ER Editor: It’s linked to below, but we do recommend checking out this Amnesty report on the Great March of Return published in 2018 —
A taste:
This year has marked 11 years since Israel imposed a land, air and sea blockade on the Gaza Strip. The United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), among others, have characterized Israel’s closure policy as “collective punishment” and called for Israel to lift its closure. Under Israel’s illegal blockade, movement of people and goods is severely restricted and the majority of exports and imports of raw materials have been banned. Travel through the Erez Crossing, Gaza’s passenger crossing to Israel, the West Bank, and the outside world, is limited to what the Israeli military calls “exceptional humanitarian cases”, meaning mainly those with significant health issues and their companions, and prominent businesspeople. Meanwhile, since 2013, Egypt has imposed tight restrictions on the Rafah crossing, keeping it closed most of this time.
Over the last 11 years, civilians in the Gaza Strip, 70% of whom are registered refugees from areas that now constitute Israel, have suffered the devastating consequences of Israel’s illegal blockade in addition to three wars that have also taken a heavy toll on essential infrastructure and further debilitated Gaza’s health system and economy. As a result, Gaza’s economy has sharply declined, leaving its population almost entirely dependent on international aid. Gaza now has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world at 44%.
Middle East Monitor (MEMO) has put some links to other reports in their text. We’re leaving those links in.
Notice that journalist and author Ramzy Baroud talks about the symbolism of the TIMING of this attack on Israeli territory. We offer another one: 17. Gaza has been hermetically sealed off for 17 years. Certain readers will understand this.
We believe this entire Israel-Hamas episode, which is still ongoing, has changed irrevocably not only the psychological relationship between Israel and Palestinians, as Baroud argues below, but also that of the global audience and Israeli-Palestine relations, putting it in the cold light of day, on a reality-based level. And it’s about time.
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You yourself printed in the above article: “Instead of striking at Israel using the many tunnels under Gaza, they simply drove, paraglided, paddled by sea and, in many cases, walked across the nominal border.” In doing so you unwittingly admitted that the border was nowhere near as closed as you claim, and that your above article is largely fabricated, not even mentioning that Gaza was once very open but Gaza citizenry abused the situation, as ‘good’ i.e. sincere, Islam-followers will do because their religion is violent and espouses the same against the ‘infidels’- (anyone who doesn’t believe the way they do”). The goal of Islam is to subdue the world in submission to “allah” and you can read that for yourself in the Quran.
The following quote appears true: “I see the “open air prison” line on Gaza is gaining traction in the discourse. To the extent that the phrase reflects some reality, this too is the fault of Hamas. Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza in the mid-2000s. ‘Land for peace.’ Their reward for this massive concession was the local populace electing Hamas, burning down Israeli infrastructure and lobbing rockets and attacks into Israel. A dangerous, genocidal terrorist regime is the government of Gaza. Of course its borders — including its borders with the Arab state of Egypt — will be closed and militarized. The “victimhood” story is bogus and the vast majority of hardships faced by Gazans have been directly caused or deeply exacerbated by Hamas. Gazans chose Hamas, lopsidedly support Hamas, celebrate the deaths of innocents, and train their children to hate Jews. So there’s also some evil agency there. Israel is still right to bend over backward to avoid civilian casualties. Hamas, of course, intentionally inflicts civilian casualties as a matter of official policy.”