Only Thing Required For Evil To Prevail…
All That Is Required for Evil to Prevail Is for Good People to Do Nothing!
By: Joseph M. Lenard
It is cited that 50-60% of all Christians do not Vote. Many of (supposedly 40% of) whom are not even Registered to Vote (Register to Vote, or print the form to get a Christian you know Registered in Michigan, or find your States’ forms via DuckDuckGo search)!
All that is required for Evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing! You’ve no doubt heard that quote already in some of its various paraphrased forms.
If you are not familiar with the phrase: Bread and Circuses to appease the peasants, you’d better become acquainted with it quick….
When are you going to stop watching the Circus distractions and get involved? Or are you sitting idly by until there is no bread in the “Bread and Circus” equation?
I know, I know, YOU ARE TOO BUSY…
[I’m betting if this is NOT YOU (because you’re already involved, finding at least some time here and there) then YOU likely know someone that needs to hear/see/read this message?!?!? Please cut/paste the link from the Browser address bar into and email to send to them or send it @ them on one of the Social Media Platforms]
You are busy raising a family, well your Children will not have the American Dream if you do not get off your hind-side and help ensure it will still be here for them when they grow up – rather than nothing but dystopian nightmare if FASCICRATS (and far too many RINO enablers) continue us down the road (eve) of destruction!
How about the Movie, ‘ey? Great! Yup, you just spent what? 90 minutes (and how much for tickets and concessions if you did so at the Theater) on something that provided a brief respite of distraction that will not really have real impact on your life during which time you could have instead done something productive to make America great again. Yes, yes, yes, I do indeed still watch an occasional movie too, we need a break from time-to-time, but I’m addressing those here that spend all their time in fantasy and none in dealing with reality.
VIDEO (6m 2s): Are we still a Judeo/Christian Nation? Keeping Christ in Christmas:
Yup, I know, that NFL game (full of disrespecting buffoons kneeling for the Anthem) is really important!! Unless your employment is somehow directly impacted by having a Game played locally (Bars, Restaurants, Security, Parking Lots, in the Game Vendors, etc.) That 2.5 hours, or more, helps those destroying your rights more time to do so while you are distracted and not paying attention…
so… You… *YOU*…have to stop making excuses (especially if you have School age Children and the Schools are polluting our Children’s minds with reading assignments with porn in them, Critical Race Theory causing rise (not reducing) racism in America again, etc.) ….
VIDEO (4m 54s): Were the Founders Religious?…
But good people need to stop and think before acting, not shoot ourselves in the foot in the process…
OK, I’m going to vent…. Rant and rave time…
1st, hey, I am not perfect, I have made mistakes, but I want to learn if I may be wrong on something and use logic/reason in decisions not emotional hysterics.
For those of you who know me you already know I’ve been involved in Politics since 1978, and fighting FASCICRATS and RINOs alike… Well, sadly, now add to those “some” (not all) some clueless newbies! You know any of them? Claim to be Constitutionalists, but clear they never read it, but hey they feel they are an expert just because they stayed at a Holiday Inn Express (as the joke goes)!
These buffoons (to use an analogy) that decided I’m going to get a gun, and declare themself a marksman before ever handling a weapon and are a danger to themselves as well as those they claim to want to protect around them. Wildly shooting at anything that moves! Eager and happy to shoot themself in their own foot.
They’ll whine about RINOs, but eager to sign onto virtually anything, in the name of “doing something” that if they had any clue and someone else did it, they would label a RINO for doing it. But, hey, they been involved a whole 5 minutes, clearly they are now experts at all things related to politics and political issues.
Yes, my Friends, Snowflakes hopped up on their feelings and desire to do something, do anything, even if it is contradictory to their stated goals/intent. You know the saying: Often the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I don’t give a damn about your intentions, what matters is actual language of Bills/Petitions you’re supporting and what they will actually do versus the spin they’re selling just to feel good about their finally getting their Ass off their Couch.
VIDEO (10m 1s): Would you give me Permission to Punch you in the Face 28 days in a Row rather than 365 days? NO! I do NOT have Authority to Punch you ANY NUMBER OF TIMES…
And, YES, while I am asking you to work with and within the GOP, you will not see me, now, ever, claiming Republicans are perfect! Far from it. We have plenty of RINOs we have to unseat too! I am saying to really make a difference you need to be involved as a Delegate.
If you are tired of RINOs mouthing a few words about election integrity reforms on Monday but then spend the rest of the week trying to scuttle it???? If your response is to quit, surrender, then you are part of the problem, they expect you to go away and you are just obliging them and allowing their continued power/control… Your response must be to be more involved not less! You need be more involved, as a GOP Delegate, to #DrainTheSwamp at the local, state, and federal, level (of CINOs, RINOs, and FASCICRATS, alike) …
Do you know the story of Pastor Artur (the Calgary Priest arrested for resisting the MASKtapo)? If not, yes, you’re not in that position, but did you knuckle under and allow your Church to be forced closed in violation of our Rights, you should listen to that linked WAAM Radio broadcast to learn more.
What about Running for Office?!?!? No, don’t laugh, SERIOUSLY?!?! I know, not everyone can go that far. Thankfully, however, these past couple of cycles we’ve seen more “average folks” (that we need in Government, versus more Politicians and/or Lawyers) that have.
I’m not necessarily talking for U. S. Senate, we’ve all seen the supposed “outsiders” crash and burn – biting off way more than they could chew (including John James here in Michigan, who did just get elected to the U. S. House this cycle); we all seen Herschel crash and burn just a few days ago. But what about School Board, City Council, County Commission, are all things that can be held by people with regular Jobs. And perhaps we’ll work you up for you State House or Senate.
Yes, I know of what I speak, as I have indeed run for Office a few times (Joseph M Lenard for MI-House Candidate (ignore the old ACLU reference, those were different times – these day’s I support the ACLJ and Michigan’s Great Lakes Justice Center “conservative” organizations)). And if you check out my old (now archived) Candidate website you’ll see even back in the 1990’s I was pushing for Election reforms! And, yes, I ran in deep-blue Wayne County knowing the District I was running in would not able to Win – that didn’t stop me, nor should it stop you. It can be even more incentive, why? Cuz if you know you’re not going to Win, you can REALLY PUSH THE ENVELOPE and try to move the Overton Window to the Right (challenge a RINO in a Primary too, push the envelope Conservative-ward)!
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
author: Terror Strikes (buy)
12CDRC, Wayne12, Committees member
W12 Newsletter Editor Wayne-12CDRC Newsletter
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Taylor (MI) Republicans Club TRC Michigan Webmaster
Terror Strikes book (B4IN write-up)
(Click on image to find out more)
Terror Strikes video Trailer:
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