event since at least 2011. The present KBR facilities being used to detain illegal aliens are only needed to be temporary because these immigrants, according to Border Patrol sources, are being brought for time frames averaging 72-96 hours. The immigrants are processed and sent to “other” locations, and then the next group arrives.
The FEMA camps for illegal aliens are smaller and not as well staffed as the ones reserved for Americans. However, do not feel sorry for them, they get to shop at Walmart courtesy of your tax dollars. By the way, there are no kids here, just adult males.
Nobody is suggesting that these people should not be fed, they should, as they are human beings. The point is to expose the lies of the Obama administration in terms of the age composition of these immigrants. My Border Patrol source estimates that only 10% of illegal immigrants are unaccompanied minors.
No Worries, You As An American Citizen Will Not Lose Your Future Reservations
The FEMA detention facilities we are seeing utilized today do not match what we know about FEMA camp facilities. The present detention centers are the creation of the product described in the Seifert Memo. Our FEMA camps, the ones for American citizens are described below:
“The (FEMA) camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners.
Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold thousands of people”.
Your soon to be new accommodations are described in this PDF attachment, published by the Army (FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF) This is what an American FEMA camp looks like.
Whether you know it or not, your future reservations remain untouched by the present crisis. Soon it will be time to go on the vacation of your life. And this is how you will get there.
A Riddle
The United States military has the bulk of its fighting force in Afghanistan. Unknown to most Americans is the fact that there has been a mammoth and ongoing war game taking place off of nearly every inch of the three coastlines surrounding the United States. This has required a significant redeployment of Naval, Marine and Air Force assets to be in a constant state of military readiness. The conscious act of keeping most of our military deployed outside of the continental United States is significant. It relates to the present crisis as a big domino that is ready to fall and it speaks to how soon all us will get to visit our new homes.
Take a look at this map. It was originally published by the Navy in an AFAST document. These war games are so huge it has drawn the ire of the Congressional delegations of California, Oregon and Washington. I will be presenting this information in a future article and it ties in with what’s happening today as well as what lies ahead. Please allow me to present this as a riddle. Any guesses as to why this is taking place?
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