Operation Gotham Shield … Legit Exercise or False Flag Opportunity?

Feds to Conduct "Operation Gotham Shield" Simulating 10kt Nuke Yield over NYC/NJ

By: Roger Landry (TLB)

War is raging in Syria and across the middle east. Saber rattling is escalating out of control with Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. The world is a tinder box and the USA is a flamethrower! The last time there was this much global tension was just before the outbreak of WW II, and as those of us who are aware are certain of … History DOES repeat it self (by design) quite often.

Global turmoil is a mild description for what we are seeing, but in this authors opinion … it is a choreographed symphony of events leading towards a global war that can only result in currency reset and global governance. The biggest impediment in the path of a New World Order or global governance is the good old USA, and this has been stated numerous times by The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR), at Bilderberg gatherings and other such elitist or oligarchical based and controlled forums.

So America must be brought to her knees before the NWO can truly exist … OK … Enter false flag events and illegal or unwarranted war. The war component is already playing out in spades real-time. The false flag events have been a part of our lives for far longer than most will ever admit. But lets deal with the mother of all false flag events that started America on its current trajectory of warmongering and economic ruination … 9/11. Since 9/11 an estimated 6-8 trillion dollars has been (directly or indirectly) spent on the manufactured war on terror, almost $3 trillion has gone missing from the Pentagon … approximate total equals about half (or more) of the entire US national debt of $20 Trillion. America (read We The People) is being played like a Stradivarius … in perfect tune with an elitist agenda … and the crescendo is swiftly drawing near …

America is well past due for another huge false flag event, enter exercise Gotham Shield … The scenario is current with threats a large American population center could face in these chaotic times. The reality is based on a world at the brink of war … and some could/would argue that this is a responsible action by a government that must be prepared for just such a scenario, this is not a point of contention! But how many related drills were being conducted when Sandy hook took place, when 9/11 took place … etc…

I am not going to guarantee tyranny in association with this exercise, and sincerely hope it is merely what it portends to be … BUT … These are times for diligence, for vigilance … for holding a corrupt and complicit government accountable, because the only losers in any possible destructive scenario related to the exercises described below … is in fact We The People.

The following video and links are from ODD Reality You Tube channel

Operation Gotham Shield in New York City and New Jersey on April 24th, 25th and 26th. 

Feds to Conduct “Operation Gotham Shield” Simulating 10kt Nuke Detonation over NYC/NJ Next Mon. & Tues.!:

Health Care Association of New Jersey (facebook post):

Gotham Shield 2017 PDF:

FEMA document about Gotham Shield http://www.gnyha.org/ResourceCenter/N…

Here on page 5 http://www.dhses.ny.gov/media/documen…

And this web cache:

Between April 18th thru May 5th, 2017, state, local, and federal organizations alike are planning for Operation Gotham Shield 2017 — a major nuclear detonation drill in the New York-New Jersey area, along with the U.S.-Canadian border. During this exercise, 4 nuclear devices, 2 of which are rendered “safe” during the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Vital Archer Exercise, and one successful 10kt detonation in the NYC/NJ area, along with one smaller detonation on the U.S./Canadian border are to take place.

Among the organizations involved are:

– U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
– U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
– U.S. Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO)
– U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
– U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
– U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM)
– State of New Jersey Office of Emergency Management
– State of New York Office of Emergency Management
– City of New York Office of Emergency Management

Along with many others… Operation Gotham Shield will also include other simultaneous drills and exercises:

– Vital Archer: The annual U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) exercise aligned to the counterterrorism response operations, including weapons of mass destruction, outside the contiguous United States

– Vibrant Response: U.S. Northern Command’s (USNORTHCOM) annual field training exercise for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosive consequence management forces designed to improve their ability to respond to catastrophic incidents

– Fuerzas Amigas: The United States and Mexico’s annual cross-border military operations exercise

– Ardent Sentry: The North American Aerospace Defense Command’s (NORAD) and USNORTHCOM’s major annual exercise focused on Defense Support of Civil Authorities

– Prominent Hunt: The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO) National Technical Nuclear Forensics Ground Collection Task Force’s annual exercise centered on assessing the United States’ capability to collect radioactive evidence in the immediate aftermath of a nuclear detonation

– Staunch Maple: The Canadian Joint Operations Command’s exercise to practice and improve Canadian Armed Forces’ ability to support other government departments and agencies in order to ensure the security and safety of Canada

The above video and related information (Operation Gotham Shield in New York City and New Jersey on April 24th, 25th and 26th) was originally created and published by ODD Reality and is republished here with permission.

My Parting Shot …


Roger LandryAbout the Author: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was less than seven short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of over a dozen proprietary global websites, media projects such as TLBTV, and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website TheLibertyBeacon.com


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