Police To Use TSA-Style Scanners To Spy On People In Public Places
by MassPrivateI
TSA-style body scanners are coming to public spaces, and that should scare the hell out of everyone.
If you thought the NYPD’s Z-Backscatter vans and police mini-Z’s were intrusive, you have not seen anything yet.
Soon, nowhere will be safe from Big Brother’s prying eyes, as police prepare to use HEXWAVE to spy on people in public spaces.
[Watch this video….]
Last week the Salt Lake Tribune revealed that the Utah Attorney General and law enforcement are partnering with Liberty Defense, a 3D image scanning company that makes its money from scanning the public in real-time. (3D means capturing rich information (size, shape, depth) about the detection space. It can detect any material that has a physical form.)
Let’s start with their name — calling yourself Liberty Defense is an affront to liberty-minded Americans who do not want to be secretly spied on by Big Brother. Their tag line “Protecting Communities And Preserving Peace of Mind” is the exact opposite of what this device does.
Any device that is used to spy on the public is just that: a surveillance device. It is not a Defense of our Liberty.
As Fox Now 13 reported, police will use Liberty Defense’s, HEXWAVE to spy on people at mass gatherings like concerts, malls and stadiums.
“HEXWAVE could be deployed at mass gatherings like concerts, malls, stadiums, public transit stops and government buildings” Bill Riker, Liberty Defense’s CEO, said.
Over the past two years, I have warned people that TSA-style body scanners were turning public transit into mirror images of our airports by watchlisting and flagging suspicious people. But I could never have imagined that law enforcement would be putting them in malls and places of worship.
If you do not believe Fox News, then perhaps you will believe Liberty Defense, which openly admits that they want governments and businesses to put their 3D scanners in every public venue.
If you are still not sure about law enforcement’s plans to scan the public, then perhaps you will take the Utah AG’s office word for it.
According to the AG’s “Memorandum of Understanding” police plan to use HEXWAVE to scan the public for two years, in but not limited to:
1. Sporting & Concert Arenas, Stadiums and Olympic Venues;
2. Primary, Secondary and Higher Education Facilities;
3. Places of Worship, Facilities and Property Owned by or Affiliated with Faith Entities;
4. Government Offices, Buildings and Facilities;
5. Amusement Parks; and
6. Entertainment Events, Conventions, Shows & Festivals
Police will also use HEXWAVE to spy on the public during “non-business hours to get system exposure to the full range of potential operating conditions to include environmental, frequency/volume of use or other operating conditions to which HEXWAVE would be subjected.”
What does that mean? It means that law enforcement will be measuring public resistance to being scanned 24/7.
Liberty Defense CEO Bill Riker, worked for the Department of Defense and General Dynamics which speaks volumes about their desire to put 3D scanners everywhere.
It is unclear if Liberty Defense is a Homeland Security/DoD front, but one thing is certain: their desire to turn public venues into extensions of the police state could not be any clearer.
The spread of surveillance devices helps private corporations and law enforcement track and identify everyone; it does absolutely nothing to stop terrorism.
We must stop the spread of TSA-style body scanners before they are put in public transportation, convenient stores, public parks, etc.
(TLB) published this article from MassPrivateI Blog with our appreciation for the heads up.
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