By: Daniel Taylor
Pennsylvania has become a battleground for 2nd amendment rights in the past year.
In Lancaster County Pennsylvania, Conoy Township is sending a clear signal to criminals who would victimize disarmed citizens.
As reported by Lancaster Online, The township is placing the signs on every road leading into the area. The sings read: “This is not a gun free zone.” County Township supervisor Stephen Mohr says that “You have to realize that to most people in this township God, guns, family and friends are the four most important things.”
So called “Gun free zones” across the nation have been notorious for mass shootings. Last year, the Crime Prevention Research Center released a report showing that from January 2009 to July 2014, 92% of mass shootings took place in gun free zones.
The sign posting comes as Pennsylvania capital city Harrisburg is facing a lawsuit against Houston-based U.S. Law Shield that would stop the city from enforcing unconstitutional gun ordinances. The ordinances in question, among others, allow the mayor to ban public possession of guns in a declared state of emergency and require gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms to police.
The lawsuit comes after the passage of Act 192 last year by Pennsylvania governor Tom Corbett, which allows law abiding, gun owning citizens to sue municipalities and challenge gun ordinances.
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See featured article and read comments here: http://www.oldthinkernews.com/2015/02/07/pennsylvania-township-posts-welcome-sign-defying-criminals-and-gun-grabbers-this-is-not-a-gun-free-zone/
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