Prosecutors Were Shocked To Learn Just How Badly Obama Had Lied To Them
Donald Trump blasted Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear agreement as the worst deal ever.
It was sold to the American people on the lie that it would stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
But a new report reveals just how badly Obama lied about the deal.
As part of the deal, the Obama administration had to release seven Iranian prisoners.
The Obama administration claimed the prisoners were not charged with being terrorists or for committing violent crimes.
Politico reports:
“When President Barack Obama announced the “one-time gesture” of releasing Iranian-born prisoners who “were not charged with terrorism or any violent offenses” last year, his administration presented the move as a modest trade-off for the greater good of the Iran nuclear agreement and Tehran’s pledge to free five Americans.
“Iran had a significantly higher number of individuals, of course, at the beginning of this negotiation that they would have liked to have seen released,” one senior Obama administration official told reporters in a background briefing arranged by the White House, adding that “we were able to winnow that down to these seven individuals, six of whom are Iranian-Americans.”
But this was a lie.
Four of the prisoners were connected to Iran’s ballistic missile program.
Politico also reports:
“Three allegedly were part of an illegal procurement network supplying Iran with U.S.-made microelectronics with applications in surface-to-air and cruise missiles like the kind Tehran test-fired recently, prompting a still-escalating exchange of threats with the Trump administration. Another was serving an eight-year sentence for conspiring to supply Iran with satellite technology and hardware. As part of the deal, U.S. officials even dropped their demand for $10 million that a jury said the aerospace engineer illegally received from Tehran.”
In addition, Obama released Seyed Abolfazl Shahab Jamili who had been charged with taking part in a conspiracy to acquire nuclear parts for Iran’s centrifuges.
Prosecutors were furious.
“When federal prosecutors and agents learned the true extent of the releases, many were shocked and angry. Some had spent years, if not decades, working to penetrate the global proliferation networks that allowed Iranian arms traders both to obtain crucial materials for Tehran’s illicit nuclear and ballistic missile programs and, in some cases, to provide dangerous materials to other countries.
“They didn’t just dismiss a bunch of innocent business guys,” said one former federal law enforcement supervisor centrally involved in the hunt for Iranian arms traffickers and nuclear smugglers. “And then they didn’t give a full story of it.”
In its determination to win support for the nuclear deal and prisoner swap from Tehran — and from Congress and the American people — the Obama administration did a lot more than just downplay the threats posed by the men it let off the hook, according to POLITICO’s findings.”
In addition, the Obama administration began to stall any prosecutions of Iranians involved with the rogue nation’s procurement networks.
Prosecutors were infuriated because it led to the loss of life.
Politico reports:
“And as far back as the fall of 2014, Obama administration officials began slow-walking some significant investigations and prosecutions of Iranian procurement networks operating in the U.S. These previously undisclosed findings are based on interviews with key participants at all levels of government and an extensive review of court records and other documents.
“Clearly, there was an embargo on any Iranian cases,” according to the former federal supervisor.
“Of course it pissed people off, but it’s more significant that these guys were freed, and that people were killed because of the actions of one of them,” the supervisor added, in reference to Ravan and the IED network.”
The Iran deal was a total disaster.
In fact, it may be Obama’s most shameful legacy.
And the American people are only now discovering the depths of Obama’s lies and treachery in executing this deal.
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This article (Prosecutors Were Shocked To Learn Just How Badly Obama Had Lied To Them) was originally created and published by American Patriot Daily and is republished here under “Fair Use” (see disclaimer below) with attribution to American Patriot Daily.
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